
Photography At Its Best

Adventures Of A Photographer I posted it before from another account

jon9639 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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34 Chs

Ch 5

Several hours passed as I went over through the spoils of the latest session, with satisfactory results for the client. And more importantly, for me, I added as I examined the pictures, blown up for maximum effect, revealing my landlady's delicious skin under the insufficient cover of the string bikini I had tricked her to wear. It was simply marvelous.

I could spend hours examining those pictures, but unfortunately, I had other things to do, such as food shopping. I quickly changed, my body stiff after sitting for hours in front of the computer, on an uncomfortable chair. I needed to but a decent chair, I murmured as I climbed the stairs.

I wasn't planning to dally around the house unless Nicole was around, but the view I met at the entrance changed my mind. Katie was alone, sitting on the kitchen table, looking stressed. The shopping wasn't as critical building up a rapport with her, I decided, walking towards her. "Hey, Katie," I said, trying to sound concerned. "Are you okay?"

Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't noticed my presence until I spoke. A jolt of panic passed over her face, her head turning towards me with an abject expression of panic, one that melt after she got a good look of my face. "You scared me," she murmured, her breathing still quick as she tried to reign her adrenaline.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you would be troubled enough to ignore my approach. I'm not easy to miss, after all."

A chuckle escaped her mouth. "You certainly aren't," she said.

"So, are you going to tell me the reason you seem lost?" I added.

"It's nothing," she murmured, trying to brush it off. With her sad expression and her wistful tone, the statement was hardly convincing.

"It's obvious that it's not the case. Why don't you tell me? Maybe I can help," I answered as I sat on the table, looking down on her. People usually missed the importance of relative positioning, but perching over someone gave a position of dominance that was hard to ignore. It wasn't an absolute advantage, of course, but when supported by appropriate mannerism, it worked perfectly, especially against a young and impressionable woman like her.

She continued to look closed until I leaned forward a bit more, brushing my fingers gently on her shoulder. That proved to be the key that unlocked her concerns. "I did something really stupid," she wailed.

A nineteen-years-old woman doing something stupid, truly a disaster that hadn't seen before. Unfortunately, needling her would be counterproductive, so I went with the kinder option. "Come on, I'm sure it's not as bad as it sounds."

"I told Madison that I have a boyfriend!" she said, an expression of total despair, but the reason of it avoided me completely.

"And this is bad, because…" I trailed.

"It's horrible, because I don't have a boyfriend, and she invited me to a group date!"

"It seems that I'm missing some subtext, why don't you calm down and explain it from scratch. Who is this Madison, and why do you care about her enough to panic."

"She is the lead cheerleader of the school. We used to be best friends, but then she got in the cheerleading team, and we drifted apart. However, today she was talking about how I wasn't ever going to have a boyfriend because I was a nerd, something snapped in me and I said I already have a boyfriend. But she knows I'm lying, so she invited me to a group date." Another wail escaped her mouth. "I'm going to be humiliated."

"That was it?" I said. She turned towards me in a display of wholehearted anger only a young woman who thought her valid suffering being trivialized could summon. I raised my hand in surrender. "Sorry, it's just that the solution is very simple. Why don't I just play your boyfriend."

"You would do that for me?" Katie said with a total shock, followed by a tight hug. "Thank you," she whispered repeatedly, her arms tight around my chest, but my attention was more on her breasts, pressing to my chest, showing that they were quite impressive, something I had missed due to her loose t-shirts. She let me go a few seconds later, her face burning bright, just realizing what she did, but I just smiled softly, not wanting to discourage her from initiating contact. "Can you be ready in fifteen minutes," she said as she dashed upstairs to prepare, not even waiting for my answer.

I walked down to change, my shopping trip delayed once again. A quick shower later, I was standing in the entrance, dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans. I didn't want to stand out too much. Katie didn't keep me waiting for too long, appearing at the top of the stairs a minute later. I whistled appreciatively, making her blush. She deserved it though. She was wearing a skirt that passed the middle of her thighs, revealing her thin yet fit legs, and a blouse that wrapped her tighter than her usual clothes. They were far from able to bring her full potential, which made me wish to take her shopping to wrap like a present, but unfortunately, it was not possible at the current point of time. "Ready?" I asked instead.

She nodded, her face intensifying its reddish tone under my attention. It was clear that she wasn't used to attention with her beauty hidden behind her nerdy appearance, making it far easier to penetrate her defences. Easy enough dissuade me from my nefarious objectives if I was a nicer person. Unfortunately for her, I was not.

"Let's go, then," I murmured, presenting my arm to her, which she looked in surprise. "It would look suspicious if you look too uncomfortable with my touch," I explained, which was technically correct, yet it didn't represent the reality. I wanted her to get used to physical contact. It would make the next step much easier.

Unaware of my nefarious reasoning, her hand gently pressed to my arm, a shy smile adorning her face. I didn't say anything, knowing the silence would affect her much stronger than any word I could come up with.

The silence lasted until we arrived at my car. "Milady," I said with an intentionally overdone show of respect as I opened the passenger side door for her.

"Thank you kind sir," she answered, followed by a giggle. She sat, and I walked to the drivers side. I started driving.

"So, how did we met?" I asked her after a brief discussion about our destination.

"What do you mean?" she asked, her confusion clear.

"I mean, when did I met you, when did we start dating at first, where was our first date…" I snorted. "These are some of the most common questions for a new couple. If we don't have an answer, it would be definitely suspicious."

"I didn't think of it," she said before stilling for a while. "I got it. We were in a French Fusion cooking class, and you came the class late, and the only place was next to me. Then, our hands touched and-" she went on, only to be cut by a chuckle.

"Hold your horses, honey," I cut her. "It's all well and good, but it's too interesting. Such a story will induce them to ask questions, and you never know which extra question could unravel the whole story."

"Sorry," she said, trying to get smaller in her seat in an effort to disappear. An interestingly exaggerated response being called for a small mistake, I noted with interest.

"There is nothing to be sorry about, everybody misses things from time to time. But for now, let's focus on crafting a small but robust story. How about if we met in a cafe. You saw the book I was reading, felt curious, and asked a question. We started talking, I invited you to join me, we talked for a couple of hours. Before leaving, I asked for your number. Two days later, I asked you for a date as well."

"It sounds so mundane…"

"Mundane is good, makes it much less suspicious. Most people tries to embellish their lies in a way that puts them in the best possible light, making easier to catch them."

She nodded, looking bummed. "I understand. What about the first date, then?" We were barely able to craft a coherent story at the remaining duration of the journey, a task that hadn't been helped by her desire to embellish the story, trying to make it a romantic comedy.

"We're here," I said as I parked the car. "Are you ready?" She nodded, though it wasn't exactly convincing with her panicked expression and her quickened breathing. "Perfect, let's go then," I said, knowing that sitting down and talking would only make her to focus on details, which was going to make her panic. Still, I wasn't too concerned with her excitement, which could be easily disguised as teenage love.

We started walking, and I took a hold of her hand. She looked startled. "You need to be more relaxed about casual physical contact," I warned her. "Reacting with panic when I touch you could give the game away."


"As I told you before, there's nothing to be sorry about, we just need you to get used to it." With that, I raised my finger, raising it towards her cheek. She froze like a cornered rabbit, tracking my fingers with her eyes, but I didn't let it dissuade me. It would be useful her to get used to my touch to sell the ruse. It was her unluckiness that I had other, more sinister objectives down the line. I pressed my finger on her cheek softly, dragging to the side, tracing her lips. Her mouth opened in reflex, betraying an underlying attraction.

I said nothing, just let my finger drop to her neck, dancing at the rhythm of her shivers, then pulled back. "Let's go," I said, wrapping my hand around hers once more, her heartbeat much stronger this time. No answer came, and we walked towards the restaurant we were supposed to meet, an Italian restaurant that could be deemed fine dining if one squinted hard enough. Still, well-outside the range of regular high school students. Probably another subtle bullying from Madison's part, who likely knew about Nicole's economic hardship. Still, I couldn't help but annoyed with her, as bullies weren't my favorite people.

As long as they didn't look like that, I corrected myself as we entered to the restaurant, and a red-haired beauty waved to us, calling Katie by her name. She was exquisite, perfect body, adorned by long, straight red hair. And she dressed to put her assets to the maximum effect, a non-existent skirt black skirt, complimented by a white shirt that left her stomach bare, both her toned legs and flat stomach betraying the long hours she had put to practice. I had a sinking suspicion that she had dressed like that to overshadow Katie, or maybe even humiliate her by stealing her boyfriend.

Too bad for her that I was a photographer, and had sufficient exposure to perfect female bodies for them to lose their shock value. I still enjoyed them immensely of course, but in a way that a gourmet enjoyed his food. Slowly, teasingly, and always with my own terms. Madison's little game was transparent from the first second, with the suggestive glance she threw to me, far too innocent to ever to be real. Still, I had to give her props. The plan was simple, but worked to her strengths, and had been likely to work. It was her unluckiness that she ran against me.

"Hello, I'm Madison," she gasped, stepping closer than necessary for a handshake, her chest pushed strategically to maximize the effect of her cleavage. I kept my gaze steadfastly on her eyes, amused with the frustration at the lack of success. She must have been used to success, manipulating her way through the schoolyard.

"Stephen," I answered succinctly before turning to her date, who didn't look exactly thrilled with her display of enthusiasm. Still, he gave no outward reaction as we repeated the ritual of greeting. I guessed he was afraid of dissatisfying his date. Big mistake, I thought. Girls like Madison seldom reacted positively to submissive attempts to satisfy them.

I stepped to Katie's side and pulled her chair, allowing her to sit before I moved to my own seat. "Thanks, honey," Katie murmured, the word of endearment that escaped her mouth shaky and forced.

"Not a problem, sweetheart," I answered, reaching across the table to caress her hand, mostly to tease her, though it helped to sell our ruse. This time, she managed not to act like my hand was made of hot steel. "I hope we didn't kept you waiting for too long, guys," I asked, deliberately turning to Madison's date instead of her. A flash of anger passed through her face at being ignored, but it failed to do anything other than amuse me.

With that, the dinner commenced, though it was more of a late lunch considering it was still quite early. I let the discussion slow around me, deflecting it away to Madison's date whenever she tried to bring it to me, other than answering the basic questions about how I met Katie. Her own date had been quite helpful in that regard. Like all football players, he was more than willing to talk about his latest heroic actions that snatched the victory from the jaws of defeat, obvious of Madison's artful attempts to silence him. I used that time to subtly pamper Katie, a touch here, a caress there, occasionally broken by a joke whispered into her ear that left her giggling in shy amusement.

Madison's anger was hard to hide when the dinner came to an end, though her date, true to every stereotype about football players, somehow managed to miss it. Her anger wasn't helped when I stood up and disappear when there was the time to pay the check. She looked victorious at first, obviously assuming I was trying to skip the pay. But her anger returned with interest when I returned and told them we could go. In a monumental display of stupidity, her date thanked me with an obvious relief, decorating Madison's anger with burning cherries.

"Guys, we are going to check this shop," I said, pointing at the first shop to the right, pulling Katie with me. I wanted to give the guy some space to be dumped in dignity. "So," I said after Madison and her unlucky date disappeared from the view. "What do you think?"

The answer came in the form of a tight hug, locking my arms before I could pull them out. "Thank you…" she whispered repeatedly. "It was amazing to see her face red with anger, not getting her way for once."

"It was a pleasure," I answered, pulling my arms out of their impromptu prison when she her grip loosened, only to wrap around her, patting her back slightly before I wrapped my arms around her, sliding towards the small of her back, but not any further, not wanting to make her aware of my real intentions. "So," I added a minute later with a chuckle. "Do you want to step out, or would you like to do some shopping first."

She looked around, only to blush immensely, realizing that we were in a lingerie shop. She ducked her burning face down, trying to bury herself in a vain attempt to hide. I chuckled and led her outside. "Thank you," she whispered once again.

"You're welcome, but don't let yourself relax, the game is not over yet."

"What do you mean?" she asked curiously. "Do you think Madison is going to come back?"

"I know she is," I added. "I know her type, accepting their defeat graciously is not something they are capable of. I'm willing to bet that she is going to find us in a few minutes, telling us a tale about how her boyfriend had an emergency call, and whether we could drop her off home."

"I don't think so," Katie answered. "That's too much even for Madison."

"What's the forfeit, if you're feeling that confident."

"I do your laundry for a week," she answered cheekily.

"It's a bit boring for my taste. Instead, why don't we say that you're going to follow my lead handling this Madison situation. I can still do your chores by he off-chance of your victory."

"Deal," she answered cheekily, sure of her victory, and we walked through the corridors of the mall, window-shopping. Until it was interrupted by the appearance of Madison, of course.

"Sorry guys, Brad had a last minute emergency and he had to leave early. Is it possible for you to drop me off to home Stephen. Mine is not that far away from Katie's." However, the details of her appearance made it even more interesting. She had a fresh make-up on, but that wasn't as interesting as her lack of a bra. I had to give it to her, her persistence was impressive.

Katie's mouth opened, her face flickering in anger first time for the evening, but a gaze was enough to silence her. "I don't think it would be a bother, don't you think so, honey."

"Really," Madison said in a forced display of joy. "Thanks, Katie, you're a doll as always."

Katie looked like she was about change her mind, but I squeezed her hand gently, reminding her about the bet she just lost. "Sure," she said, though her dissatisfaction was obvious. "It would be a pleasure."

We walked in the car, between their pointless bickering, only their beauty allowing me to listen their nonsensical arguments about school work and extracurricular activities. When we arrived at the car, Madison looked wistfully to the front seat, considering whether she could get away by sitting there without arousing Katie's ire, but Katie walked past her to took the seat.

"Aren't you going to open my door, Stephen," she said, with a fluttering smile, trying to display her bust to the maximum effect.

"You have hands, don't you," I answered, but this time, I let a teasing smile appear on my face, painting my rejection in a playful tone rather than my earlier dismissiveness. A fact she was aware of, if the mixture of satisfaction and frustration was any indicator. Satisfaction because she was finally making some inroads with her objective, frustration because she had a long way ahead of her. Yet, she decided a small reward was in order. She opened the door and stepped inside the car, however, it was a careless step, letting her skirt flutter freely, providing me with an arousing glance that informed me about her choice of underwear, a lacy, red piece that looked eerily transparent.

It was hard to keep the smile off my face as I walked around the car. Luckily, it was not something that was critical. Yes, it might make Katie a bit annoyed with me, but that required for her to understand the reason in the first place. I took the driver's seat and started the car, and soon, we were at the road. "So, Madison, where exactly is your house?"

"Mine is a bit farther than Katie's house, but it would make you drive the same road twice. I think it was easier for you to drop Katie first."

I didn't know what she normally expected from a statement like that, but luckily for her, it worked into my plans completely. Katie didn't look happy, but a glance from me was enough for her to understand. Smart girl. "I suppose," Katie answered with a perfectly exasperated voice. "It would be unfair for my boyfriend to suffer just because you had a shitty date."

The flash of anger on Madison's face was a sight to see, but she managed to suppress it in a few seconds. It wasn't gone entirely, the traces of fury was still dancing on her face, but a good attempt. Madison followed with another unkind comment, which Katie countered, and soon, their bickering start once again. Pointless, I would have deemed, especially with Katie proving she had a really mean tongue when needed, but the path Madison chose to get revenge was equally interesting. She was sitting behind Katie, who couldn't see her reflection from the angle. Same thing didn't apply to me however, so I had been treated to a long, lingering view of her as she parted her legs once more.

Then, we were at my new residence. "It was a fun outing," Katie said before making a slight gesture towards Madison. "Despite some unexpected irritants," she added. "Anyway, call me when you arrive home."

"Let me walk you to the door," I answered and left the car, driven by my ulterior motives as usual. The house had several bushes and trees around it, enough to obscure the pathway from the curious eyes of neighbors, but Madison could still see us in front of the door. It provided me with a unique opportunity, an opportunity that I had no intention of missing. "So, how was it," I whispered as we closed on the door.

"It was amazing, thank you very much. She went absolutely crazy," she said, her face flush with excitement, unable to keep her eyes on me, lost in the effect of the date. She stopped, her expression turning worried. "Be careful with her though, she might get a bit extreme to get even."

"Then, it's better if we show her just how deep is our relationship, right?" I said. She raised her head, her eyes wide, realizing what I was about to do, but it was too late. My lips were already hovering just an inch away from hers, and with her back pressing against the door, she had nowhere to pull back. Her lips parted in an expression of alarm, but my lips were already on hers before she could utter a word.

She stiffened in surprise, but I didn't let that deter me, knowing a second's focused attention was all that needed to plow through her reticence. My lips danced over hers, trying to coax her to join my dance. The first verse passed alone, but for the second, she joined, her movements unsure, trembling, but nevertheless participating. My arms around her waist tightened, pulling her tight across my body, feeling her out of control heartbeat on my skin.

When I pulled back, I met in a view that was enough to convince she was drunk if I hadn't been with her for the whole evening to see she hadn't had a drop of it. "My first kiss," she murmured in a haze, illuminating the reason of her shock. My smile turned up in intensity, excited to see that she was even more naive when it came to touch of a man. It would be an absolute delight to train her.

I let my hand slid down from her waist until my hand were resting on her ass, caressing gently. I was tempted to sank them deep as I leaned for another kiss, but that would push her too far too quick, risking to destroy all the progress I had made. "It's time for you to go inside," I said. Still in the haze of her shock, she had no will to reject. She turned obediently and opened the door. Still, I didn't let her go inside without one last molestation, a playful spank landing on her bottom as she was closing the door. The expression of shock, tainted by a measure of outrage, was delicious to watch.

The door slammed shut, and I walked back to the car. Madison was sitting on the front passenger seat, not missing the opportunity to increase the intimacy of the rest of the journey. Moreover, I could see that her shirt was carefully folded a couple times to make it even smaller, turning it into something little better than a special event variety bra. My tongue darted out, trying to moisten my drying lips. It was nice to have confirmation that her efforts to sabotage her rival's relationship was going to continue in her absence. Though it wasn't going to end like she hoped, because Katie was away, allowing me to bring the full range of my abilities into the game. She was in for an interesting surprise.

I sat on the driver's seat once more, struggling to hold back a comment about jealousy, but it was hard. Her expression, clouded in fury after the sight at the doorway was a sight to see. I couldn't even begin to guess the reason of the weird rivalry between them, not that it stopped me from abusing it though. "So, miss cheerleader, where do we go?"

She described the route, but it was hard to pay attention due to the way she leaned forward as she explained, her cleavage revealing top of her breasts, and the bottom hidden only for a loose interpretation of the word as the shirt stuck to it. Still, I hadn't said anything, just drove the direction she described.

"So, what exactly made you attracted to Katie. She is one of my best friends, but you had to admit that she is a bit plain," she said, her hand, slowly climbing up her leg in a way that made me to stop the car and ravage her in the middle of the road, leaving no doubt about the meaning she packed to the word plain.

"She has a spark," I answered. "There is something unique in her, one that calls to you." The annoyance on Madison's face was hilarious. She was just too easy to play. At that age, every girl had the absolute belief that only they were unique in a sea of conformist. Losing that title must have annoyed her.

"Really," she said as she casually reached for her phone. Too casually to be anything else than an attempt of distraction. So, naturally I watched her carefully from the corner of my eye, only to see an unfamiliar application flash on her screen. But it wasn't hard to understand its function, with a big, red, and familiar record button shining in the middle. Clever girl, but not clever enough, I noted as she placed the phone between us. It would have worked much better if she had done it as I said my farewells to Katie, or kept the phone away from my hand.

I waited until she looked outside, then carefully reached the phone, pressing to the power button, triggering a reset that would close all applications, including her voice recording app, all without making her aware. Then, I reached and put my hand over her leg, resting there gently. "Interesting accident, maybe you should be careful," Madison said, but her expression victorious, happy that she was finally having some results.

"What accident," I have answered as I let my hand climb higher dancing at the edge of her short skirt.

"Oh really," she answered. I said nothing in return, just pulled to the car to the side, leveraging the fact that we were currently traveling through a deserted opening with no car on sight. I let my seatbelt free, pushed the seat maximum to the back, and turned towards her, my hand still on her leg. I slid it further, pushing it under her skirt. "Why is your hand under my skirt, Stephen," she asked explicitly, playing for the recording that didn't exist anymore.

"You had been a restless bitch all day, my slutty cheerleader," I answered as my hand slid inside her panties, her eyes growing in shock. "You didn't think that you were going get away scott free after teasing me all day long, right?" With that, my fingers found her clit, twisting around, earning a cry of pleasure off her. It was loud and exaggerated, clearly playing for the recording, but I didn't let it discourage me, intending to turn them into real in a few minutes.

"Yes, Stephen, slide your fingers into my pussy," she exclaimed, trying to leave no doubt about what was going on. Of course, I was more than willing to leverage it.

"As you wish, slut," I answered and two of my fingers slid inside her tunnel. I didn't spend any time probing softly, pushed inside mercilessly, intending to punish her for her presumption to trick me, my thumb still circling her knob. Her mouth opened in shock, and a cry of pleasure escaped, this time much more genuine, though not as intense as I would've preferred. I pushed in and out rapidly, the build-up of pleasure obvious on her face.

"What are you doing?" she managed to murmur. "It feels-" she tried to continue, only to be overtaken by a moan.

"I'm not a bumbling high school student, my new toy," I answered, my beats focused on an extremely sensitive spot I managed to discover. "I know exactly how to tame an uppity bitch like you." An expression of outrage was clear on her face, but she wasn't able to say anything in response, busy trying to control her voice.

Her chest was moving attractively as she twisted with pleasure, and one of my hands were still free. It was an opportunity that shouldn't be missed, I have decided as I reached for her chest and pulled her blouse down, displaying her perfectly shaped tits to my attention. I wished that I had enough time to play with them for hours, showing the respect they deserved, but unfortunately, I was short of time. Delaying too much would have destroyed the progress I made with Katie. So, I grabbed her tits, sinking my fingers in the depths of her flesh, extracting another cry of pleasure from her.

Under my furious assault, it wasn't a surprise that she started to tremble in a merciless climax. However, I was yet to be convinced that she had been punished enough, so I continued her assault. "Stop," she managed to murmur, her eyes glazed with pleasure, but I continued. A second one didn't take long to arrive, damaging her already weakened foundations. Her cries rose unbidden, filling the car with a painful echo. She collapsed listlessly, her eyes barely open.

I chuckled and pulled my hand away, but not before I pulled down her panties as well. I deserved a trophy, after all. After that, I drove the rest of the direction she described, occasionally glancing at her pleasure-ravaged body, her tits marked with my attention still on display. "Nice display, I murmured as I pulled to the driveway of her house. Only then, her eyes popped open in shock, fixing her blouse, hiding her treasures away.

"Shit, that was close," she said, then turned towards me. "Give my panties back as well."

"Nope," I said in a cheerful manner, waving her panties. "I don't think I'll give them back. I deserved a trophy, after all."

She said nothing, just glanced to her phone. "So be it," she said, trying to sound haughty and impervious, but that was quite hard when one's face was still glowing with pleasure. "Keep them, after all, this is the only time you're going to see this," she added, gesturing to her body. "Maybe you can use it to masturbate miserably when sitting alone in your bed. And with that, she opened the door, picked up her phone, and stepped outside, walking as quick as she could without breaking to a run.

I chuckled and pulled back, taking a note to punish her for her impudence the next time we met…