
pertama jumpa cowok

Tác giả: Ros_Miati_7458
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What is pertama jumpa cowok

Đọc tiểu thuyết pertama jumpa cowok của tác giả Ros_Miati_7458 được xuất bản trên WebNovel....

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重生成了日月帝国九皇子,这时唐三还在准备安排女儿的未来,霍挂也在戴华斌的欺压下艰难成长,圣灵教宛如一柄利刃高悬头顶,大皇子徐天然也还未残废,正雄心勃勃地准备大展宏图。[独创同人异界征战流;反派有脑文] 徐烽:“这…咋整?” “叮,系统已启动,请选择斗罗主线任务:一,干死主角戴雨浩;二,搞死主角唐三! 若对选项有异议,请参考系统守则第一条:管杀不管埋,只发任务不问过程! 徐烽把整个系统守则一直扒拉到最底下,最后找到了一行微不可查的小字“最终解释权归本系统所有!” … 斗罗主线任务已选择完毕,系统已成功激活,请宿主选择武魂及附带的血脉:昊天锤(血脉修罗神);大脑(血脉盘古);光明圣龙(血脉银龙王)以及…一截残碑!选择后所产生的任何问题均由宿主自行负责! 徐烽暗暗咂舌,不愧是高冷型系统的风格,出手就是阔绰。 不过,这一截残碑是什么鬼? 凑数的吗?!! 斗罗、斗破、武动…未来还有自创世界 PS:第一卷看不下去建议跳到第二卷,第1卷后来写崩了。 第二卷卡在高XX潮 …… 希望大家建议能让本书更加好,有什么建议提出来都会积极采纳! Q群771244856 [QQ阅读第三编辑组签约作品] [日双更]

恒古星衍 · ACG
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142 Chs

Rummage Through The Past

"To study the past is to study the future" (An Archaeology qoutes of N. A. Gutierrez A. ) They say you can never change the past so all you can do is change your future. But what if you were given the chance to change the past. Would you change it or will you let the course of life in the past be repeated? Celestine Zuria Haward, half Pilipino, half Italian. Is a fresh graduate archaeologist. She's just new to this field yet familiar. Ever since she was 12, she was engrossed studying about the past, the medieval times. Normal teens enjoy their time but she doesn't. She never stops studying the Holy Roman Empire, she wants more than what she knows. After graduation she began her journey to Rome to increase her knowledge of the medieval period. She sets her time to search for the truth in the past but she never knows that her going to that place is the time when she can be brought back to the time she has long forgotten. Can she find true love in a time where love is only for chaste and marriage is without love because it is only for the position and power to benefit the kingdom? "Normal women fall for architects, doctors, engineers and other professional great men. But I, I fell for the emperor of the past. Will we meet again?" -Celestine Zuria Haward "Across the time and space we will meet again." -Emperor Charlemagne Let me take you back to the past and feel true love in a time when there is no real love and marriage is only for power. "Let the fate bring us together for the second time around"

01king_aurella · Lịch sử
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