
Perseverance- The Discovering Us Series - Book Three

Perseverance is the only way we will survive! This is book three in the Discovering Us series. Please be aware this book contains mature scenes of sexual and physical assault. And is the darkest of the three books in the series so far.

KLJenkins · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter Thirty

Tyler's POV

Well, last night didn't go as planned. Though it was nice. And I hope it means that we move forward now.

Weirdly I thought Zach would abstain from sex, you know until he blurted out that he felt like he cheated when in fact he was raped.

Though I guess I know why he thinks that way.

One thing he's never done is be with another man. Well in the sense of fucking another man. I think the closest he's got is giving Callum a blow job and last night. Though fingering Callum is far from fucking him.

I can sense he feels like he's being rejected. But I don't know why he feels that way. I mean he didn't just go on a weekend bender with them. He was taken, forcefully taken. Against his will.

Zach's mind works in a fucking weird way, that's, to say the least.

But I'll wait him out. He'll come around hopefully. Then he can get it off his chest and move past it before he self-destructs I hope.

Violets laying between Callum and me whilst Zach is spooning me and I can feel his morning hard-on press against my ass.

At least that hasn't changed. I laugh to myself. No his sexual appetite doesn't seem to have changed. And for that matter neither has Violets. Which I find a little disturbing.

After the way she was with the first time I expected her to be that shell of a person again. Yet she seems like she is stronger than even Zach is.

I can't wait till Christmas is over so she can start to see Carmen again. She needs it because I think she's hiding beneath the fact it happened again. Or maybe it's the baby.

Maybe the baby is helping her cope with the trauma or masking it.

Who fucking knows.

Would you want her the other way?

Fuck no.

I run my hand down the length of her body before bringing my palm over her stomach.

It's definitely changing. A small roundness protrudes whilst she's in this position on her side, the skin firm rather than the squishiness it normally would have felt like.

Our baby is in there and it's fucking moving a lot.

I wonder if she's felt the baby move yet?.

How could she not feel it? it's having a fucking morning rave or something.

Zach groans into my neck probably hating the fact he's up so early. It's seven am and I'm sure he wants to roll over and go back to sleep. Like he normally would. But it's Christmas and what better present could I give him but the one I'm feeling right now.

I know he's fully awake by the fact he's kissing my neck so I grab his hand placing it on the side of her tummy right where mine was. I place my hand over the top of his as he feels the baby.

"How the fuck is she sleeping through that?" He whispers into my neck as his lips brush my skin.

"Fuck knows" I laugh.

"Takes after you, fucking early riser."

"Callum wakes early too."

"Good, you two can do the morning roster while Violet and I do the nights."

"Might just work if she doesn't breastfeed" I laugh again, she's sleeping right through the baby kicking its way around her insides.

"It's fine, you two could always let her sleep and hold the kid on her breast" I almost snort loudly at the image he gives me. Would that even work?

I'm sure Violet would sleep through that too unless the baby had a nasty tooth or two.

"Morning" Callum rolls to face us.

"Baby's kicking up a storm in there," I tell him grabbing his hand and placing it by Zach's. He too feels our little one moving around.

"How the fuck is she still asleep?"

Zach and I laugh together having just had the same conversation.

"Pretty special huh?" He asks us and we both nod.

"We only ever felt Ivee a few times before she was born. But nothing like this. This one's a strong one" I tell him and he swallows looking away. I told him about Ivee and how she was born super early. He never seemed interested before but now I feel like I've said the wrong thing. And maybe I have, it can't be nice hearing about losses, especially late-term ones. Though I doubt this one would do such a thing now. It seems super happy and healthy in there.

"So, last night," Zach says leaning up to look over at Callum. Callum has that small smile tugging at his lips, the one I noticed he wore after he fucked me. He liked it.

"Yeah what of it?"

"Did it blow your mind?" Zach asks getting up from behind me.

"Sure, it was good."

"Just good Cal?"

"Stop teasing him Zach" he doesn't wanna scare him away already does he?

"It's okay Tyler. I actually liked it. Maybe one of you can fuck me next time" he kisses Violet's tummy and I know it's to hide the fact he has a deep crimson blush creeping over his cheeks.

"I'm sure one of us would be up to the task" Zach throws over his shoulder from the bathroom.

"Whenever you're ready" I chime in so Callum knows it's all on his terms. Just as it should be. Never before he's ready.

"I'm ready," he says looking right at me. Chills go down my arms as my body becomes excited at the thought.

My whole body craves to do such a thing, to take him for the first time.

"Maybe not right now, Carla has breakfast on the table by eight and we might need a little more than an hour," I tell him pulling his face to mine for a kiss.

He comes willingly and I still marvel at how different it is to have him willingly want to kiss me. I like it, he's not as rough as Zach but he still dominates how it ends up and I've always craved that. I think being submissive is just in my dna. And now that we have three headstrong people I don't have to be so dominating. Though I'm sure once Zach's back to normal I might just have to play that role sometimes. And I'm happy to do that because I'm not sure Callum will ever be comfortable in the playroom. And I'd miss it.

You never know though.

"Shall we wake her up and give her the ring? It's making me nervous. Even woke me from my fucking sleep" Zach says from the doorway standing in all his naked glory. My eyes rake over his figure and it doesn't escape my notice that he's lost some weight and still has a few bruises. And that stupid cut with the stitches on his ribs. He's removed the plaster and it is red and blue. My eyes stay on it for a few seconds too long. The anger welled up inside me that he got hurt that way, that I nearly lost him.

"Okay if you two keep looking at me like that I might just have to take the both of you before you even get out of the bed" we both laugh rising from the bed.

"Wouldn't you like that pet?" He does it again, stilling at my little nickname like he did last night and yesterday in the living room.

But the smile doesn't falter off his face so I try to ignore why he suddenly hates the fact I say it.

Maybe it's because he doesn't want to play and that's his play name. I'll have to try not to call him it but it's going to be hard.

"So who's doing it then?" Callum asks as the three of us stand at the end of the bed staring down at Violet.

Her hair splayed around her now she's laying on her back. Her breasts are sizeably bigger and again her stomach protrudes the slightest bit. But even so, I can see it now, it's like the bump come on overnight even if it's still tiny. And if you didn't know she was pregnant, you wouldn't jump straight to the conclusion.

"Your idea Callum," I say holding my hands up.

"Yep, you pull the short straw on this one. If she flips it's on you" Zach says reaching into the bedside drawer and handing him the small red leather box.

"That's great. Feed me to the wolf why don't you?"

"I'm sure she won't bite, much," I tell him.

"Don't be too sure Cal, angry sex with Violet isn't to be taken lightly."

"You would know right?"

"Yeah, at home on the sofa. Felt like she was ripping my shoulder to pieces as she bit me."

"Shouldn't have left me to fuck Tyler in the playroom then should you?" We all snap our heads around to Violet whose now leaning up on her arms. Callum moves his hand behind his back concealing the little box out of her view. How long has she been awake?

"Morning" we all squeak like we've been caught stealing candy from a baby or something.

"What are the three of you up to?"

"Oh, Callum will explain baby. Why don't you come here?" Zach holds his hand out for her and she scoots down the bed. Standing as she takes one of Zach's hands and one of mine.

"See it as your first gift," I tell her trying to scrap the worried look off her face.

She stands looking down at herself.

"Well that come overnight didn't it?" She says rubbing the bare skin of her stomach. And she's right standing up she looks pregnant. The little bump sitting between her tiny narrow hips.

"You look beautiful," Zach tells her and I have to agree nodding my head.

She looks up to Callum expectantly waiting for his response when he falls to one knee holding the back of his neck. Rubbing the skin raw.

"What are you doing Callum?"

"Well, apparently I picked the short straw. So here goes." He looks over to us then mutters "Don't know why you make the least romantic person do this but whatever."

"Short straw for what?" she asks stroking his face in that way she does when she's trying to calm someone down. She'll make a fucking good mother that's for sure.

"Well you've kind of got the three of us hooked on you so we thought why not make it a long-term thing?" She hums looking between the three of us when Zach grabs my hand pulling me to my knees as well. We're kind of sitting in front of her in a semi-circle when Cal brings the box in front of him opening the damn ring. And that's when her eyes pop looking frantically between the three of us at her feet.

"What Cal was trying to say is you're our queen and if you want we would like to be your kings Violet" she stares looking between the three of us and then to the ring and I'm seeing her confusion. Maybe I was wrong maybe he could have palmed the fucking rock off as a promise ring. I guess it's my turn now, seems as they have both fucked this up.

"Well that isn't cheesy at all is it Zach? What they both mean baby, is we would be honoured to spend the rest of our lives being solely yours, being faithful to our relationship and we would be honoured if you said yes. Would you marry us?" I say before these two neanderthals ruin a special moment for her. She looks between the three of us again before a single tear falls out of her left eye. I desperately want to wipe away her pain but then she falls to the floor in front of us.

"You really want to marry me? Be mine forever?"

"Yes," we all say in unison.

"Then yes. Yes, a hundred times over. No a thousand. Infinity" she laughs and so do we.

Callum takes the ring and we all kind of help put it on her ring finger clumsily. It fits like a glove though and I have to give Callum his merit there. The ring looks fucking good on her finger. Representing each of us and her.