
Perfectly Pregnant

LJBleyk · Thành thị
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4 Chs

Open Night

He didn't have to tell her twice.

She wasn't drunk. At least he didn't think that she was.

Sometimes curiosity and ignorance are the last two things that you need.

He smiled.

"Perhaps I made a mistake", he said in a sultry voice.

"No....I just....never mind", she said.

Yuri knew the only reason he was in that room, with a complete stranger, one whose name he hadn't even bothered to ask was because he needed an heir.

It had been a month since he got challenged. And in that time, he had already bragged about having a fiancee, a lie no doubt.

For one, his lie wasn't out in the open yet because he got caught on a secret date a week ago in Manhattan last month. A hoax that had somehow restored about 20% of his masculinity.

Anyway he had his business with her, especially after news broke out over them being a couple. He had invited her over for a proposition. If she agreed, she would become the wife of the most coveted man in LA. If she didn't, he'd find someone else ambitious enough to take the risk.

"I'm proposing a marriage of convenience. You get the name and fame like most models want, and I get an heir". Yuri went straight to the point. A slick brow rose up in contemplation and Yuri was sure she would agree.

She got, looked him in the eye and slapped him across the cheek.

"I did not put in all this hard work just be overlooked", she whispered before walking out.

Yuri sighed. Frustrated, he grabbed his keys and headed to a bar.

Pitch sighed in frustration as she looked around the bar for Marisa. The brat had basically sneaked out of the house and tagged her a location.

She grabbed a seat by the bar and tried to send a message. Just then, someone walked over

"Hi beautiful"

She looked up at the handsome man staring down at her

"Hi", she whispered back

""Can I?", he motioned yo the seats beside her. She nodded briefly and turned back to her phone.

Marisa, where are you?

There was a minute before the reply came.

Somewhere away from your ridiculous ass.

Pitch was beyond angry. She basically walked over to the counter and grabbed the glass with clear liquid in it. Without thinking much, she downed it. The bitter taste brought her back to reality and she regretted instantly.

Ten minutes later, Pitch hiccuped and yawned as she moved through the crowd. It felt impossible to make it out as she wobbled on her feet. Suddenly, she felt a hand on hers, guiding her through like a guardian angel. Smiling, she turned to face her savior. It was none other than Marisa. The smile quickly died.

After they safely made it out, she found herself being dragged into a parking lot where she was essentially shoved into a car. She barely registered any thing else and her fuzzy mind tried to keep up. After a life time, she found herself pushed onto some super soft sheets. She smiled as she spread her arms on it. Soon she was already knocked out. Smiling softly like the little drunk idiot that she was.

Marisa smiled at the man beside her.

"She's all yours, Fern. You know what to do". The man nodded and got to work. He set up the camera and positioned Pitch on the bed, turning her face do that it was visible in the camera. Once everything was set, Marisa smiled and headed for the door. She would finally be able to ruin Pitch's image and if things went smoothly, get her disowned.

Fern took off his shirt, ready for the 'consensual' sex he lived so much. He liked his women drugged up or drug because he hated resistance. He wanted to be able to go to the extremities without opposition and most sober women did oppose a lot. He smiled as he patted his pockets for his condom and then frowned.

Almost immediately, he went into the bathroom and started rummaging through the drawers. When he didn't find any. He headed to the parking lot to check his car.

Yuri was so drunk, he had no idea who was accompanying him. They got to the room and started undressing each other. They kissed and fondled till his head buzzed. He felt frustrated when he still couldn't get hard after minutes of kissing and touching. He got up and grabbed his clothes and headed out, no longer interested in a woman who wouldn't turn him on.

He stumbled towards the elevator and after walking for a good minute, suddenly founded himself in another room. The door had been left open, almost like an invitation and he vaguely saw someone sleeping so peacefully. He stepped inside, wobbling on his feet. This movement had him momentarily stumble backwards. There was a click and he heard the door lock behind him. He stepped towards the bed and stopped beside the figure on it. It was a woman and he watched her for a minute. She had a smirk on her face. And it was hot.

Yuri crawled beside her like a creep, admiring her features as she slept. She turned on her side and moaned something. He dropped the clothes he was still hanging on to and brought his face closer to hers. Her cologne engulfed him and he suddenly felt hard in his lower region.

This had never happened before and Yuri was intrigued. Without lifting a finger, she woman had somehow managed to turn him on.

'It's hot', she suddenly whispered. Yuri felt like a proud boyfriend that he wasn't as he pulled off her clothes. Her skin was so soft, almost like marshmallows in hot cocoa. He gulped when he saw her full breasts in her bra. She was gorgeous. There was absolutely no justification why he felt the need to touch her other than the fact that he was horny.

He kissed on top of her breasts making her squirm and unclasped the bra. Holding both hands above her head. Yuri knew he his fogged mind that he wouldn't be able to resist the urge to touch her. He groaned when she tried to turn, her knee grazing his groin. He felt sweat bead on his back as he tried to not go any further.

He gritted his teeth and then gave in to the delicious scent emanating from her. He kissed her ear and then her abdomen. Making sure to put his mouth to good use. She responded making all his reservations disappear. Yuri threw caution to the wind and allowed his desires to win.