
Percy Jackson : Greater Mysteries

Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. I didn't wish to be yanked out of my home to this not-so-fictional world filled with Gods and Monsters, Primordials, and whatnot, to become a demigod on top of all that. Yet, here I am. But hey, at least I got magic, so it's not all that bad. Oh, where are my manners? My name is Jayden, the Son of Hecate.

Lucien_Morningstar · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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7 Chs

The Beginning

Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood.

Classic line, right? Brings back memories and a punch of nostalgia that makes his eyes misty. But you know what the catch is? There's always a catch; the Fates were just that sadistic.

Look, really, I didn't want to be a half-blood. I didn't wish to be yanked out of my home to this not-so-fictional world filled with Gods and Monsters, Primordials, and whatnot, to become a demigod on top of all that. Seriously, why not a God? Whoever was responsible for my reincarnation couldn't afford to do that when they could bridge the Multiverse?

You may wonder why was he being so bitchy and ungrateful? Look, Jayden, many would dream to be in your place; becoming a demigod in Percy Jackson to meet their favourite characters and go on quests to save the world. It would have made many fans screaming in delight. Well, they were fools! Being a demigod was far from a happy reality. Especially when your senses were on drugs, making you notice every little thing and recall memories about discount sales that you were desperately waiting for in your previous life right in the middle of battles. Let's not even begin on the fact that he couldn't even read properly.

However, these were just the beginning pack that every demigod would get. From here on was the real kicker.

His new father was an abusive asshole who tried to vent his emotions on the closest and easiest target—him.

Of course, Jayden didn't put up with that asshole when he was able to finally resist. All it took was an overly curious teacher in preschool and a few accidental reveals of his scars and wounds. Then all hell broke loose. Media and Social Services and Police came crashing down on his father. It was all too satisfying to witness the look of fear on that asshole's face when retribution came knocking on the door. He won't be seeing the light of Freedom for the next ten years. Have that, you bastard!

After all legal procedures, Jayden was taken in by Social Workers who put him in Foster Care. His situation attracted a lot of attention as well as pity. It didn't take long for him to get into a Foster Home. But people were fickle and their sentiments were even more so. Only a few months before his first Foster Parents dropped him off back at the youth home with shame and resignation.

Jayden didn't stay there after that. At the age of seven, he became homeless in the Great Land of USA.

So yeah, that was the tragic backstory part. He got the premium demigod package.

Now the real question was why did he decided to run away? It was an incredibly stupid decision if his situation was normal, but as you know, his was anything but that.

All of this was happening around the time he absolutely confirmed what he really was—a half-blood. He always suspected the truth but the new Life had been a roller coaster for him to catch a breath and acknowledge the truth until his Foster Home. It didn't help that his bastard of a Father kept completely quiet about his mysterious mother who suddenly disappeared on them after she gave birth to him. In fact, any mention of her only absolutely enraged him all the more that he would beat him so much he couldn't walk for days. Those days were bad, really bad. But he was past it now. He was…

Anyway, where was he? Ah yes! The reasons. The second one was his mother. Yes, surprise, surprise! The mysterious mother who had abandoned him finally revealed herself. It actually happened in a dream of endless darkness where a lonely woman awaited him before a burning hearth. Take about cliché! Still, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, so beautiful that it was creepy and unnatural, or to be precise, inhumane. Inhumanity was the most apt description as the woman was the farthest thing from humanity. She was actually a Goddess. Not just any Goddess but Lady Magic herself!

His mother was Hecate. After curt and cold introduction, Hecate got straight to the point of explaining the truth of his heritage and the world he found himself in as much as she was allowed to. She never mentioned nor acknowledged what had happened to him. And he didn't speak a word to her, only nodding in understanding in even intervals between her expositions. If she noticed any abnormalities with him— which she probably indeed did—she made no mention of it. In the end, she passed a book to him, which had 'Basics of Magic by Hekate' written on it, while saying absolutely seriously. "You have to choose your path, Son." Then with a flash of light she was gone, dragging the dream down with her, the darkness shattering into pieces, all except the book which followed him back to reality.

Well, wasn't my mother a treat?

Regardless, her appearance was the final straw that broke the camel's back, and the moment he was back to reality from the dream, he immediately knew that by now he was a burning delicious beacon in the senses of every monster in the vicinity. By the way, how does this work? That once a Demigod came to know of their true nature, their scent would increase to a peak. What was the metaphysical principle behind this?

All in all, he couldn't stay there in the Youth home. The Social Workers had been so kind and caring to him. He didn't want to endanger them. So he left with nothing but some money and supplies as well as a map of the USA.

And that's how he ended up homeless in the USA, but things didn't get bad if he were to admit it. All thanks to the book his mother gave him. Written in Ancient Greek, he had no trouble understanding it, absorbing its contents like a sponge. The book introduced him to the world of Magic, guiding him to understand and master the basics of Arcane. It was extensive and detailed, filled with knowledge of Greater Mysteries, covering subjects from Transfiguration to basic spells, runes, and even an analysis of the true nature of Magic.

A whole new world opened up before him.

Jayden suspected the book was priceless. It allowed him to grasp the basics of Magic, upon which everything else would build. But you know what was more astonishing? It only took a few days to master the basics. Was that normal? It certainly wasn't in his previous life. Not only did he go through a whole new curriculum in just three days without prior knowledge, but he could also cast basic spells on his first tries.

On top of all that, he could even create new spells based on the learned subjects after understanding the true nature of Magic—that was the key to the Greater Mysteries, making the book all the more priceless.

Maybe his abnormal talent was normal because he was the son of the Goddess of Magic? He didn't really know.

He didn't bother asking his mother either.

Ultimately, Magic changed his life, making everything much easier and simpler. With it, he threw off social workers searching for him with worry and fear; it broke his heart to do so, but it was necessary. He also didn't alter their memories because not only would it probably be useless in the long run (his information was all written in the media and records), but also it didn't feel right. Maybe he would see them again someday in the far future, thanking them properly at that time.

Then Jayden faced America. With the Magic and Mist, he didn't need to worry about basic needs. From travel to food to accommodation, everything was simple to attain and borrow with tampering through Mist. He didn't need to always worry about Monsters finding him either since Mist could hide his scent from most of the Monsters. The real problem now was his destination.

Where should he go?

Camp Half-Blood would be the ideal destination. But Jayden wanted to learn more about Magic because no matter which world, Magic could be absolutely overpowered in the right hands. Riordanverse's magic had potential as well. From Runes that could alter reality to Spells that could destroy cosmic beings like Aphosis. It truly had a lot of potential, even though attaining any of it would be extremely hard, even impossible; at least, he should try considering the future of this world. Considering that, staying in Camp Half-Blood wouldn't certainly help in the long run.

But Traveling wasn't without danger. His spells weren't foolproof; monsters were still very much of a threat.

There were also Gods and Immortals as well. America should be filled with Western Pantheons, after all. He hadn't met any of immortal entities except his mother yet, but he was bound to run into immortal entities at some point. And in the face of their divine power, he doubted he would be able to put up much resistance.

Seriously, why a Half-Blood?

Still, Magic was cool. Jayden was thankful for that, at least. Praise Hecate, I know you are watching, mom!

Whatever his choice ultimately may be, here's to the American Dream, long dead though that maybe, Jayden still comes to realise it for himself.


September 22, 2000.

Three Months since becoming gloriously homeless.

Near the outskirts of Richmond, Virginia.

Shit, shit, shit! Jayden stayed absolutely still, his back against the trunk of a humongous tree, his figure shrouded in overgrown shrubs. Clouds in the night sky covered the moon and stars, allowing the shadows to rule over the forest and provide him even more cover in darkness.

"Demigod…" an eerie voice resounded through the trees, echoing jarringly. "Your feeble illusions barely amuse us. They might deceive the feeble minds of your Pantheon's ilk. But…" the voice grew ominous, a malevolent tone weaving through. "We hunger…" Sinister laughter emanated from the forest, surrounding him. "Hunger…" "Hunger…" "Hunger…"

At first, the words and laughter seemed like an echo of the eerie voice, but Jayden knew better. The very air stirred with their malevolent presences, pressing down on him as they neared. He was surrounded. He locked his knees within his arms to stop any trembling.

"You can't hide from us.." The eerie voice boomed, shaking the trees and ground slightly. "Today, brothers and sisters, we shall have a feast. A Greek feast!"

Roars and clangs of approval erupted from all around him. Their voices assaulted him collectively, trying to overwhelm his senses.

"Come out, little demigod."

"A Greek! It's been ages since I tasted one…"

"Rejoice, for today shall be a grand feast…"

"We know you are here…"

"Come out…"

"His brains are mine!"

"Come out…"

"I call for limbs!"

"Come out…"

"No, I want it!"

"Come out…"

From what little he managed to grasp as he ran away from them, they weren't any monsters he knew of. Whatever they were, they certainly weren't Greek, though, that was for sure.

Seriously, Jayden? this is why you should have wrapped up the teleportation spell instead of turning every stop into a photo shoot with your new camera! Jayden cursed his luck, but could you really blame him? America was beautiful. He wanted to capture everything with his new camera he took from a kind and generous retail store. He had hopped on a bus to Richmond, continuing his smooth and monster-free ride, which had given him ample time to work on new magics and rediscover his passion for traveling as well.

But just when he thought he would reach Richmond safely and got a little too comfortable—Big Mistake—Murphy came crashing down and kicked him in the ass, pushing him into the trail of these beings. He was completely in the dark about these beings, a great disadvantage from the very beginning.

When I reach Richmond, libraries shall be my new home. I am reading all mythologies, no matter what. Dyslexia be damned! At least his camera and his books were safe in his expanded pocket of his jacket; he didn't know what he would do if he lost them. Also, he noted, add Tyche to my praises. I am sure mom won't mind at all.

"Come out, there is no point..." The voices of unknown beings continued to assault his mind, trying to break his will and make him succumb. The dreadful fact was that they were succeeding as his thoughts took a pessimistic turn. Indeed, what was the point of all this? I didn't ask for any of this. It is good to give up and embrace Death…he bit his tongue harshly, a bitter iron taste immediately filled his mouth, but his mind briefly cleared through searing pain.

Jayden tried to analyse his situation, doing his best to ignore the burning in his mouth and blink away the tears. I am surrounded by those beings, and while they couldn't accurately pinpoint my location, they could sense my existence vaguely. Considering that, they are going to find my sooner or later. Illusions and tricks were useless against them. They have extraordinary sensory powers as well as auditory powers. I needed to watch out for their twisted voices. Cast a silence spell..no matter which path, a fight is unavoidable, but I didn't know what other powers they have. Information is not enough... his green eyes took on a haunting determination. Then it is better to grasp the element of surprise. If I am going to die here, I am going die with a bang!

Jayden stood up as discreetly as possible; all sounds he might have produced due to his movements were silenced by a rune engraved on his jacket. He was as still as a mouse as he emerged from behind the tree.

The forest greeted him, completely covered in the darkness of night, but his sight wasn't hindered. Magic swirled around his emerald irises, unseen and colourless, as he cast a enhancing spell directly to his vision.

Immediately, his irises narrowed as his vision sharpened immensely. The Black Forest brightened in his vision to reveal everything, from mosquitoes flying between nearby bushes to ants carrying pieces of food to their nest to the dark and intelligent eyes of a crow watching over everything intently from the edge of forest. Everything became clear and pristine like never before, revealing the layers of the world as it was, but Jayden didn't dare focus on any of that—only his vision was enhanced, not his mind; he could already feel the strain forming on the back of his head—he needed to end this as soon as possible.

Jayden solely turned his attention to those beings, their full appearance finally revealed to him. They were all around him, eleven of them, nearing his location with salivating mouths that showed their crooked and yellow teeth. They were humanoid and pale-skinned but filled with deformities to the point it was ridiculous; one had eyes on his neck and a gaping mouth on his fat stomach, another with flapping ears and pointed noses; there was one with an elongated neck almost like a giraffe; most had long and muscular limbs and legs, though. They were wearing only scraps of clothing to cover their private regions, and they each actually carried weapons, a wide range at that, from great clubs to crude shields to gigantic hammers.

Overall, their features seemed random or disproportionate, like their Creator wanted to create something perfect and better but got bored and distracted in the end, putting little effort into finishing the task.

Oh my God, Jayden grinned to reveal his bloody teeth, a crimson smile on his lips. They are so ugly!


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