
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Tranh châm biếm
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754 Chs

Gabriel Sounds the Doomsday Trumpet

"Gab, what's wrong with you?"

Raphiel sitting on the couch and watching Gabriel, realized something was amiss.

Even though there was distance between them and Gabriel's voice wasn't loud, so she couldn't hear exactly what she was saying, she could still sense her mood through the tone of her voice.

At least initially, it seemed like Gabriel was very happy, but as time passed, her mood seemed to deteriorate, and she wasn't even smiling anymore.

This unusual change made it hard not to suspect something.

"Nothing's wrong."

Gabriel took several deep breaths before reluctantly answering.

Before leaving this world, she thought about what it would be like if Ren left her.

Would it be impossible to live or something?

That's why she even went to see Mafuyu, hoping she could help take care of him.

But she never expected Ren's summer vacation life to be so "colorful", spending all day with different girls.

It's outrageous, those girls!

As for Ren, Gabriel was sure he didn't do it on purpose.

After all, based on his emotional intelligence and common sense, it was too much to say that he took the initiative to create this situation.

Therefore, the fault lay with the girls who chose to oppress Ren.

"Are you really okay?" Raphiel still seemed a little worried.

Especially since Gabriel's voice sounded very cold just now.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Gabriel turned and tried her best to smile at her.

It was impossible to tell Raphiel about something like this. Who knows if she would take the opportunity to do something?

"Okay, if you need help, just tell me."

After staring at her for a moment and realizing that nothing could be seen from her face, Raphiel stopped this useless guessing game.

She didn't want to say anything, no matter how strong she was, she couldn't just know the whole story like that.


Gabriel responded nonchalantly a few times, then turned around and continued reading the letter.

She had only read two-thirds of it, and there was still a small part she hadn't finished.

"No need to apologize, just write a reply for me."

"It's very difficult for me to write this letter. You must be happy."

Although she couldn't hear his answer right now, Gabriel still spoke in a low voice.

Then, she saw the last few lines of the letter.

[By the way, Gabriel, I have good news for you.]

[Kominami-senpai said that she will cook for me not only during the summer vacation, but she will also continue to cook for me in the future.]

[This way, you don't have to worry. You can keep sleeping in the morning, and it won't take your time to play games in the afternoon.]

[That's great!]

Signature: [Kamikawa Ren]


After reading the last part, Gabriel slowly put down the letter and took out her doomsday trumpet while smiling.

This world must be destroyed.

"Hey, Gabriel, what's going on?"

Raphiel, who had been watching here since earlier, immediately noticed the trumpet in Gabriel's hand and ran quickly.

The doomsday trumpet in her hand would announce the destruction of the world when blown.

This is not something that can be blown casually.

"Nothing's wrong, I just feel the need to practice playing the trumpet." Gabriel still had a thin smile on her face.

"You can't casually practice with this trumpet!" Raphiel complained, "And after you blow it, the world will be destroyed."

Gabriel said nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter, it only takes a blink of an eye for humans to be reborn."

"Where's your game? If the world is destroyed, the game you're playing will also disappear." Raphiel tried her best to persuade.

In situations like this, she had to handle it carefully.

If Gabriel really blew the trumpet, destroying the world would be a small matter, but Gabriel would be punished by heaven, which would be a big problem.

After all, the human world cannot be destroyed just like that.

Therefore, as Gabriel's good friend, she had to stop her from this dangerous action.

"In the future, I will miss the time I spent playing games in the human world." Gabriel remained unmoved.

"What about Kamikawa? Kamikawa is a human and still in the human world. If the human world is destroyed, Kamikawa will surely not survive."

Seeing that, Raphiel had no choice but to use her trump card.

Honestly, she didn't think Ren would disappear if the world was destroyed.

Ren came to heaven to deliver a message to them.

With such power, death is difficult.



Still quiet.

After a long time, Gabriel put away trumpet and sat back in the chair with anger.


Seeing this scene, Raphiel breathed a sigh of relief.

(Kamikawa, you saved the world and Gabriel)

"Now can you tell me why you wanted to blow the trumpet?" Raphiel asked with concern.

If her guess was correct, Gabriel's desire to blow the trumpet must be related to Ren.

"See for yourself."

Gabriel handed her the letter and said in a low tone.


Coincidentally, she also wanted to know what Ren had written to Gabriel.

So, Raphiel took the letter and read it quickly.

Since the letter wasn't long, she read it quickly.

"The summer vacation life in Kamikawa is really enjoyable..."

She withdrew what she said earlier, Ren saved the world and Gabriel. She should have said Ren, you almost destroyed the world.

"Yes, it's very enjoyable!!!" Gabriel said very approvingly, and also emphasized the pronunciation of the word "beautiful".

Actually, she could still accept Ren's earlier written summer vacation.

After all, as long as she came back, everything would still be hers.

At most, this only gave them a summer vacation.

Moreover, she was still in heaven and couldn't descend, so she'd better let them take care of Ren for her first.

But at the last point, she couldn't tolerate the fact that someone was competing with her to get the right to cook for Ren in the future.

There's no way she could just let go of such an important matter.

"So, Gab, what are you going to do?" Raphiel put down the letter and asked for her opinion.

"I haven't thought about it yet, but in short, it's very unlikely for me to let them continue to behave like this." Gabriel defined what they did to Ren as random acts.

Raphiel asked with a smile, "Do you need my help?"

"How can you help me?"

Gabriel turned to look at her.

"What if I manage to conquer Kamikawa first, then give him to you?" Raphiel said confidently.