
CHAPTER 1 : The Mystical Book

Flinching from reading a book when I felt a thing was hardly thrown at me and hit my head. With the impact of it, I almost lost my vision. But I ignored them, what made me frown is when I saw it was a book. I shortly glanced at the group of my classmates who were laughing at me.

I shrugged and get the book they threw. This one looks interesting though, the book cover is almost faded and I barely read the title that's why it caught my attention. To be honest, I was always hooked up by books like this, mostly those who aren't as good-looking outside shocked us the most when we read them. I smiled and put the book inside my bag, I'll read it at home.

I can still hear the screams, waves of laughter, and boos of my classmates but I didn't bother to glance at them, my time is precious and shouldn't be wasted by those people who lack attention.

Quickly wrap my things and get up when I heard the bell ring. I run out of the room and didn't bother to look when I bumped into some of my schoolmates. I'm always excited when I go home, especially if I brought a new book to read, and surely grandma cook a sweet snack for me.

When I was out of the university, I accidentally bump into an old man.

"I-I'm sorry Sir." I apologized. I may be rude to my classmates and schoolmates but not too old people. Every time I saw one, I always remember my grandma and they easily get my respect like how I respect my Grandma.

The old man just looks at me and continues to walk. Did I hurt him? They are the most vulnerable human beings and should be taken care of. I felt guilt run down inside me. I chased him.

"S-sir I'm sorry, do you want me to send you home? So you'll surely be safe." I suggested.

He glanced at me once again but this time from head to foot.

"You're a woman."

I quickly make a face. What's the problem with being a woman?

"You should go home now and take care of yourself instead, I can handle myself." He coldly replied before turning his back on me.

I shrugged and continued to walk my way home as I felt the excitement again. To be honest, I don't want to go to University and study, it was like I'm just wasting my time and limiting myself from learning new things.

When I arrived home, I was smiling widely when I saw my grandma. I immediately jump off and hug her.

She chuckled.

"How's school, Penelope?" She asked.

"Boring as usual Grandma. I told you I don't need to go to school." I replied as I sat at the table, I knew she cook something, and I can smell it.

But I didn't hear any response from her, instead, she put a plate of sugared sweet potatoes in front of me, just looking at it made me crave more.

"This looks delicious Grandma, thank you for the meal." I smiled sweetly.

She nodded and smiled back at me before she went inside the kitchen. I started eating when I remembered the book earlier. It intrigues me with its cover and I can't wait to read its content, that's why I immediately finished my snack and told grandma that I'll take some rest inside my room.

I quickly grab my bag and pulled out the book, curiosity is killing me when I saw that it is locked. I frowned a bit, I didn't notice it earlier or maybe I was just too focused on its ugly cover.

But how would I unlock this? An idea popped into my mind as I went to my cabinet and find the key to my room door.

I smiled mischievously when I found it. But unfortunately, it didn't fit. It seems like it needs a huge key, but the hole is a bit strange though, my forefinger seemed to…

My eyes widened as the book slowly opens after I inserted my forefinger into the hole, what the? Is this a high-tech book? Is there a fingerprint scanner in it?

But my shocked face suddenly changed into an amazed one when the book started to light up, and slowly a lively miniature forest and a large house, no I think it's a kingdom fall out from it. Golden letters popped with the "Kingdom of Zytheria" written on them and vanished again. Damn, this is cool. I haven't seen a book like this in my whole life.

But when the page flipped to the next one, the lively aura of the forest became dark as thunderstruck and heavy rainfall started to occur, the colorful kingdom was also replaced by a dark one, damn it seems like I was watching a movie on a book…

But I was suddenly distracted when I heard a loud noise coming outside of the room, seems like something fell off. I immediately closed the book and went out of my room just to see my…

"Grandma!" I rushed toward her as my heart started to beat so fast.

"G-grandma! Please wake up!" I can feel my tears urging me to fall but I gathered all of my strength to be strong, this is not the right time to be weak Penelope. I tried to feel her pulse.

"W-why is there no pulse?" I asked myself as my heart was instantly covered by fear and terror.

"H-help! H-Help us!!!" I cried, I couldn't resist my tears anymore from falling.

I felt some footsteps nearing us but seems like my world started to stop and darkened. I look at my unconscious grandma before everything went black.

When I opened my eyes, a pair of familiar eyes were staring at me.

"W-who are you?" I asked suddenly.

He seemed familiar, have we met before? I was busy thinking about where I saw him when I remembered my Grandma.

"My Grandma!" I outburst and quickly stands up but I saw a transparent host inserted on my wrist. I just noticed that I'm in a hospital room.

I quickly glance at the old man.

"Why am I here? Where's Grandma?" I asked continuously.

"She's still unconscious." The old man replied.

I need to see her. I quickly remove the needle inserted into my wrist and didn't bother to pay attention to the blood slowly flowing out from it.

"Where's my Grandma?" I asked again.

"On the next room." The old man coldly replies.

I quickly went out of the room. When I opened the room next door, the doctor and nurses got distracted and glanced at me.

"W-what happened to my Grandma Doc? Is she alright?" I nervously asked as I slowly walked toward her.

"We didn't know what caused her to be unconscious. Her heart and other vital signs were normal and we're still running some tests to find out the strange cause of this."

"Are you saying that you didn't know what happened? You're the doctor for Pete's sake! How did you not know?" I asked monstrously.

"We're very sorry, let's wait for the final result of the test. And we'll also monitor her."

I didn't bother to respond anymore because I might say another foul word. I walk and glanced at my unconscious grandma, she doesn't have any sickness because she's too healthy at the age of 65. She's strong and was still able to do some aerobics in the morning, this never happened before.

"She's not here anymore."

I was stunned when the familiar voice echoed in the whole room. I noticed that the doctor and nurses went out already and it was just the three of us here. I remember him now, he's the old man I bumped into earlier. But the question is, what is he doing here?

"What are you saying? Why are you here anyway? This isn't your business anymore." I coldly asked.

"You're my business, woman."

I smiled bitterly.

"I have no time for you, my grandma needs to rest. Get out now." I ordered.

But the latter didn't move a single thing and stared blankly at me.

"Your grandma's soul isn't inside of her body anymore. She won't wake up."

That made me furious as I throw him death glares.

"Are you a f*cking doctor, an exorcist, or a psycho addict!? What you're saying makes no sense at all." I firmly said. I was fuming mad, he lost my respect already the moment he mentioned that my Grandma won't wake up, who the hell does he think he is?

"I'm telling you, your Grandma's soul went out of her body and is now jailed because you open that book."

My eyes slowly widened. How did he know about that book? I'm getting confused every time he opens his mouth and says something that doesn't make sense at all but…

"W-What book?" I asked nervously.

"Don't fool yourself anymore Penelope. I know you knew what I'm talking about." He answered and seriously stare at me. How did he know my name? I haven't remembered that I told him his name.

I quickly stare at the old man from head to foot, he was wearing an old dirty white shirt and shorts. He don't have any slippers at all and his skin was dark. His white hair was too long that passes down to his shoulder, so like his mustache, doesn't he has a trimmer or a shaving thing in his house?

"You know what Sir, you should just go home and clean up, instead of sticking your nose into other's people business. I don't even know your name and why you're here?" I asked. Curiosity is killing me, but thinking that he's a beggar psycho will make everything easier. However, how did he know about the book and my name?

I shook my head and glanced back at him.

"I told you you're my business here. It may be hard to believe, but if you still want to save your grandmother's soul then you should start believing now, or else it will be too late for the both of you." He replied.

I smiled creepily as I let a loud laugh come out from me, I made sure that it'll sound the most sarcastic one to piss him off.

"You're a psychopath beggar," I uttered firmly as I look at him seriously this time.

"Look, old man, my grandma needs to rest and so I am. I'm so tired of this day and so in your sh*ts. I have no time for this stupidity. I am not interested at all in whatever you were saying. Can you now please get out, before I fully lost my patience?" I asked politely.

"Aren't you confused that I know your name and about that book, Penelope?" He asked.

Which made me silent for a bit.

"That's because I can read your mind thoroughly and stop calling me a psychopath beggar. How you act made you more like a psychopath here. Can't you see your Grandma? Look at her! She's lifelessly lying on that hospital bed, the doctor said that they can't find what caused her unconsciousness right? Though her vital signs and heart were doing fine, how can you explain that? Doesn't it make sense? Did your Grandma just sleep so deep that she wasn't able to get back to life? What if she sleeps like that forever? You'll be the only person to blame because you didn't listen. I thought you love your Grandma…"

That made me glare at him.

"Don't you dare question…"

"That book is not the typical book we used to read, I know you saw it. The Kingdom of Zytheria.That's where your grandma's soul is prisoned, and you're the only person who can help her, Penelope. Stop putting a blind mask on your eyes, because it has been opened already, there's no turning back or you'll surely lose your Grandma ."

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