
Pathetic Hero With Harem System(Hiatus)

'Light' is not just a word. It means hope. It has power to guide people. I have light in my life too. It's Yukino. She is beautiful and pure. She even talked to a creep like me. I totally am in love with her. . But one day I heard someone talking, " Hey, do you know Yukino is dating Limon? "(Mob girl-01) "Kyaaa.. I also do believe they are made for each other."(Mob girl-02) Why? I thought she loves me then Why? I thought if it's for her, I can keep living. I don't want it. I don't want it. I don't want it. She said that I can do it. Then why didn't she choose me? I hate my weakness. This world is too unfair. I don't want to live.... . I can only afford to see her from afar. That's my limit. . . [You're interesting. You want power, huh? Let's make a deal.] . . ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆  . . . . I am not a native English speaker. I am really bad at writing English. So, feel free to correct me. The cover doesn't belongs to me, so if you are the owner of it please inform me if you don't want me to use it.

Sowrav2459 · Thành thị
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62 Chs

Temple (Part-01): The Sun God

It has been four days since I started hunting. I am now able to act in a noble way. Not much though. 

I started hunting and training with Ein, so my strength increased a bit. For some reason, my intelligence stat increased too. But what's more important is that my level has gone up by one. Also, I have obtained a lot of points at hunting these days.

Oh, my status is now like this: 


Name : Seiren Silverstorm

Gender : Male(?) 

Age : 16

Level : 01

MT : Dark (1★)/ Order (1★)/ Chaos (1★)

Gift Skills: {Hero Summoning (5★)(O+C)} {Secret System (5★)(??)} 

MT Skills : {Dark Claw (1★)(D)} {Control (1★)(O)} {Twister (1★)(C)}

Stats :

Strength : 10

Intelligence : 08

Mana: Immeasurable

Charm : 25 {boys}


Partners : 00

Owned Heroes : 03

Points : 10,000

Balam's special gift: 8℅(Loading...)


My strength was 8 but now it is 10. The intelligence has also gone up by two. Balam's special gift is 8% completed now. 

About my points, I have saved up to 10,000. I want to buy a tech-type machine from the system for Ein and two other golems. 

Golems are like robots. They will listen to your commands. They live in my mansion in the paradise world. They do a lot of work in that mansion. The major thing they do is clean the whole mansion. It was too much for a human like Luna-neesan. Well, Ein was an expert in that field though. She is a Demi-Angel after all. 

In our world, humans are the only intelligent race. But there used to be elves and other demi humans. But what happened to them is unknown.

According to the system, there are a lot of worlds where intelligent species live. Some of them are really powerful. Demi-Angel is one of them. Ein originally was a powerful existence from another world. The system just created a person modeled after her. She has memories of the original Ein but is a different version of Ein now. It's kinda confusing. 

According to the system, in the world of the demi-Angel, a sub-species of angel, Ein used to be a normal maid. But a lot of things happened and she became one of the most powerful existence in that world. She used to be known as 'The Maid of Distraction.' System just made a Hero modeled after that Ein and gave her to me as a gift. That's why my Summoned Hero Ein has to start leveling up from the beginning. 

So, there is a possibility that the real Ein is still alive somewhere in her world. 

Well, let's talk about my family. It seems that mom and Nee-san are done moving house. So, Rei-nee said that they would come tonight. 

Keren-san and Valerie-san are still in the dungeon. 

Nothing really changed in these four days except my hellish training. 

Oh, I almost forgot. A major change has happened. It seems that The Great Rovan Empire has annexed the Alp Khanate. Alp khanate was a border country of the Great Rovan Empire. It was known for natural resources. They have a lot of dungeons and everything. You could say a country blessed by God. That's why almost every country had an eye on that country. Our country even has a good relationship with the Alp khanate. 

The daughter of the previous king had married the king of Alp Khanate. It seems that when the Alp king Tughril Khan visited our country he fell for the Princess and begged her hand from the previous king. Up until now, everything was alright. But The Great Rovan Kingdom invaded Alp khanate and killed King Tughril Khan. 

But it seems that the queen was able to successfully escape with the prince and princess and returned to her homeland. I mean Moonland Kingdom. So, they are now living in the royal palace. Well, even though she is married to another country, she is still a princess in our country after all. 

But I don't understand why The Great Rovan Empire needed to invade a country in this modern era? They have everything they want, so they should live peacefully. Well, The Great Rovan Empire is like this ever since the new king ascended to the throne. Well, he might just have wanted to get all of the Alp Khanate's natural resources. The dungeons are the main power source in this world after all. We can get some special stones from dungeons. Using these stones we make a lot of things, like technology, weapons etc. You can say this stone is like a battery in this world. Alp Khanate had a lot of dungeons, so they were an essential target for them. 


Oh, right now I am getting ready. I am now wearing a beautiful noble-like dress. I can't believe that I have changed so much just by wearing clothes. I look like a beautiful young noble in TV shows. Well, I think I am much more beautiful than those actors. I am bragging, I swear. 

After that, I went down. Rei-nee was already waiting for me. We got into a white car. Our destination was a temple. We are going to meet the cardinal there. After that, we will go to the studio for a photo shoot. To be frank, Rei-nee told me that I don't need to attend the photo shoot, it's not really compulsory for the revenge plan. But I told her that I wanted to do it. Well, to be frank, I wanted to be a famous actor from the beginning. It might be because I was bullied by the girls. But I feel like I want to be a famous actor. Well, everybody has a goal they want to achieve. But I have more than one goal. I want to be a great adventurer and actor at the same time. 

These days, Rei-nee has been really busy. It's because of The Great Rovan Empire. Our king has to prepare for a future worst-case scenario. We have to think about our new trade partners too. Up until now, Alp Khanate was one of the major trade partners. But now we have to rethink our international policies and other things. 

"By the way, Rei-nee, you have been going to the palace frequently these days, right? So,  what about the mental condition of the queen of the Alp khanate? She had just lost her husband."  I asked about the queen's condition. 

"Hum, she seems to be mentally strong but we can clearly see that she is in deep sorrow. It's just she doesn't want to show others," Rei-nee replied. 

"She is a strong woman." 

"Yeah, she is," Rei-nee softly said. 

"My lady, we have arrived." The lady driver said that we had arrived at the temple. 

We got out of the car. A big white temple-like castle was in front of us. It is really beautiful. It does have the vibe of a central temple of the country. A priest came toward us and said, 

"Welcome, Duchess-sama. The Cardinal is waiting for you guys in the guest room. Please come with me." the priest politely said. 

We followed him. He looks young. He will be around the same age as Rei-nee. He is really a cool, gentleman-type person. You can say that he perfectly fits a young priest's criteria. 

While walking through the hallway I can see how beautiful this temple is. I can't just compare it to any other places. It is perfect in its own way. I am currently walking in the hallway beside the main temple room. That is a room where people pray. I can see inside the room through a glass-made window. There is a painting of a beautiful lady wearing a yukata-like dress that is like a religious wears. It is a white dress but it has red and golden color in it. The lady in the painting is really beautiful. She has a majestic vibe. She has a sun-like artifact in her hand. She has somewhat similar yet different types of artifacts above her head and behind her. 

Yeah, I do know her. Almost everyone knows her. After all, it is a painting of the Sun God Amaterasu. 


AN: With this, the second volume started. You guys must be thinking about why it is so late. Well, I am really busy these days. From tomorrow, exams will start. It is obvious that it will affect my writing speed. 

[Your writing speed was bad from the beginning.]

Okay, I get it. I am really sorry... 

Please, if you like this novel, review it. I was also thinking about whether I should start writing 18+ scenes. Do let me know if you want me to add 18+ scenes or not... 

Thank you for reading...