
Pathetic Hero With Harem System(Hiatus)

'Light' is not just a word. It means hope. It has power to guide people. I have light in my life too. It's Yukino. She is beautiful and pure. She even talked to a creep like me. I totally am in love with her. . But one day I heard someone talking, " Hey, do you know Yukino is dating Limon? "(Mob girl-01) "Kyaaa.. I also do believe they are made for each other."(Mob girl-02) Why? I thought she loves me then Why? I thought if it's for her, I can keep living. I don't want it. I don't want it. I don't want it. She said that I can do it. Then why didn't she choose me? I hate my weakness. This world is too unfair. I don't want to live.... . I can only afford to see her from afar. That's my limit. . . [You're interesting. You want power, huh? Let's make a deal.] . . ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆  . . . . I am not a native English speaker. I am really bad at writing English. So, feel free to correct me. The cover doesn't belongs to me, so if you are the owner of it please inform me if you don't want me to use it.

Sowrav2459 · Thành thị
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62 Chs

Temple(part-2): Celestial and Asura

While watching the surroundings, we arrived in front of a room. The priest knocked on the door and said, 

"Cardinal-sama, they are here."

"Let them in." a beautiful voice could be heard from the other side. 

The priest opened the door. While the door was opening, I could see a beautiful middle-aged lady standing. She wore a beautiful yukata. Priestesses wear yukata and priests wear priest's clothes in this religion. I know it's a strange combination. But in this religion, Sun Goddess Amaterasu is the key figure. Amaterasu usually wears Yukata-like clothes. So, it's mandatory for priestess to wear yukata like dresses. Well, it's not like they are forbidden to wear other clothes. But you can say that it's a normal uniform for them. Most of them just wear the yukata because they like it. By wearing a yukata, they feel closeness with their Goddess. 

The lady in front of me has blonde hair. Her yukata is white-coloured. When we were entering through the door she looked at me. She seemed somewhat surprised. She instantly bowed. 

We went in front of her. But she was still bowing. It's somewhat awkward. 

"Umm, Cardinal-sama. What happened?" Rei-nee awkwardly asked. 

She somehow controlled herself and said in a refined voice, 

"Welcome, Seiren-sama, Rei-sama."

"Th-thank you. Umm, did something happen?" Rei-nee asked. 

Hearing that, the Cardinal looked at the priest and said, 

"You can go."

"Yes," said that priest, and left the room. 

After that, she looked at us and said, 

"Please sit down. Let's talk to you guys while sitting."

We sat on the sofa. There were three cups of coffee and some biscuits prepared. 

"Rei-sama, I didn't know that you were such a mean person. You said that Seiren-sama is a person who just simply unlocked three attributes. But you didn't tell us that she is a Celestial being." Cardinal-sama angrily said. 

A Celestial being? What the hack is she talking about? If I remember correctly, my race is human. I am a normal human. By the way, she didn't even introduce herself. 

"Eh? Celestial being? What's that?" Rei-nee asked. 

It seems she doesn't know about it either. 

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Cardinal Olivia Wilde. Nice to meet you, Seiren-sama." Olivia-sama said elegantly. 

"N-nice to meet you, Cardinal-sama. I am Seiren Silverstorm." 

"You can call me by my name, Seiren-sama."

"O-okay. Olivia-Sama."

"Will you guys stop ignoring me? I am here, you know." Rei-nee pouted. 

"Oh, sorry Rei-sama. I didn't mean to ignore you. But greeting is important. After all, he is a celestial being." Olivia-sama apologized. 

"It's okay, Olivia-sama. By the way, what do you mean by celestial beings?" Rei-nee asked. 

"If I have to talk about it, it will take some time. It is also a top secret hidden by religion. Only those who obtain the rank of Cardinal or pope can learn about this truth. So, if you want me to tell you about that, please keep it secret. Otherwise, I won't be able to save you." Olivia-sama said with a serious face. 

It seems like there is something major that religion is hiding from us. She is saying that she will tell us about that. But if we revealed that secret to others, someone powerful might kill us. 

"Okay, I promise that I won't tell other." Rei-nee made up her mind. 

Isn't it too quick? I mean it's related to your life, you know. I guess I don't have any choice. 

"I promise too." 

"Well, you don't have to, Seiren-sama. You are already protected by a celestial being, after all."

Olivia-sama said. 

"Well, let me explain. Let me explain the true story of world creation and our true God." Olivia-sama said with a serious face. 

Eh? What does she mean by true God? It's truly confusing. 

" At first, there was a Supreme Being. You could say that he was a great Creator. From where he came and how he was born is still unknown. No, I should say that he didn't come from anywhere. He existed from the beginning. The theory of being born doesn't apply to Him. He is the one who created the universe. Or I should say that he created several universes. It is said that he created all of these universes from just a little stone. Power poured into that stone and it blasted. It was a big bang. From that, universes were created. After that, he felt like he should do something interesting. So, he gave two drops of his divine mana into two universes. Each drop in each universe." saying that she stopped a bit. Closed her eyes and opened again. After that, she started talking again, 

"Each of the drops has a different color. It was black and white. So, we started calling these two universes by their mana color. Or should I say Black and White. From each universe, a few races started to be born. Those who are born in the White Universe obtain white mana, which we call Holy mana, and those who are born in the Black universe obtain Black mana. Which we call Evil mana. 

After a few thousand years passed, a strange thing began to happen. Some people start to be born or become so powerful that they can't be categorized as a normal being. Let's suppose a person among us is born who has an infinite amount of mana. They can create their own world. Can forcefully awaken other people's attributes. It's as if they are people who are blessed by the Creator. We call them 'Celestial'. But in the Black Universe they call them 'Asura'. Celestial or Asura are really powerful beings. They can freely travel from one planet to another. Celestial beings are not mortal like us. They don't possess the concept of dying. Well, in the end, you can just say that they are the true rulers of the universe. It is said that they live on a planet called the upper World. It's the largest planet in this white universe. It is said that nature is really rich in that universe. But for some unknown reason, a thousand years ago, a huge war between the Celestials and Asuras was held. Both sides were severely damaged. The aftermath of that war is dungeons. Dungeons began to appear all over the Black and White universes. From the dungeons of the planets in the White universe, some monsters with Evil mana start to appear. On the other hand, in the dungeons of the Black universe, monsters begin to appear with Holy mana. We really don't know what happened.

 At first, humanity on this planet was in the barge of destruction. But a celestial being appeared in front of our eyes. She saved this world and promised that she would supervise this planet. From that point, people started calling her God and a new religion was born. Only some people were lucky enough to meet her. Those who are able to obtain her favour are given a special skill as a gift. I am one of them. I have a gift skill called {Sun Goddesses blessing}." Olivia-sama explained. 

Wait, did she just say that Amaterasu really exists and she met her!? I don't feel like she is lying. But still it's hard for me to believe that. 

"With this skill I am able to see others' status and can contact Amaterasu-sama. Of course, Pope-sama and the Holy king of Holy Amaterasu Empire also have this skill." Olivia-sama said.

"But how does it explain that Seiren is a Celestial being? I have skills similar to that too. But with my skill, it shows that he is a human." Rei-nee complained. 

"It's because he has not awakened as one. You see, I heard from Amaterasu-sama that a person with the ability to become a celestial needs to become powerful enough to surpass his humanity. Which means he has to be powerful enough to surpass the boundaries of humanity. So, with your skill, it won't show. You just have to suspect when you see a person with more than 100,000. But Seiren-sama has an infinite amount of mana. Which confirms that he is a celestial being. It's just that he has not awakened as one. But it's just a matter of time now," Olivia-sama said with a smile. 

Eh!? So is it true that I am a celestial being? It's unbelievable, right? 


"After all, through my skill, I can see that he is the husband of the angel of death, Mikoto," Olivia-sama revealed. 

" What!?" Both me and Rei-nee shouted. 


Thank you for reading. Please review if you like the novel...