

Hello mello guys.. sorry I wasn't able to write for the past few months due to some problems but thanks for still reading my words.. lots of love


As Rashid left, Rhea was confused on what happened. she dressed up quickly and followed him behind.

"Rashid what's the matter, do you bother telling me? I'm there with you since your childhood. Is it that difficult to speak to me?"

But the only response she got was silence. Her heart ached due to Rashid's behaviour but all she could do was weep her heart out...

Rashid left the soirée and headed straight to his home. Dashed in through the door and picked a bottle of fine wine and started emptying it. His eyes red due to the memories his heart couldn't forget and his brain couldn't accept. He was a successful business man but at the middle of night, his heart ached for his beloved... his Roop!

Memories of how they fought, how they argued and how they got closer couldn't let him sleep the entire night.

Exam season.. :( couldn't wrote much

but I'll try my best from now on :*

Amita_Dascreators' thoughts