
Part-time Creator

A highly leveled Creator won an attack on the Monster Creator and received a ticket to invite a new Creator. Since he had no one to offer it to, he decided to use his luck and give a ticket to one person from his worlds. So the ticket got to an old man who was already dead and gave him the opportunity to join the multiverse game of Creators. What amazing worlds he will create and how he will survive in such an environment.

mamun_220 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs


In the dark forests, beautiful creatures were picking fruits and watching small animals. They tried to imitate them to use magic. They also tended to broken trees and shrubs.

These creatures were on average 1.9 meters tall, with slender bodies, the women had perfect figures with beautiful faces and pointed ears. The men were also slender with athletic bodies, their ears, like the women's, were pointed, but longer and narrower.

They mostly collected fallen stones and branches, which they sharpened with stones and used to kill animals that were hostile to their tribe. They all had a dark skin tone and could perfectly hide in this dark forest. In the shadows, they were not visible and you will not even know if there is a representative of this beautiful race in your own shadow, ready to cut your throat and pierce your heart with a thorn.

Truly beautiful and deadly creatures.

Meanwhile, one elf was sitting intently on a smooth stone and frowning. Until a man came up to her and called out to her.

"You're still sitting here."

"I almost could, a little more and I, like these animals, will be able to control the elements. "

"I believe you, but you still have to help the tribe gather vegetables and water the flowers of life."

Flowers of life, plants impregnated with natural energy, if they are rubbed and mixed with water, an ointment will be obtained that will accelerate the healing of wounds and tumors.

"If I can unravel the secret of controlling the elements earlier, then I can train our people and they will be less injured during hunting and take better care of plants."

The man sighed wearily but did not continue to argue with her, because he also began to devote less time to protecting the tribe, and focused more on feeling inner energy. Which he accidentally released while fighting evil beasts.

So he talked a little more with the woman and exchanged the received epiphany and went home.

Meanwhile, the woman continued to try to understand the way to control the elements.

5 years flew by unnoticed, but nothing changed in the tribe, children were not born, and adults did not grow up. Elves have long noticed that they do not age and think that this is a blessing of the forest. For the fact that they take care of it and look after its inhabitants.

The woman sat by the lake and recalled all the knowledge she had accumulated over five years about the elements.

"The red element, it should be fire, it emits heat and it is convenient to cook meat on it, the blue is water that flows and you can drink and swim in it, the green is the wind that rushes through the forest and the brown element will be the earth, with which you can protect yourself. "

She learned all this from observing various animals and plants in the forest.

"During the use of the elements, there is a slight shift in the world. Therefore, the elements should be all over the forest, but how do they summon them? "

While the elf continued to think about this problem, the same man approached her again. He came a couple of times for 7 shifts of days and nights and they exchanged ideas and knowledge that they had accumulated.

"I noticed something interesting."

The woman turned to him with a questioning face. The man grinned and told everything he knew.

"There is some kind of essence in our bodies. I haven't figured out what it is yet, but I feel it in my body and if I concentrate hard, I will feel it in others."

The elf received an epiphany and quickly sat down in a meditation pose, which she noticed made it easier to concentrate and tried to find this essence in the body.

The man did not interrupt her and left to do his job. So a couple of months later, she found the energy that was centered in her head. She tried to move it and take it out of the body. Having done this, she was able to feel that this energy is all over the world and immediately a voice sounded in her head.

"As the first dark elf capable of using magic, you are given the name Albrunna. Educate your people and lead them to prosperity."

After that, she felt how her magic became much more obedient and stronger, and most importantly, her reserves became larger. After that, she realized that she has a connection with all the elements in the forest, but she has the biggest connection with shadows and darkness itself.

When she tried, she was able to create a small clot of darkness in her hand and sent it into the ground. In the place where the clot appeared, the grass got bogged down and small beetles died. She immediately ran to the place where the man usually patrolled and trained and told him everything she felt and showed how, though with difficulty, she could control the elements.

The man was delighted to learn about the energy in his head, but after he realized that he did not feel this essence. After a week of careful scanning of his body, he found. There was a small red clot of energy in the center of his body, which he immediately tried to break, but could not. So he tried to insert it into his hand first, and then he heard a voice in his head.

"As the first dark elf to understand his KI. You were given the name Eldvig. Teach your people the most effective combat and a way to protect yourself."

After that, the Ki in his body became even thicker and more obedient. He stood up, inserted ki into his hand, and hit the ground. There was a small crater in the ground due to the force of the impact. However, his hand received a response and turned red.

So Eldvig decided to start training all the men who were responsible for protecting the tribe to feel their ki. While Lebrun was teaching all the women magic. So several decades have passed. In the end, Lebrun and Eldvig got married and the whole tribe appointed them the leaders of the tribe. Since the two of them had the highest abilities in magic and ki.

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