
Paradise Lost: War for the Crowns of Calamity

Varjo is a young boy who is abandoned in a strange forest and taken in by one of its inhabitants. Despite facing discrimination for his unique appearance and lack of horns, Varjo becomes a skilled hunter, bringing game to his caretaker. As he grows older, he begins to wonder about his past and where he comes from. One day, he is finally given the opportunity to leave the forest and discover the truth about his parents. Along the way, he encounters challenges and makes new friends, ultimately learning to embrace his true identity and place in the world.

AllenWisse · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

The First Summer's Rains

Tonight, the pool of the Shimmering Well lit up with a spark unfamiliar to any of the forest's inhabitants, any that hadn't known at least 100 hundred summers. For when was the last time Lakewoods tasted the truest rains, called upon not by the magicks of the Queen?

One hundred summers ago, that was the last time the Lakewoods of Fis were blessed with the honest waters. Waters that spoke of a change, a time that would pass and one that would come, soon and all who called Fis home would welcome it alongside their Queen and her court.

The dew-touched forest grounds glistened under the moons that hung above. Their light spurned life into the denizens of Fis, much like the morning would.

All manner of beasts and persons moved in quite the rush as the Dusklights of the forest made forged a path through the mist-veiled forest. Through this path, the tepid sound of hooves as if trampling up a bed of straw and feathers weaved through the paths in the forest, led by arced branches and curving trees carrying them over several streams.

Coming to a sudden halt as whining beasts grew restless after meeting the heads of the Rin and Rua. Moving under the starry canopy, the flow seemed to mirror it, as if carrying the stars within a magical stream.

"Your Grace, the steeds have taken to the stream. I'm afraid the carriage cannot proceed any further" gripping the reins with all the strength their timid frame would lend them but quickly realizing that they couldn't persuade the beasts from their stand.

Their plea was instead met with impatient bashing and several groans before the doors were swung open, sending two figures out in a rush.

"Her grace wishes to continue the journey as soon as possible. How long will it take to rally the steeds?" the maidens lifted their dresses, making sure their olive tunics and their sandals of a unique sandstone hue were not drudging up any mud from the riverbank

"Dusklight has touched the river. If the beasts have taken to it, I'm unsure how long it'll be before they regain their senses" the driver let out meekly, growing smaller as he hunched, with his head hung.

"She will not be pleased if we are delayed. Our arrival from the Isles of Lir is expected on the night of the first Summer's Rain. If our Queen is not at the capital in time for the ceremony..." one of the maiden's ears quivered as her companion's voice grew in frustration.

"Please my ladies. I know of her wrath. I would not want that for my family, I would sooner wish that they grieve me than to see me in such a sorry state." the driver fell to his knees, pleading with them, they stepped back avoiding his stained hands as he spoke.

They held their silence, with a single thought exchanged between them. A pitiful look befell the nervous driver as he waited on them.

"Then find another way for us to make the trip. And do it fast" he relented before turning her back to him, watching the cabin as it rustled about.

The panicked driver hobbled to his seat, where a satchel is fixed to its side. A couple of moments were all he needed of rummaging before finding a small pouch that looked to be weaved from mauve reeds, in-laid with silvery trims. Shaking the bag before whispering into the opening:

'Child of the morning, ward my path, star of the evening, please carve my path' the trims of the pouch shimmering with light akin to that of the glowing waters of the river.

"My ladies please return to the carriage. We are leaving very soon"

"How soon?" the pair got onto the external pair of seats jutting above, like a canopy over the driver, they got comfortable before tapping against the panel, separating them from the driver.

"Oh about...." the slacked reins that were sitting in the mud began rising, along with the water and mud, and discarded branches. Startling the horses that put some distance between them and the carriage. A deep hum blared out from beneath it, letting out beat after beat in the dirt.

Sparking the birth of a bright light flashing with such vast splendour that the shockwave frightened the rocking the city as it arrived in the capital in a crater.

"That's it I'm not just fired this time, the Queen will have me petrified and stuck in her garden as a gnome for sure" the driver bemoaned from the smouldering heap of the birch and granite that made up the ornate silver tree that decorated the stone fountain.

Coughing from the choking smoke, a frustrated huff followed a fierce breeze that snuffed out the flames into flickering embers that illuminated the carriage, untouched by the fire though smeared with soot and a steady shower of ash. The dazzled driver dropped down from the carriage before going to work on a crank near his seat.

With the turn of a few hidden gears, the panel that had previously covered him was sliding out of place, with the pieces of wood falling apart and resetting themselves into a series of steps hovering with the aid of wisps of silver glitter fluttering beneath the boards. Forming a wooden floor atop the crater, the two attendants rushed off the carriage, almost tripping on the way door as they desperately tried to reach for the doors

With swinging opening as another sudden gust out of the carriage, knocking them into a pile atop the confused driver.

The scene while chaotic would quickly summon an audience as the pater of two pairs of footsteps echoes off the wooden platform. Through the daze of those wandering ever closer to the sight of the crater, their splendour could be seen.

One of them was a majestic and regal figure, with flowing golden locks and piercing emerald eyes. He wore a crown of delicate flowers on his head and a cloak of shimmering iridescent butterflies on his shoulders. His presence commanded respect and admiration from all who laid eyes upon him.

The other was equally magnificent, with flowing auburn hair and sparkling sapphire eyes. She wore a crown of twinkling stars and a gown of pure, unadulterated light. Her gentle, kind nature radiated warmth and compassion, inspiring all who knew her to be the best versions of themselves.

Together, their presence alone marked the arrival of the King and Queen, rulers over their enchanted Lakewoods with wisdom, fairness, and grace. They were beloved by all the creatures who called the forest home, and their kingdom flourished under their loving guidance, as was seen as no shortage of passersby rushed towards the rising pillar of smoke, stemming from the shattered fountain.