
Start CH:1

Hi I am Michael i am a orphan my parents abandon me when i was 1 a with a necklace with a unkown gem i moved out when i was 18 working at a gas station staying in aparments i am in a college my job also pays good it gives me enough to stay in an aparment get food and enough for college oh enough with the introduction lets get focused i need to finish my buisness class

okay first thing you need to pick a class store food games once your done make sow cook coding your classes will be picked once you start to take the test first step select your class said the teacher

Michael picked game after a few questions he finished then waited 1hour for everyone else now the announcment started michael failed and they didnt let him get in cause it was the entrance exam michael angry he sped to his house he slam the door and grabbed his broken phone which made him bleed he didnt know for some reason and grabbed his necklace after that a pain hit him with a Robot Voice saying Syncchronizing 1% 50% 100% after that he fell uncounscious when he woke up he saw a interface like a game that boosted his stats in stuff (Building LV: ∞:. Store Products: ∞:Missions: ∞ : Map: Skill store: :∞ Store OF everything: ∞:Inventory: ∞: Combat: ∞:Social:1:Business: ∞{SYSTEM POINTS: ∞} Stats: Alive(Race:Human)Age:16{immortal} POWER: ∞) first he checked the store there was a flying skill and a game making skill and everthing from heaven multi verses universes galaxy dimensions (etc) of course he chose heaven he brought all the combat technques and gaming (etc) the system also gave him a choice to take out some money

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