
Owned By The Vampire CEO

Living in a world where vampire rules are not easy. Humans must show their best skills or be treated like cattle, especially in the Korea Peninsula, which has become the center of human blood extraction for vampire consumption. Seraphina’ Sara’ Yong was the lucky one. She showed that she was a valuable asset to the vampire race. Sarah landed a job as the head scientist in the biggest biotechnology company, led by a billionaire vampire CEO named Alex Lee. When Sara thought that she would be safe and sound, her research in developing the blood synthetic put her life in immense danger. For her safety, Alex moved Sara’s lab to his mansion and demanded her to stay with him so that he could monitor and control her life all the time. All hell breaks loose during her stay with Alex and his three wives, mostly when he gave her an extra task to save his stillbirth babies. When Sara fell in love with Alex because of his kindness, an alpha werewolf named Connell came into her life, telling her that they meant to be together. Sara’s life became more complicated when the secret of the Yong Family is revealed. Will Sara’s love for Alex blossom? Or maybe, Connell can convince her to be with him? Can Sara stop human exploitation? And the most important question, who Sara really is? Cover is MINE!!! Art by IG: @nadrawing_

Four_Percent · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
7 Chs

His Employee

I finally finish my doctoral program and get my PhD on the age of 27. Dr. Seraphina Yong Ha-rin, or just call me, Sara.

Nowadays, many Koreans use western name in front their Korean's name. It is very interesting to see how world is getting advance under the vampire regime. The technology that we have now, much advance compare on human era.

I work in the largest biotechnology company in the world. We cure many illness, even the rarest cancer. We cancelled death. Unfortunately, all those efforts are to prolonged human age so that the vampires can extracted their blood.

Human are just food.

I am the lucky one, with my smart brain, they use me as an asset. I am the one who prolonged human's age. Sometimes, I think deeply, do I help human or I help the vampires. Or I just want to help myself?

My doctoral research is focusing on developing a blood synthetic so that in the future, I hope the vampires can change this diet into this synthetic blood.

"Sara! Mr. Lee want to see you this afternoon," my supervisor, Dr. Ryan, informs me.

"Lee? which Lee?" I ask curiously.

"Alex Lee, the CEO," he says sternly.

"What!" I stare at him, I can believe his words. "Wait, what he wants from me?"

"I do not know, just do not humiliate our division," he smiles to me.

When the appointment time comes. I come to his office and his secretary lead me to his office.

"Mr. Lee, Dr. Yong is here," the secretary says softly when she opens the door.

I smile at him and step on his office when suddenly loose my balance and fall to the floor. I always a careless person but careless on this time, is so humiliating.

Mr. Lee walks to me and help me to stand up. "Are you okay?"

I reach up to his hand when he helps me. Weird, he feels warmer compare to my other vampire acquaintances.

I nod, "Yeah, I am okay. I am sorry for that weird entrance," I can feel my cheek warm, I must be flush right now.

He gestures so that I sit on the seat in front of him, while he backs sit on his seat.

"I am interested on your blood synthetic project." He smiles.

"Aw!" I feel a little bit surprise but excited, "this is my dream project. Thank you for giving me a chance to work on this project." I smile at him.

He nods, "however, I want to keep this project under the radar. You can choose your own team and your own equipment, but I need to move you out of this building." He says seriously.

I look at him seriously, "but why? we have the best facilities on this building."

"I do not think that many vampires will agree with this idea. I am worried other researcher will sabotage your work or try to put your life in dangerous."

I nod, "I see, I understand."

"Prepare your team and we are going to talk again next week," he smiles friendly.

I nod, "okay, sir. I will start to work now." I smiles happily and walk to the door.

"Dr. Yong," he calls me again, "Sara. You grown up into a very fine woman."

I look into him. I stare at him. Alex Lee is a very handsome man, an ethereal beauty, his nose, eyes, lips, everything is perfect. He has a lean body, not so muscular, but it suits him. In short, he is very attractive.

Shit. He is my boss. And I am just one of his staff. His employee.


A month later, I start to work on my own lab with my own team. I am very happy with the progress that my team made.

I look the watch and I realize that now is 11:00 pm. I never work overtime like this because I know how dangerous Seoul can be for a young human woman like me. However, I still need to prepare my presentation for tomorrow. I will present my preliminary research to Mr. Alex Lee.

I take my laptop and some notes and then I walk out from my office.

"Hello Ian!" I greet an old janitor who work in my building kindly, he is a vampire too.

"Good evening Doctor Yong." he answers coldly. He looks at me just like a predator stare at his prey. However, since I am an asset, Ian knows that attack me is a stupid act that will put him on death sentenced.

I come down to the lobby and see two men dressed in black. I think it's a bit strange to have guests at night like this but I am tired and maybe one of my staff is waiting for them.

Suddenly, a tall and handsome man bumps into me and made me drop my notes.

The man immediately crouches down to help me pick up my note. "Dr. Yong, you're in danger."

My attention suddenly focus on his word while I stare in to his face.

"Go quietly to the P3 parking lot", he says calmly. "Enter the Black Rubicon, and you will be safe", the man placed the last note in my arms. "Trust me," He says while he walks to the parking lot.

His words, make me confused. However, I do not care with his words. He is a stranger and I will walk and going back to my car. And then, I realized that I have been followed two suspicious men who I saw in the lobby.

I try to calm and walks to my car. Just a few meters left. I have a peeper spray on my car that I can use as defense. I just need to reach my car.

I try to breath normally to stay calm. Just calm.

Calm dammit, Sara! I yell to my self on my head.

I run to my car as I start to panic. I can see a black Rubicon with the lights on, ready to go. But then, the two men ambush, sedate, and put me on their trunk.