In the world of the Blue Planet, where the rhythm of life continued its daily ebb and flow, an unforeseen and cataclysmic event unraveled before its inhabitants. A colossal, eye-like rupture manifested in the sky, a phenomenon now known as the Dungeons, casting a foreboding shadow as it heralded the summoning of all humankind. Within this enigmatic realm, humans were beckoned to forge their own factions amidst a myriad of races. Yet, as swiftly as they arrived, so did the monsters, thrusting chaos and havoc upon humanity. In the face of this upheaval, a dormant power surged within them, awakening the deepest desires they held within. The bestowed systems arrived in three stages, each enhancing their abilities in a unique manner. The Stage 1 system offered a normal RPG leveling experience with a 1x multiplier for stats progression. Advancing to the Stage 2 system granted a 2x multiplier for stats growth, delving into a more profound awakening that plunged the user into a deep slumber lasting anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Finally, the Stage 3 system provided a 3x multiplier for stats advancement, coupled with an even deeper awakening that led to a prolonged deep sleep of 5 to 10 years. On what seemed to be an ordinary day, while engrossed in his routine work and lost in the pages of novels, Chris found himself ensnared in the mundane yet precious activities of his family. However, as the clock continued its steady cadence, an unforeseen tragedy unfolded, plunging their lives into an unimaginable turn of events. As the very sky cracked open and unleashed a horde of malevolent monsters, a resonating sound, both deep and agonizing, reverberated through the air, overwhelming Chris with its intensity until he succumbed to unconsciousness. This marked the inception of Chris's remarkable journey, an ascent from an ordinary human to a force of power amidst a world in tumultuous transition.
Amidst an ordinary day, the world stirred to life, and so did Chris. The familiar embrace of slumber released its hold on him, and he roused himself to the aroma of a breakfast prepared with love by his doting grandparents. Beside him, his younger brother Andrei readied himself for another day of school, their daily routine a comforting backdrop to life's unfolding chapters.
As Andrei made his way to school, Chris lingered over his meal, his appetite sated yet his heart hungry for the worlds that lay within the pages of his novels. With his stomach and imagination fed, he saw his brother off, their bond a testament to his role as a loving elder.
As the clock marked the arrival of 8 AM, Chris stepped into the room of his brother Rhessan, where a computer beckoned to life his virtual journeys. But amidst the hum of technology, an anomaly transpired—an eye-opening crack materialized in the sky, vast beyond comprehension. This rupture defied the limits of sight, disappearing into the horizon as if it held a connection to the infinite.
An inexplicable foreboding swept over Chris, as though the cosmos whispered of impending change. An unsettling realization dawned upon him—his beloved brother Andrei was amidst the very school where danger might now lurk. The weight of responsibility tugged at his heartstrings, urging him into action.
However, as fate's wheel spun, a twist of irony played out. Chris's own reality was disrupted by a piercing, ear-splitting ring. Agony surged through his being, eclipsing his senses, and he succumbed to unconsciousness. In that moment, Chris was oblivious to the upheaval that had erupted around the globe, as humans fell to the ground, their systems awakening in a cascade of turmoil. Some emerged from their stupor swiftly, for they had been granted the more straightforward Stage 1 system, while others lingered, their deep slumbers linked to the complexity of their Stage 2 systems.
Fate, in all its capriciousness, dealt a hand to Chris's family. Unbeknownst to him, each member awakened with unique systems, aligning with their innermost desires. His mother's nurturing instincts crystallized into a nurse system, his father's technical prowess into a technician system. His eldest sister harnessed the power of water, while his second older brother found himself connected to an anime system. The world of games coursed through his third older brother's veins, and the allure of travel took form in another's system. Even his youngest brother, Andrei, discovered an unexpected link to a Minecraft system.
As the sky cracked open with a deafening roar, chaos erupted in the streets. Amidst the turmoil, some of his family members found themselves regaining consciousness, their bodies tingling with an unfamiliar energy. They exchanged bewildered glances, struggling to comprehend the upheaval that had gripped their world.
Chris's mother, a kind and caring woman, was the first to voice her concern. "What's happening? Why is the sky like this? Is everyone okay?"
His father, a skilled technician, shook his head in bewilderment. "I have no idea, but something is definitely wrong. The neighborhood is in chaos."
"This... this is beyond anything I've ever seen. It's as if reality itself is unraveling."
Chris's mother, always the voice of reason, stepped forward with a worried expression. "We need to gather our thoughts and figure out what's going on. Are we safe here?"
Chris's eldest sister, her affinity for water now a tangible power, nodded in agreement. "Mom's right. Let's stick together and try to find some answers."
His eldest brother, whose newfound connection to an anime system seemed almost surreal, chimed in. "This is like something out of a sci-fi series. But I've never heard of anything like this happening before."
His second older brother, who had awakened a game system, looked around with a mixture of curiosity and caution. "Whatever this is, it's affecting the entire world. We can't just stand by."
As the family took in the bizarre scene, Chris's second older brother, with his affinity for gaming now a tangible ability, chimed in, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but this feels like one of those virtual reality games."
Andrei, his youngest brother who had manifested a Minecraft system, gazed up at the sky with wonder. "I've always wanted to see something extraordinary, but this is more than I could have imagined."
Humanity, it seemed, was granted a diverse array of systems, each a reflection of individual desires—some noble, some sinister, some trivial. Amidst this multitude, Chris stood alone, an anomaly among anomalies. Only he bore the mark of the Stage 3 system, its potency unmatched, an embodiment of desires so profound that it set him apart from the rest of humanity.