

Tác giả: Natarwea_Nasture
Realistic Fiction
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What is overthinker

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Diwata: A Series of Folklore

A story based on the folklore passed down through generation by word of mouth. In one of the Philippine folklores, there are deities and spirits called Diwata or Encanto. They are said to be guardian spirits of nature who can invoke both blessings and curses. In the provincial areas of Cebu, the older generation would say that before modern times these mystical creatures had beautiful dresses, elegant tableware, and fantastical jewelry. And the wonderful thing was that locals could borrow these for weddings and special occasions. Just as long as you return them. How do the locals ask to borrow is a secret. And after asking the locals would then find the items either below trees or on tree stumps. The first story tells about the tragedy of a Royal Diwata, Princess Isabel. For more info: https://www.aswangproject.com/diwata/ https://genies.fandom.com/wiki/Diwata ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Second Story In bedtime stories from villages that live near the sea, there are stories about a certain sea creature that is part of the Philippine mythical creatures, the Dugong. In some mermaid stories, there would be dugongs mentioned. They are gentle and harmless creatures that are portrayed to protect against evil. Despite that, they are hunted for their meat, bones, and oil. For more info: https://www.aswangproject.com/the-merfolk-of-philippine-folklore/ https://www.philippine-tales.com/creatures/sirena-entrancing-water-creature#gsc.tab=0 The story is a composition of various stories gathered from the older generation.

JasmineFaith · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Rebirth Of The Ruler

Planet Bumi bukan lagi planet yang menampung kedamaian di dalamnya. Semenjak portal dungeon terbuka, ada begitu banyak monster yang menyerang Bumi. Semua orang yang mengahadapi-nya hanya bisa menyalahkan takdir dan berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk menjadi lebih kuat demi melindungi nyawa mereka sendiri. Namun sayangnya ancaman yang sebenarnya bukanlah monster-monster itu, melainkan sosok suci yang sering dipuja oleh para manusia, para malaikat. Kedatangan Para Malaikat ke Bumi awalnya di anggap sebagai anugerah yang dikira untuk mengusir semua monster yang menjajah Planet Bumi, tapi itu semua hanya spekulasi orang-orang, kenyataannya sangatlah berbeda dengan harapan mereka. Para Malaikat mengeksploitasi Bumi melebihi para monster. Mereka memanfaatkan semua Dungeon untuk mendapatkan keuntungan, membunuh manusia yang menentang keinginan mereka tanpa ampun. Zhao Ji Ling, seorang pemburu monster paling kuat di Bumi, terpaksa harus berhadapan dengan Sang Dewa, pemimpin dari para malaikat. Sayangnya, kekuatan Zhao Ji Ling tidak mampu menyaingi kekuatan Sang Dewa, membuatnya terbunuh ketika peperangan di antara keduanya terjadi. Namun siapa yang akan mengira bahwa dia hidup kembali setelah 1.000 tahun? Saat itu, dia yang tahu Bumi masih dijajah oleh para malaikat, membuatnya berhasrat untuk membantai para malaikat. Terutama setelah dia tahu bahwa Bumi bukan lagi surganya manusia, melainkan neraka bagi mereka yang menentang keinginan para malaikat. Apakah Zhao Ji Ling mampu menjadi penyelamat umat manusia di era kekacauan 1.000 tahun mendatang?

Flirty_Boy · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Silhouettes of America

"The weak dies in the hands of the strong. My nemesis may die but I'll live. I'll live because I am strong." - Avery Collins An exhausted teenager was sleeping on the bench of a bus stop when noises of people cursing and screaming profanities wake her. Shock registered across her face when she opened her eyes and saw masses of people running on the streets, pushing each other. BANG! Bombs and bullets flew like magma from an erupting volcano. Blood graced the cemented streets. Dead bodies of people lay in every corner like debris. At that moment, the teen realized that San Francisco is currently being bombed. This is much worse than a zombie apocalypse, the teenager thought. She made a run for her life and tried to escape death. She was Avery Collins, an 18-year old US citizen. Abandoned by her assassin father at a young age, she swore that her life's mission was to find him - - to answer lifelong questions that haunted her everyday. Why did he train me to become a fighter at such a young age? Why had he then disappeared? On the other side of the spectrum, lived ARMOR - - the renowned terrorist group in USA. ARMOR had bombed countless cities across America and caused extreme casualties. The day after the San Francisco bombing, a letter was sent to the White House which confirmed the FBIs allegation of ARMOR being the sole mastermind of the bombing. "Keep your eyes open all the time, Mr. President. ARMOR will attack anytime, anywhere," was the highlight of the letter. George Harris, the US President was forced to prepare for the worst. As the United States of America slowly collapsed behind her, Avery Collins begins to uncover secrets that will change the course of her life and her country forever - - secrets about Jacob Collins, her country, ARMOR and the real identity of the US President. She's not alone, however. She is riddled with the companionship of a little boy with a love for technology, a sassy girl with a camera, and Luke - - a man who she never thought would mean so much to her. Embark on a journey of mystery, romance, drama, and love - - all in one book. Keep a watch out for the best ride of your life as the Silhouettes of America slowly unfolds right before your eyes.

ErinVale_07 · Thanh xuân
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