
Overlord: The Tree Demon(Dropped)

Tyler a Great solider died and is now in Overlord as the tree demon.

Kagethewriter · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

New World part 1/2

{Check the pictures in axurelly for all pictures of the new characters, thought they be shown later in chapters}


{We be basing off of the Manga,anime and Novel}

{But the novel...is too troublesome in my honest opinion or you be hearing conversation left and right with details so I cut it short like the anime later on I might use novel more as for now the chapters need to be fast pace or you be bored sorry for all Nover readers and lovers}

Anime for details and conversation

Novel for information and conversation

Manga for conversation and more details

______Momonga Pov_______

*Tick Tock* the clock goes up and continues 'Hmm that is weird, shouldn't the game force our self to log out by now?' I thought before opening my eyes to see the hall.

I looked around and wondered if the devs pushed the server back or was it some kind of prank? 'I would have liked to go out in a good way! What is happening?' I sighed. 'I'll just ask the Gm' I tapped in the air expecting the console to open and it did not work.

'I cannot open my console or call a Gm?' I thought hard before seeing Lignis face morph into surprise, he looked at his hands and tightening them before releasing.

'What is going on' Thought before we both stood up and yelled "WHAT IS GOING ON!?" I then heard a sound from the side of me

I slowly looked to the side and saw that Albedo was talking and moving?

__________Lignis Pov_______________

After opening my eyes I saw the hall and our Npc bowing to us, at that moment I was so happy it worked.

'Momonga is probably testing the console and other types of stuff, hmmm I should follow his movements though so I do not look suspicious.'

I looked at my wooden hand and it felt like a normal hand, although bigger and more weird looking. it felt like the branches were flesh and the wood muscles are actually muscle to say it looked weird was an understatement.

I watched Momonga and copied his exact same movement which was yelling "WHAT IS GOING ON?" and we both looked at each other in that moment before I heard a sweet voice, the most beautiful voice I ever heard in my life.

"Lignis-sama? Are you alright Lignis-sama?" Ava asked, standing up looking at me with concerned eyes.

Albedo was doing the same to Momonga.

I answered. "It seems that the GM call doesn't work" I looked at momonga and nodded.

"We both are sorry, Supreme leaders but it seems we both lack the understanding of this function {Gm Call}. Both of us apologize and would hope to take a chance to make up for our mistake. Please, command us as you see fit." Albedo said flawlessly without stopping and Ava nodded at her sentence.

Momonga waved his hand dismissing Ava and Albedo who both have traces of self-disappointment in their eyes and looked towards the group bowing on the side.

"Sebas takes {The Graces} and investigates the surroundings of the land. If you encounter any intelligent being, interact peacefully with them and try to get information from them and if you can bring them to the tomb also do not go farther than one kilometer and avoid combat" Momonga said to Sabas who nodded before the three butlers behind him also nodded and followed him.

Momonga nodded at seeing the action and looked toward me, who was looking at Ava in interest.

I took action, 'Sorry Momonga but I need you to accept reality faster where I can act easier' I thought before looking at Ava and Albedo.

"Momonga I am going to take action now, Albedo, call all the floor guardians to meet at the Colosseum on the 6th floor in at least an hour's time. Aura and Mare will be contacted personally by us, so you don't have to contact them" I said and Albedo nodded. "Also Ava, go with the pleiades and make sure security is activated then come to the 6th floor."

Momonga followed up with the maids, "All maids go to the 9th floor after making sure security is activated and protect it from any intruders that come up from the 8th floor Including the {Isle of Apples}."

This felt surreal although I was calm thanks to my emotions, my brain for example was still not believing reality even if I saw it before. Both maids and Albedo plus Ava left the throne room leaving both of us to sigh.

I looked to my right side and saw Urugha standing between us without making a sound like a statue.

"Urugha make sure that the skeleton sentries and army are ready for battle at any time and come up to the 6th floor to report what you find if something happened to them." I ordered the skeleton knight covered in gold armor.

He looked at me with abyssal eyes before bowing and took off his golden helmet revealing his green eyes and his deathly skull, "I..shall..report….my….findings…Lignis-sama" he spoke in a raspy and deathly voice although it seemed slow he speaks as fast as a normal person.

He then walked out of the throne room leaving us to sigh once again.

Momonga turned to me, "Lignis are you….seeing what I am seeing, th-they are m-moving and alive!" Momonga shouted at the end of his sentence.

'Time to do some acting' I thought before answering him.

"I am seeing it too, did the game become real?" I paused for a second to pretend thinking before talking again "Did they release a new version of YGGDRASSIL?, or is this another prank from the devs" I asked him.

"No it cannot be since this prank is too much and they earn nothing from it…..and releasing a sudden new version would not replace this entire game since it needs time to download!" Momonga said, confidently in his assessment.

I hummed, "Which means this is real!?" I asked with shock.

Momonga stayed silent for a moment before nodding, "It seems so Yggdrasil has become real which…..is good although you made my life good it was boring without friends but now Nazarick is real! And maybe our friends are here too!" Momonga got up and said loudly.

"Hmm quite a sudden change Momonga but if this is real and it will stay that way then living here with Nazarick…sounds fine to me" I smiled and my face turned into a scary demon but to Momonga it looked like a normal smile.

'If this world is real and our friends are out there then I would like to enjoy this world to its utmost potential but I have to make sure if we are strong enough here or is it like the world of Yggdrasil if it is then we have to prepare hugely since most of our firepower is gone although we have multiple World Items thank to Lignis we still need to be ready for anything' Momonga thought before I spoke.

"Want to go to the 6th floor now to make sure we are ready and dandy?" I asked and he nodded.

We both teleported to the Colosseum and appeared in the hallway of it where the walls were dusty fitting a colosseum but also looked extravagant in their own right.

"The rings work which is good, that means the weapons should work as well…Lignis do you know everything about your magic the same as I do it feels…naturally" Momonga questioned me.

I looked at my hand and opened it making a little branch grow out of my hand and it started growing before reaching the ceiling then it turned to ash.

"I do have knowledge of every spell in my mind and everything about them. It seems we need to test some stuff don't we?" I asked him with a smile.

He chuckled "It seems we do just like old times, remember when you accidentally kill Ulbert when sparring and everyone laughed at him chasing you through Nazarick, that was the funniest thing i ever seen" Momonga said laughing.

"Hey! I didn't mean to, I just used the wrong spell when scrolling through my magic wheel!" I yelled but he kept laughing.

He stopped laughing after a minute, "Ok I am done, let's march onto a new path from the old world into this New World shall we?" He asked and I nodded. We both walked down the huge hallway leading into an even bigger colosseum than the anime and there were many golems in the stands and a huge statue in the middle resembling Urugha.

We walked down the stairs and walked until we were a couple of meters away from the statue.

Momonga looked at it in its glory, it was made of gold and it was Urugha raising a huge sword with many gems in the crossbar and throughout the blade while drawing golden armor.

He pointed at it while asking me, "You made this as a reward for him winning the tournament of most skilled Npc, correct?" I answered, "Yes there was no magic involved, just pure stats and surprisingly he won although he is programmed to be more skilled and diverse than the others although the others are generally more powerful in their own right." It was just last year I held a physical tournament among Nazarick and he won against the final opponent Cocytus, this type of battle was very bad for magic casters so I held another battle which is a magic battle and Zacian won.

'It was surprising but I did program him to be, if not the most skilled Npc in the Tomb of Nazarick, inputting all his commands took a long time but with the help of the guild members I created him.' I thought before hearing a yelp.

Both me and Momonga looked over the Vip stands which were all polished stone covered in black and gold paint giving it an outstanding look, we looked where the yelp was and saw Aura who saw us and jumped down creating a wave of dust before running and bowing before us.

"We are honored to have you two here, Lord Lignis and Lord Momonga!" Aura said in an excited voice while looking up and having her hand on her chest with her other one behind her back but she was sweating.

"Lignis I think you have your Aura activated when we teleported" Momonga said looking at me.

I realized I had my auras on and turned off my two passive skills {Corrupting Aura} and {Deathly Aura} before equipping a set of robes like Momonga instead of the armor I now had my body revealed except for my groin, the sides of my stomach, the upper area of my back and my legs.

I opened my hands and felt the air for a bit before nodding.

'This should be good although revealing it does not reveal any important parts' I thought before looking up to see Aura blushing.

"I never realized this Lignis since you always wear covering armor but your body is really toned and chiseled for a wooden demon," Momonga said looking at my arms and chest.

'That's why Aura is blushing. I forgot she is only 76!' I thought to myself.

"Sorry Aura but this is more comfortable than the armor and I hope you don't mind us intruding here for a while" I said looking towards her.

She shook her head and her blushed disappeared, "Don't worry about me Lord Lignis and Intruders? You are the supreme beings, you own this place why would you be intruders!" Aura said it like it was a fact.

Momonga looked around before asking Aura, "Where is your Sister Mare?" Aura had a look of realization before turning around towards the stands.

"Mare! You are being rude to the Supreme Beings! Get down here!" Aura said while making funny movements.

A little figure peeped above the stands, "But Sis I am scared!" Mare said to Aura.

"MARE!" Aura screamed while making a dramatic pose.

Mare accepted her fate before jumping down and almost falling down before running over in a girly way.

'This is a boy right?' I thought watching him run over and bow before us.

"I apologize, Lord Momonga and Lord Lignis for making you wait," Mare said while holding her skirt.

I waved it off and Momonga just did the same before tapping his staff on the ground.

"Would you two like to help both of us with something?" Momonga asked and both saw the staff before gasping in awe.

While momonga talked about the staff I looked around the place talking about its natural beauty.

The Colosseum needed a massive amount of data to build because of the fake sky which copied the time and day of the outside world and the {Continual Light} which illuminated the whole place at all times.

When you walk, footsteps echo throughout the place, the colosseum was an oval in shape, two hundred meters on its long axis and one hundred sixty meters on the short axis. It was fifty meters tall and modelled after the arenas of the Roman Empire.

It was magnificent and held many battles between Nazarick members and inhabitants which live mostly on my floor, the 11th floor which has changed from the forest into a city I personally built which housed many of the Npcs I made.

Even if it has changed the power of that floor has not since it houses many {Lv80+} characters and magicians who have a number of debuff spells, so my friends call the floor {The City of Chaos} It happened a couple of years ago when I changed it and they were surprised by the detail of the place.

While thinking about that I felt a nudge and saw Momonga looking at me with a curious look even though I only could see it thanks to one of my skills to the rest, he just looks like his normal avatar.

"Sorry I was reminiscing about this place and my forest." I said before seeing 2 Dragonkin walked past us and put down 2 wooden crosses a couple of meters away.

"It is fine, I want to test some magic. I will be casting {Primal Fire Elemental} you?" Momonga asked me.

"I guess I will use my personal magic and summon {Greater Wood Golem} since I do not want to destroy the palace. I am using a weak version." I said and saw the two faces of the twin change into curiosity.

"You're gonna use wood magic! Yes I always wanted to fight wood summons just never had the chance!" Aura shouted in happiness.

"Hmm? Is it exciting to fight wood summons?" I asked with curiosity.

"Well Lord Lignis is the only one who can use wood magic except for the personal twin maids who are generally very quiet and are Non-Combatants, also everyone in Nazarick knows that your wood magic is one of the most powerful magic in the world! It is a rare chance to see it in action" Mare said shyly.

'I see hmmm? Makes sense considering I'm the only who can use wood magic apart from the two maids' I thought before opening my palm and Momonga pointed his staff at the wooden crosses

"{Summon Primal Fire Elemental} Momonga yelled and I yelled "{Summon Greater Wood Golem} The red orb in his staff glowed bright red while my palm had a huge magic circle appear with 7 layers of branch runes.

Fire came from below the crosses while part of the ground started crumbling and 1 huge monster appeared from each of them.

A demon appeared in the fire with huge red claws and a floating upper body with a monstrous face and ears while fire kept bursting out of it of course me and Momonga were not affected by it because of passive skills, same with Aura and Mare.

Out of the other place a huge golem climbed out of the ground made out of branches and wood while it had branch like tentacles coming out of its arms and head.

Aura got excited while Mare tried leaving but Aura made her stay and fight the two monsters.

"The primal is in the upper 80s while the golem is in the upper 70s but do not underestimate the skill of it" I said towards Aura and Mare who nodded. "Would you two, Like to fight it?" I said, And Aura happily agreed while Mare was getting afraid, But ended up fighting so.

Everything was ready so Momonga stepped forward.

"Primal fire element and Greater Wood Golem attack the twins" Both of the monsters started attacking Aura and Mare.

The Golem shot tentacles at Mare while the Primal shot wave of fire at Aura but both of them were shocked at the Golem targeting Mare since most summons attack the front enemy if you gave them such a vague answer.

Aura pulled out her whip and slashed at the branches coming towards mare while Mare casted {Magic Shield} Protecting Aura who jumped forward after the golem who blocked her path.

'He is dead since he is too low level compared to the twins'

*BOOM* Aura slashed the golem with her whip killing it instantly and then attacked the primal with a couple back and forth attacks before destroying it.

Watching the battle Momonga went off to the side and put his hand to his head for a couple of moments before coming back and stopping beside me.

"I just messaged Sebas and his 'Sons' they explored like you said and the entire place is a empty grassland with almost no living things besides a couple of animals, Uragha also sent out magic scout soldiers and are coming to report their findings"


Title:Three brother of chaos

{Max Von Mayerling}

{Claude Von Mayerling}

[Alraric Von Mayerling}


{Flavor text:Three orphans found beside Nazarick during its construction they stuck together like glue and always had each other's back although all three have extremely different personalities and also were different races they acted like each other's brother. One day Sebas found them and took them in and raised them. They grew fast and with Alaric's race they had to personally rebuild him each time the other grew. Now Sebas cherishes them like sons although will not admit that and the three think of him like a father.}


"I see, is {Kruf} coming with Urugha?" Kruf the skeleton researcher and magic scout he is the leader of the {Magic Scouting group} which scouts for any type of trap or enemy, he is level 90 and fairly weak compared to his level group but he is useful when scouting.

"I do not know but Urugha is coming now while Sebas is also coming back to report his findings" Momonga thought before standing on the platform beside a wall and I did the same.

Soon the battle was finished and the twins came over sweating.

"Lord Lignis, why did the primal get stronger after killing the golem?" Aura asked me.

"Aura the Golem, although weak, gives health buffs to its surrounding comrades that's why it is really weak so to say it simply it is a sacrifice character" I said to her and she nodded in understanding.

"Want some water?" Momonga asked Aura and Mare while bringing two glasses and a water jug out of his inventory.

Both of the twins looked at each other before nodding after refusing for a while but after Momonga made them drink some, I was bringing out something too.

"Try some of my handmade meat buns" I said, bringing two steaming meat buns out of my inventory.

"Lord Lignis we possibly couldn't eat something you created yourself we don't deserve it!" Mare said while fidgeting.

I rubbed his and Aura's head then I took the two meatbuns and shoved it in their mouths, surprising them because they did not even react before it appeared in their mouth.

They were forced to chew it but when they chewed, they felt heaven and started chewing before swallowing and drinking their water while licking their lips to taste anything left of the meatbun.

When they were done they were very happy before remembering what happened and wondered, 'How strong is Lignis-sama?' but they just shook their heads and said "Thank you for the water and food Lord Lignis and Lord Momonga"

Then we heard a gate spell opening and saw Shalltear come out of it with her fluffy dress and umbrella, now 4 inches taller and had a natural breast.

Shalltear dropped her umbrella on the ground and it turned into many dark bats which were part of her skill.

"Sorry to make you wait, Lord Momonga and Lord Lignis" I heard affection for Momonga and me but for Momonga it was different there was love in it which made me happy I did not have to deal with her.

She bowed while lifting her dress and then Aura said something that made her angry.

"Why use a gate miss-big tits? Maybe you added more padding on those cow tits?" Aura remarked with a smirk.

"I have you know these are 100% natural thank you very much, and for your information half-pint I have more. What's the word? -Ah yes beauty with these 'Cow Tits' " Shalltear said while staring at Aura's non-existent breast.

They started arguing before a loud and dark voice echoed throughout the colosseum.

"Stop. acting. like. children. in. front. of. the. supreme. beings!" Cocytus yelled walking towards us with heavy footsteps and carrying an axe in one of his hands.

"I stop when miss big tits stop nagging at me with her spoiled body!"

"AH-how dare you! This body is strictly for Momonga-sama! And with your personality It would be a miracle if someone marries you!" Shalltear remarked back before Cocytus slammed his axe handle on the ground causing ice to swarm towards the two.

Momonga activated his aura and yelled "That's enough, Shalltear, Aura, we do not have time to be playing around!" Which made every floor guardian there freeze in fright before Shalltear and Aura lined up next to each other and bowed before us.

I also activated my aura {Deathly Aura} and {Corrupting Aura} Making it seem like Orange darkness surrounds me and puts pressure on all the floor guardians.

"We are having a serious matter, although I am pleased to see the floor guardians, we have important matters which are not for fun!" I said after Momonga, making them realize the severity of the matter.

Then I felt a weight on my shoulder and heard a clown-like voice.

"All floor guardians gathering? This should be exciting so Lignis-sama what is happening? maybe the disbandment of Nazarick?" He said with a laugh at the end.

Then a voice was heard across the Colosseum.

"Zacian, although Lignis-sama is your creator, you have no right to make jokes like that in front of him and sit on his shoulder!" Demiurge said with a scow; and Yuger was behind him with Albedo walking beside Demiurge.

Zacian smiled before he dispersed in birds before appearing beside Aura and Mare, scaring them.

"Sorry Sorry it's just so much fun teasing people like Tsundere Demon hehe" He said with a chuckle with Demiurge and Albedo finally made it to the group of floor guardians.

"It's fine just do not do it again" I said before hearing a voice from the sides.

"Please do not call me Tsundere Demon Zacian, I have a name like you" Ava said walking with her eyes closed before opening them revealing blood red eyes.

Zacian had a scared voice before dramatically saying "Help me! SHe is gonna kill the poor old me ahahah!" He screamed and Ava was taken aback by him before he appeared behind her with his arms around her neck.

*Whispering* "Hmmm? Want me to tell Lignis about your secret crush on him?" Zacian said with a smile and instantly a blade appeared at the edge of his neck.

"I Kill You" Ava said with intense bloodlust coming from her.

Zacian took his hands off of her and waved at her before disappearing and appearing back with Aura and Mare while saying, "Fine I will not after all I don't want to die hehe" Zacian said laughing.

A girl approached the group with metallic footsteps and a huge scythe on her back. She was small, around 5'3 while Zacian was 6'1 and Ava was 5'9.

She walked forward and bowed before us and then spoke.

"I....am here...Lignis and Momonga..." She spoke with an emotionless voice but paused after every few words like she had to think.

Then 3 people entered from the stand's entrance. There was Urugha,Kruf and the Assassin's leader, Arobynn Hamel walked forward side by side.

They all bowed before me and Momonga with Albedo taking the lead, "Everyone let us pledge our Loyalty to the Supreme Beings!" Albedo said loudly and everyone followed.

Before we could interrupt they were already forming a line.

They all stood in a straight horizontal line and all bowed with respectful faces showing no sign of playing around even Zacian was serious.

Shalltear started first by stepping forward.

"Shalltear Bloodfallen, Guardian of the first and second floor. Presents herself to the supreme beings" She said as she went on one knee bowing with one hand pressed against her chest and the other on the floor in a kneeling position.

"Urugha.. Captain... of... the... skeleton.... regiments.... and. ....army,... presents..... himself..... to ....the .....Supreme .....beings" Urugha did the same movement like shalltear except removing his golden helmet and holding it at his side, his eyes flickered with a orange fire of passion before dimming like before.

"Kruf. Vice captain of the skeleton regiments, army and Magic Scout regiment's captain, presents himself to the supreme beings"

"Arobynn Hamel, Leader of Assaisain regiment, Spy regiment and dungeon regiment, present himself to the supreme beings"

"Cocytus. Guardian. Of. The. Fifth. Floor. Presents. Himself. To. The. Supreme. Beings"

"Fray.....Guardian of the 3rd floor...…Present herself to the Supreme Beings"

"Ava, Guardian of the 11th floor, presents herself to the supreme beings"

"Zacian, the leader of the support regiment and research regiment, presents himself to the Supreme Beings" He said with a dramatic bow and kneel.

"Yuger, leader of the range regiment and vice captain Demiurge's special regiment, presents herself to the supreme beings"

"The Guardian of the Sixth floor, Aura Belle Flora, present herself to the Supreme Beings"

"Al-Also Guardian of the Sixth floor, Mare Belle Flora, present himself to the Supreme Beings"

Noticing them all stepping forward and bowing with different bodies did not stop them from kneeling identically, and neatly.

"The Guardian of the Seventh FLoor, Demiurge, presents himself to the Supreme Beings"

"The Guardian Overseer Albedo presents herself to the supreme beings" but without stopping she continued unlike the other, "4th floor Guardian Gargantua, Victim, Guardian of the 8th floor and Aurelius is currently doing something important on the 11th floor are the only floor guardians not present and with the addition of some personal followers accompanying their leader we all offer our utmost loyalty to the Supreme Beings, Lignis-sama and Momonga-sama" Albedo spoke in one fell swoop and all the Guardians and Leaders yelled "This we Vow!"

My Aura seemed to get stronger crushing the floor and cracks appeared throughout the colosseum. The guardians had a hard time not getting slammed into the floor because of the pressure but stood still thinking this was a test to their loyalty.

I was too excited since I still have more emotion instead of Momonga who had almost no emotions but then calmed down after a bony hand was placed on my shoulder.

"My friend I think that is enough" He was standing still thanks to his staff and armor or else he would be having a hard time too. You see {Corruption Aura} releases an Aura which is based on your stats and my stats are way above Lv:100 players without equipment.

I stopped releasing the Arua giving the Guardians and the leaders some relief.

I looked around seeing the damage I caused and raised my hand casting {Branch of Construction} and {Exchange material} branches swarmed the colosseum and went into the cracks then it seemed to be repairing the cracks and appeared to be the same material afterward it looked like nothing happened.

The Guardians and Leader were excited seeing wood magic in action but kept their emotion in control beside Ava who was peeking at Lignis secretly.

Momonga took this chance to talk, "I am very pleased to see you all here and I am sure you do your utmost to serve Nazarick and fulfil your duties without fail!

____Part 1____