
Chapter 19: Annihilation [3]

Sup guys before we start I want to give big thanks to my new p@tre0ns [Morje Concho] [Heps] [Death Or Life] [Dwhateverprof] [Jake Inman] [Holosagewolf]

Big W's in the comments for our boys guys!


The sight of a huge majestic red dragon soaring through the skies, its wings beating powerfully and its body glistening in the sunlight. Its fiery strong scales glowed brightly, exuding a primal power that is both charming and terrifying.


From up above, my vision was filled with the sight of the army of those players. I was filled with a fiery determination to destroy them, and I could feel the power of the flames surging through my veins.

As I flew above the army, the soldiers shielding their eyes from the intense heat and blinding light that radiated from my dragon body. My presence alone was enough to strike fear into the hearts of most players, and I knew it.

With a roar of fire and a blast of epic power, I rushed into the heap landing violantly to the ground creating a huge crater and big dust cloud blowing and killing a few players in the process.

The battlefield was immediately filled with flames and terror as I breathed fire in every direction. The army of players tried to fight back, but their weapons and powers were no match for my mighty blue fire.

I let out a mighty roar, and powerful blasts of flames engulfed everywhere. The players cried out in terror and pain, as the flames burned their skin. I let out another roar! This time, even the ground beneath the players began to burn and melt.

The players tried to flee, to run away from the flames, but it was useless. The flames followed them wherever they went, and the heat was so intense that the players could feel their skin blister and burn.

The pain and agony were too much to bear, and one by one the players fell to the ground, their bodies burnt and covered in wounds before they disapered completely.

Only a few survivors remained, and they trembled in fear and pain. Some of them tried to run for their lifes but their legs betrayed them. Ironically the few surviros left were Heteromorphics players, I even reconized some individuals.

I stared down at the surviving players looking at them as inferiors who decided to rebel on their god, their protector, someone who they will never even dream of coming close to or becoming.

They of course pleaded for mercy as hard as they could but all of us knew that it was useless. So with my newly acquired technique that I created from an inspiration of an anime character I cruerly burned them down.


Black flames emerged from their bodies consuming them slowly but painfully. This fire is the hottest one I've got so far and it burns anything until its turns it into nothingness and of course it stops when I decide to.

Pain cries and howls that seemed to be direcrly out of hell could be heard from the torture they were facing, but mercy and compassion was the last thing they deserved.

As the fire raged and the smoke and ash spread across the battlefield, I knew that the battle was finished. I was the victor, the strongest warrior and the majestic fire dragon. The army of more than 400 000 players had been destroyed in 32 minutes, and the battlefield was covered in ashes and once again claimed by its legetimate owner.

I was now standing alone in the middle of all the loot and stuff of dead players, and only when the comapny's live stream ended, it was annouced in the game the result of this big battle.


Of course everyone was mad because of all the money that was lost in order to participate and win the prize, but it dosen't matter, YGGDRASIL has reached it's end nearly and rare are the players that are going to play it from now on.

The good parts is that we broke another world record for the most viewed live stream with 30 million views which made us tons of money.

Also all those items and stuff I got, I even found a cool world item...

Invisibility Bracelet: One of the world items. The wearer can become invisible at will. When the user is invisible the bracelet limit the sounds and smells emited to make it harder to be spotted. Normal items and magic techniques can't detect the wearer.


Those are not the only benefits I got, well let's not forget all those levels I had after killing that number of high level players, here is my status right now.



HP: 839 000/839 000

MP: 742 000/742 000


✓Dragon Monarch


✓Fire God LVL-134

✓Battle God LVL-167


[]Dragon God Transformation[] LVL-276

[]Dragon God Scales[] LVL-276

[]Dragon God Claws[] LVL-299

[]Dragon God Aura[] LVL-299

[]Cold Resistance[] LVL-263

[]Pain Nullification[] -MAX-

[]Poison Resistance[]-MAX-

[]Dragon God Will[] -MAX-

[]Limit Breaker[] -MAX-

[]God of Strengh[] -MAX-

[]God Of Mastery[] -MAX-

[]God of speed[] -MAX-

[]God Of Wisdom[] -MAX-

[]God Of Immortality[] -MAX-

[]God Of Luck[] -MAX-

[]God Of Order[] -MAX-

[]God Of Authority[] -MAX-

[]World Disaster[] -MAX-

"Im very close to reaching level 300. I will make sure to hit my goals before the servers shut down." I stated with a big smile of satisfaction.

This event was made so that the players get prizes in case they won, while my prize was all the money coming from their pockets. But what I didn't expect was for me to actually have a prize too, and I mean in game so this is what this annoucement infront of my face proved.


+1 WORLD ITEM: The Dark Crown.

+1 000 000 Gold coins.

+10 Customable accesories items.

"Holy crap! A new freaking world item, let's see what it is."

The Dark Crown: One of the world items. You have lived your entire life as normal human so you don't know how to be king. This crown help it's owner talkwise and it gives knowledge on how to talk to your subordinates, your people as well as your guests and enemies. No more sttutering and always a calm mind that is going to help you think 10 times before speaking or making decisions.


"Thank you STEEEVVVEEE!!!" I imagined him with his big fluffy cheeks simling with a bliding shiny light on his teeth and giving me thumbs up, an expression meaning 'Got you fam!'.



Sup guys! You can read all the advanced chapters as well as lemon and spicy +18 content on:

p a t r e o n .com/Nouflex_Naoufal

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You can also find and read the next chapter '20' for free on my p@tre0n page, find me by typing: 'Nouflex_Naoufal'

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