
Overlord: I'm now Gaster

Note: The image is credited to MiuB, took it from Pinterest, if the Creator of the art wants me to take it down, then I'm happy to oblige, just really thought it would be great for the fanfic. Inspired by Overlord: Reborn as an Npc, thought it was a cool idea so I decided to write my own version so check him out. Fist time writing so bear with me. PLEASE NOTE: I just took the character Gaster, not the lore or personality, of course the personality would be mysterious but it will fit to the mc and the lore will be new, so sorry for anyone looking for Undertale lore on Gaster in here, I just liked his character. ____________ Even, a man who watches and does anything that let's him have fun and currently he is on the trending topic of Light novels, manga, and anime. Browsing through google in his house a sudden virus pops up on his computer and forces him to complete a survey which seems to be something out of a fanfic. But he is surprised when the things in the survey come true.

Rin_Bin_9114 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs

Ch4? {Im sleep deprived]

[Will be edited and changed, made it in 30 min at 2am just to give you guys some hope]

[Also this chapter it mainly to emphasize that Gaster will have a lot of freedom even as a subordinate, will be explained when he has full lore]

I opened my eyes just to feel the biggest headache I ever had before.

Memories which weren't mine came pouring in, they felt like broken memories or incompleted ones of a man who's been alone for a 1000 years.

'FUCK! I can't even hold my head!'

I saw the life of W. D Gaster, a man who became broken after going through the void. Why is it broken? Well the emotions I'm feeling are just messed up, and it's mixing with my mind.

'Why are they so weird!? It's so painful but the emotions and memories are so over the place, like an incomplete story!'

That's when I realized it.

'I see, because the text isn't fully Tabularized, that means the memories are just the unfinished story, this might be for the best as right now I just gained short pieces which spanned over a thousand years.'

My head would've busted open if I gained the full set of story or memories of Gaster, and the emotions are all over the place which means the personality isn't set in stone.

I looked around with my head still hurting and saw Tabula in front of me looking at the description of myself.

"This is very bad, but it's just a practice text so far, I will probably make the personality next and then finish the backstory, for me personally, I would like you to not be so npc like towards us."


I was confused at what he meant before I heard a voice behind me.

"What do you mean Tabula? You don't want him to be loyal? That's the most important thing for the subordinate roleplay."

It was a weird dark but high pitch voice. I can guess many characters but only the main Supreme Beings.

"No, but we could make this character prioritize his own personal goals or ideas over loyalty, as he's a researcher we can make him have a special background with this, as he's the only researcher and unique npc in nazarick let's give him a special statues where he can speak up to the supreme beings. Kinda like subordinates who don't hesitate to argue with their bosses."

Hearing this I was surprised but also frightened, Nazarick is a double edged sword to npcs like myself, if they don't put anything in the description of the other npcs, if I were to prioritize my own goals or argue with Ainz, then I will be dead.

"Hmmm, I say let's have it where he would argue but not prioritize his own goals. Like he would have more freedom than other npcs and more status but not equal to us, Let's have his status right below Albedo, a spot where he can argue with the Supreme one or can choose not to do an order if he was given the choice?"

'That sounds better but isn't that a secretary?

I stood there as the two players argued about my description for over an hour before finally quitting and then they started talking about other things.

The memories and emotions didn't affect me much besides the pain and surprise from when it first happened but now I have this sudden urge to investigate every thing in Nazarick I never saw before.

While I have time, I have to think of what to do in the new world and the thing I want to do is.

'To see Clementine dance on a pole!'

(An/This is stupid but won't be deleted lmao}

This may sound stupid, but hear me out. Have you seen her flexibility and curves, imagine that girl in a stipper outfit on a pole! I was a man in my past life and had wishes which I could fulfill now.

{AN/Every person who saw her must have had this thought at least once right?}

Most people would be focusing on killing Slane theocracy or worrying about future incidents, leave that to Ainz and if I die, then I will die. I will probably get revived given how special my job is here.

Plus Nazarick in a whole can destroy anything in the new world besides the unknown continents and dragons which I wish was shown more.

'Well, I just want to enjoy my life now, some people may want to take over the world but I honestly just like living my life doing what I want, and right now what I want is to make a club in the new world. That would be awesome.'

{AN/ It would be, imagine a club in the new world, with medieval music and a dance floor with magic lights}

I kept thinking for a while about what kind of medieval music I should do before realizing I was left alone, in a complete darkness of loneliness.


Lol made this at 2;32 am while playing Battle Btd and listening to Shake that

This is a fast which will be edited when i get to it but here is at least something to show you guys I do make chapters lol