
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Kỳ huyễn
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62 Chs

1: Child of the Prophecy

I enjoy my view here above the skies together with tooth fairy. She's small, same size as my palm. She can even hide under my magician hat. Also I would like to introduce Ms. Tony. She's sitting beside me guiding the path. She's a doll, a fluffy one, her body parts was connected by threads.

But she's a human, this doll is only her avatar so she could guide me all the time, let's just say, I made her. I can see a closer view of a moon while riding on a magic carpet. I chose color pink because it's cute. I pulled out a picture in my pocket, my family picture. Just staring at this memory gives me home sick.

"You miss them? Only one week had passed," said Ms. Tony.

"What kind of father am I if I didn't," my sincere answer.

"You're gonna have a child again. Don't worry."

"You mean the prophecy child? I know."

"Exactly. So get ready to meet him, because we're here."

"Him? So it's a boy—" the magic carpet vanished, it was Ms. Tony's doing. I scream like a girl. Tooth fairy warned me to shut my mouth since it's midnight and everyone is sleeping. When I reach the roof, I float gently so I landed safe and sound without sound.

The child lives under this roof. I peek upside through the window. I saw the child sleeping on a crib. And his family beside him sleeping on the thin mattress on the floor. They have another child, a sister, which is older than the boy.

I came inside, I mean we. Looking closely to the child makes me wanna pinch its cute chubby cheek.

"That's the kid, his name is Haris," Ms. Tony said. I almost want to kidnap this child and fulfill the prophecy but I still need to wait for the right time. All I can say for now, he's so cute!

"Nice to meet you Haris. Starting today, I will be your guardian." We need to speak by still small voice to avoid disturbing the sleep. Tooth fairy pinches his nose gently and he coughs. She laughs.

"Well I guess you smell nasty," I said.

"How dare you!"


"Hmph! Then I shall give you my blessing. Everyone will fell in love with your smile."

"What kind of blessing was that, tooth fairy?"

"So everyone will love him."

"What about the same sex?"

"I mean, everyone will love his smile. Not a love life!"

"You two, shut up!" Ms. Tony warned us.

"Then I shall give my blessing too." I pulled out a single strand of my hair and I got the color violet. I planted that hair to his head.

"And what was that for?" tooth fairy asked.

"This enhances his sensitivity." She scowl. Someone turned on a lamp, it's their daughter. I changed my appearance and hide under the table with table clothe. She noticed our noise. Maybe I'm too loud. She inspects the whole area. And unfortunately found me.

She's delighted. Keeps on caressing me and my ears.

"Nheia, what are you doing?" her mother asked. So she's awake too.

"Mom, look! I found a rabbit!" I must run. Apology my dear child!

"Nheia, it's a teddy bear not a rabbit." She didn't noticed that she's already holding a toy, not my rabbit form anymore. It's her fault for looking away. Well, that's magic. I watch their reaction here outside again through the window until they came back to sleep.

As years go by, he's 4 years old and I'm still watching over him here on a thick branch of a tree. Haris is assisting his mother in laundry. And everytime he's resting, most of the woman plays with him.

"Look Holland! Everyone loves him! His smile is the brightest above all!" she's so proud with her blessing.

"And it's your fault."

"That's not a curse, it's a blessing!"

"I know."

"Why? You want the same blessing so you could womanize?"

"I better not smile my whole life! And besides, I pledge my loyalty to my queen."

"Well whatever."

This is Ba-sheriyan kingdom. Where the god of gifts reigns. King Parohah. He gave all of his knights a gift, a rigid body. A body that cannot be disintegrated unless they're not aware enough to converge all the attacks. Haris' father is a knight. Yet it's a very peaceful days to war.

He built a tree house for his children and their childhood friends. There are six of them, 3 boys including Haris and 3 girls including Nheia and the king's princess, Jexica. And this princess is picking up some flowers. I was worried when I saw a snake coming to her.

She noticed when it's too late, but she wasn't bitten. Haris was. He protected the princess. I almost died in worrying when the one bitten is the child of the prophecy! All I can do for now is observe him. He was bitten on the right arm.

"Holland! Look!" tooth fairy exclaimed.

Haris doesn't even have a scratch. The snake runs away while its fangs was left on Haris' feet. The princess sure is worried. And I'm hysterically amazed.

"He inherited the gift from his father!!" I said. The rigid body, Haris has it! So it won't be difficult for me to teach him. I listen closely in their conversation. And it looks like the princess was infected by tooth fairy's blessing.

"Are you alright?!"

"I... I guess so... " Haris answered. I can also see the confusion in his eyes.

"Wait, what are those for?" he ask the princess madly.

"Uhmm... sorry. Actually... these is for you."

A girl giving flowers to a boy. Seems uncommon, kids really does have gender equality. He accepted the flowers and greeted the princess a happy birthday. That's right it's her birthday today. The whole kingdom is preparing for celebration.

"Next time, I will be the one to give you flowers."

"No it's okay! I gave you because I just want to."

"Ugh... look at them they're so sweet!" tooth fairy said.

"Holland! Holland!" Ms. Tony yells my name with a frighten face under my hat.

"It's an emergency!! Go back here in the base now!!"

I have no I idea what's the necessity of this distress but I must go back. Tooth fairy made my shoulder her seat. But I must include her in my teleportation. She's one of my invention anyway. I stood up above this chubby branch of a tree and the turned around. As I turned, my location changed. I'm here now on the place I invented too, base.

Creepy trees and mist around. Inside the frowzy old church is my basement. Inside is slightly murky and a dust as thick as snow. Just straight forward, an attached huge picture frame of nature can be seen. I came inside the picture, and this is my inner basement.

I saw Ms. Tony, her human form, looking tremble on the map laid throughout the wooden table. I came closer, she pointed a kingdom named Melaleeli kingdom.

"What's in there?"

"I can feel the presence of the enemy in this place! There's millions of them. The king... and the queen... they're in this place!"

"Yes. That sounds fastidious," said tooth fairy.

"Holland, you must steal the seal."

"What? You mean the animal living in the north blizzard?" She responded me silence. "Oh, sorry. And the purpose?"

"This seal was created by King Melzedeck, the god of prophecy. This seal is the only way to defeat the queen. But king Melzedeck... is dead."


"The seal was given to a monster. You must defeat this monster. Just look for the tattoo mark on its right palm and you'll see the seal. Once it's connected to a body's heart it will obey your commands. Call it by it's name, El. And it will comply to you. Cutting the connection of the heart and the El can make you steal it."

"Can't I just kill the monster?"

"This monster is giant. Like an orc. You can't kill it unless the queen is dead."

"Oh I see. I guess the queen is the real enemy here. I have no clue what her gift is, but it's worth giving a shot to figure it out." I face my palm to the bookshelf and a book came on my hand. This is the book where tooth fairy was written.

"My dear tooth fairy, thank you for your blessings and companionship." I open the book for tooth fairy to go inside it. She wave goodbye for us then I close the book. I just throw it back to the shelf and it came back smoothly from its spot. I pull out the cane in my hat.

"Ms. Tony, I really never doubt you sa my bookworm."

I flunk the bottom of my cane to the ground and I was swallowed below. But truly I was teleported on the sky, and so the gravity is pulling me again.

"Why sky dive?!" Ms. Tony's avatar came out from my hat.

"Down there is the Melaleeli kingdom. Holland you should be gentle on landing to avoid noise."

Melaleeli kingdom ah? This kingdom is abundant in lilies. Too bad it's meant to be destroyed. From here above, I can see the kingdom sinking in fire. Citizens are dead seems it's so tranquil. Instead of landing leisurely on the rooftop of the castle, I break through the roof and to the top floor down to the main hall where the throne can be found. A grand entrance!

These piles of cement could bury me but good thing I have my umbrella. I round it like a stick and it came back to its original form, cane.

"Hellu~!!" I shout while arms in the air like I'm in a middle of a stage show.

"Holland...! I told you be gentle!!" She ceased scolding me when she saw the dead king, she screams and hide inside my hat. She doesn't even have a weight so my neck is safe. I saw king Melzedeck hanging on the wall with spikes pierced on his both palms and wrists.

His queen is dead too, laying on her own blood. Despite of this cruel scene, I keep the smile on my face. The King and Queen killed the other King and Queen. This Queen is severely beautiful with a black heart. She's wearing a crown and black long gown.

The King is wearing a gold thin leather and crown. They have weapons and even accessories. I noticed the rings locked on the King's fingers and a knife with color black blade. This hall is surrounded by unknown species, zombie-like species, and just like Ms. Tony said, there's hundreds of them.

"Hello there, Holland, god of magic. It's a pleasure to meet you here!" the Queen greeted.

"Wow! I feel honored to be known as god! Thank you for your warm welcome!"

"What brings the god of magic here?" the King asked with a fierce eyes.

"Hmmm... ah! I'm here to steal the seal from the monster. But it looks like its not here..." I turn my head around me and all has the same faces, not even a single giant orc can be seen.

"Well, I better take my leave!" I walk away and as expected they won't let me go. All the zombie-like species around me lunge forward. I whistle then bite my lower lip and I explode to a black smoke that spread throughout the area. It blocks their vision temporarily.

"I have one condition, Queen." I'm sitting pretty here on a chandelier.

"Tell me your name, and I won't steal the seal."

"How pathetic!" she react. Yes that sounds pathetic but I must know her name to forewarn the other nations.

"Then I better tell you my name," she answered me but her voice came from behind. That was suppose to be from below. Before I look behind both hands grab my shoulder, the Queen is standing behind me! My vision was blur and when I saw the King in front of me, I'm standing again on the ground. Am I hallucinating all this time?!

Since I was touched, I can't move an inch. I can only move my eyes. She started whispering on my right ear

"Where is the child on the prophecy?" I feel hypnotized! I'm losing myself!

"It's a boy, he live in Ba-sheriyan kingdom. Where King Parohah, the god of gift exist."

"Oh! I see. Thank you, Holland. I, Queen Aronah, Queen of Freculus kingdom, command you to kill yourself." I can move, but move according to her command. I picked up a knife from my hat. And I stab myself, I can see blood flowing out and painted my hands.

I can hear Queen Aronah's laugh as I fell and lose conscious to the ground. Now I know their power, the King can use hallucinating and the Queen can paralyze a body just by touching it. She can hypnotize by her voice. Those gifts sound devilish! But that was a great show!!

That was just my clone. I'm here on the rooftop of the castle watching everything in my mind. A god like me can't be easily killed! I want to die with oldness. That's a amicable way. I escaped when I made the black smoke. I'm just waiting for Ms Tony detecting where the monster with the seal hides.

Sealing is the only way to defeat the Queen. Maybe it means, sealing her mouth. That sounds simple. Just simply cutting both of her hands can refrain her touch, but the big problem is the King. The King must die first.

"Done!" Ms. Tony shouted.

"Just near this kingdom, a village, the monster is chained and sleeping."

"Okay! Almost time to leave!" I slam again the bottom of my cane this time to the roof. As expected, I'm falling again.

"Sky diving again!!"

There! I can see the monster below. I landed safely in front of it. The way it sleep is like a panda. But not cute. It has chubby belly, filthy color green skin, I think this monster is experiencing leprosy, and a fang as same size as my arm. It's so big!

"On its right hand! Grab this opportunity to get the seal!" Ms. Tony whispered but shouted.

"Oh come on baby! Time to wake up! Rise and shine! You still have something to do with me!" I yell on the monster while clapping my hands that creates a sound of a drum. Yet, still sleeping.

"I mean in a soundless way!" she mumble.

"You ugly duckling! I guess you're having a sweet dream with your love-aaahhh!!!" It punched me away in front of it by its right hand. I didn't flew away, I just sit here on it's hand. Still sleeping.

"Aha!! So this is the seal!" it opened its eyes, looking at me ferociously. I can hear it's rough and silent groan. I smile at it

"From now on I will call you 'Green Panda'!" I stood up and throw my cane above my head, I keep my eyes on green panda. As I catch my cane, it changed to a form of sword. I move as fast as thunder when I cut Green Panda's right arm.

Its scream can even break my eardrums. Since the seal was disconnect to the heart, I can steal it.

"El, I command you, give all yourself to me." The radiance the seal shows is like a diamond, this seal is optimistic. The tattoo transferred to my right palm. I can feel some intense energy from it.

"Holland, look out!!"

Green panda wants to grab me by its left hand, but seems like he forgot that he's chained. I stand up and stretch my arms. Another scream echoed in the air, the zombie-like species are here. I should give them name too.

The fastest one approaches me first, I would like to give it a shot. Just a single sway of my sword it became a froth, considered as dead. Such dingy creatures! I have no time for this. As long as I have the seal that's that. I turned around and I'm facing again my basement.

I came inside the picture frame to rest on a soft couch. Ms. Tony is still looking terrible.

"Ms. Tony? Something wrong?"

"I feel... danger..." another danger? What exactly is the purpose of this Queen?

"Haris is in danger!!"

"What?!" She can kill anyone but not that kid! Crap it's my fault! My clone told her the exact location of Haris and I forgot that! I'm bewildering! I round my sword and it came back to a form of cane. I slam it hard and fall, from here at the air I can see another kingdom sinking on fire!

Citizens are evacuating, knights are protecting them from the zombie-like species. It eats humans like a carnivore type. I can't see Haris, but I saw his father fighting. He is the only one fighting againts ten zombie-like things.

Other knights has fallen and assisting the citizens. I have no time to think for King Parohah, but I got the feeling that he's next to King Melzedeck.

I found Haris' father being bitten by zombies, he could be tired fighting against the blind spot of a rigid body. I help with just one swing of my sword and those zombie-like dies.

"H-Holland!! Why are you here?!" his body is covered of gore.

"Seems like my presence here is extremely surprising. But this is part of my fault. For you, staying here may rest you in peace."

"I don't mind. But instead, please save my family," he beg. I nod and left him.

Now time for the child of the prophecy. I came at the top of the tunnel where the citizens are hiding, this tunnel leads to the forest. An emergency exit. It has two gates in front, then on the middle. The first gate was invaded by the zombie-like species. Two knights are blocking the second gate. That's not enough strength.

I can still see what's happening inside by my hand-held trial lenses that can see beyond boundary. All the citizens including Haris and family are going to the forest, those two knights cannot resist the enemies anymore. They're all like ants running away from fire.

They're all on their way to the woods. I have no idea where will they stay, they all look like a prey of a dinosaur. The two knights were left inside the tunnel on the second gate.

"Ms. Tony, should I do something?"

"Of course! This is all your fault."

"Maybe it's part of the prophecy!" I huff.

The second gate can no longer resist the species, I guess it's the right time to test this El.

"El, I command you to block this unknown species from passing the tunnel." The tattoo luster and I can feel strong energy. I shiver, feeling weak, looks like it drains my stamina. I check the tunnel if it works and it really did. The gate became a gold as new.

"Holland, Haris..."

Yes exactly, I still need to catch up to him. I lay my cane on the air and I stand on there like skateboard. I'm flying like a witch. Many of the zombie-like thing chased the other citizens, and like lions, those who are slow were eaten. I'm sure my conscience will kill me later.

I found Haris together with his mother and sister. Her mother was attacked by one of the species, she clatter to the ground.

"Nheia, Haris, you should run now!" her mother said. I can see tears falling down on Haris' eyes. He's too young to witness this tragedy. Again?! Should I do something?! I'm losing my strength when I used the El. But I told Haris, I will be his guardian.

I suspect the blessing tooth fairy gave to him that's why I love him too like my own child even though he doesn't know me. Haris keeps his grasp to his mother's arm, begging to stay with them, but they must leave. His mother's left leg was eaten. She doesn't have a chance to stand.

Haris was forced to leave their mother when Nheia carried him away. Once again his mother was bitten at the back, I stub the specie by my cane from above. She's fatal. I sense some hope from her when she saw me.

"I'm really sorry," I said. She's looking at me, dead. As I catch up to Haris again and my big surprise when we collide each other, is he planning to save her mother?! Where is Nheia?!

He was stunned but I act calmly.

"Hello there, Haris!"

I can see his intense tremor. I snap my finger in front of his face so he'll fell asleep. I carry him with my arms and searched for his sister and when I saw, she was saved by a knight with a cape that has a symbol of golden leaf. From Hamel kingdom. A kingdom of wealthy vegetables.

I'm certified that she's safe from their hands so I decided not to show myself. I just turned around and I'm back in my base.

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

I fell asleep at my couch. I saw Haris day dreaming and weak. He's not giving attention to Ms Tony's coffee served for him. He's only staring at the floor.

I kneel in front of him, I hope that I could kick his emotions out of him

"Haris, my name is Holland. And she is Ms. Tony. We're here to make you live."

"Where is mama? Where... papa...? Sister...?" he's crying again.

"They're dead."

"Mr. Holland... please!! Kill me!!" his cry now turns to weep. I just let him take it all out. Then I started telling a story

"Once upon a time, there was princess, a beautiful yet terrible princess. She's not gifted and always hear cusses from society." I use some puppets to make it more amusing. And some magics too.

"One day, she run away from the castle. She wanted to discover her gift but she met a traveler, wearing hooded coat and red masquerade mask. This boy travels to find the most beautiful place in the world. But it took him years looking for that.

They travel together, fight together, and fell in love with each other. They cannot be separated. But it happened when the strongest enemy appeared." He's listening to me. I'm glad. I point something behind him when I said the enemy appeared.

He jump in surprise when he saw his same size dinosaur on the table.

"This boy defeated the enemy and brings peace to the world. Everyone loves him and promotes him as a god. But searching for the princess is more important. They met again on the place where they first kissed.

This princess brought the boy somewhere very special, the place he's looking for. They live there, get married, have twin sons, grow old, and in the end they're grateful for meeting each other. They never doubt to live happy in this world despite of their imperfections."

"And you, Haris, you're going to be the strongest and happiest person if you continue on living," I added. I smile like I always do. He's still sad, he turned his back on me and came back to sleep. I understand him.

"Holland, do you really have to take care for that child?"

"Why not? My calling is to teach him how to fight. This will sure end this tragedy."

"I see. That's why I never doubt you as a god."