
Increase in Strength

Koray was sceptical, "Can we trust him?"

"I think so, if he wanted to harm us, we wouldn't be able to resist."

Jonas ignored them, opened the bottle and swallowed the pill.

The moment he swallowed it he felt a warm and soft energy spread through his whole body. Green light dots started to rise from his skin and all bruises vanished, leaving a healthy brown skin.


Watching how the injuries from Jonas were healed, both of them opened their bottles and swallowed the pill.

The same happened to them and they felt like they were on cloud nine.

Koray could feel his broken ribs heal and the pain vanished.

After 2 minutes their faces suddenly turned into twisted expressions, filled with pain. The extreme pain hit them unexpected. They didn't know what exactly was going on with their bodies, but they could tell that the soft warm energy changed into a forceful energy, rampaging through their bodies.

Black filth was pushed out from their skin. The amount was ten times higher than earlier when they ate the rabbit. After over 15 minutes extreme pain and rolling around on the ground they felt the pain lessened a lot and the energy fused with them.

When the pain vanished completely they felt like reborn. It was a marvelous feeling. Their bodies were brimming with strength.

Jonas stood up and clenched his fists, a strange weak pressure leaked out from his body.

Dino and Koray watched and felt the pressure with wide open eyes.

They too clenched their fists and the same pressure leaked out.

It was invisible but could still be felt, if one was near enough.

Jonas exclaimed, "Incredible that pill transformed us into human terminators! Damn look at this I have a six-pack now!" He tightened his stomach making a robust six-pack appear.

Koray with his 1.96 meters was the tallest from them, but he seemed taller now, the same went for Jonas and Dino they seemed to have grown a bit too.

Dino never felt so good in his live, "I can't believe it, I feel like I could root out some trees now."

Korays new berserk body moved really fast and and his spiky brown hair waved backwards before he punched the yellow tree.


The tree was blasted apart and fell down creating a cloud of dust.

"SICK!" Koray didn't feel any pain and couldn't help but look down at his fist.

Jonas got scared for a moment, "Jesus Christ, you just destroyed the tree bro!"

Dino dashed fast to another tree and punched out. It didn't have the same impact as Koray punch but it created a deep hole into the tree making it fall down on the ground.

Jonas had an idea and rushed to another tree before jumping 2 meters, using a roundhouse kick.


The upper part of the tree was kicked apart and fell on the ground.

"HAHAHAHA!" Jonas laughed like a maniac, "Did you see that? I jumped so high."

Dino and Koray had big smiles on their faces.

The trio destroyed over 20 trees with different moves creating a big mess.

They laid down on the ground panting.

Koray said, "Awesome, we got so much stronger it feels incredible,"


"We should wash ourselves and our clothes, we stink a lot...Again!" Said Dino.

After cleaning themselves in the lake they went back to the forge.

Dino threw his sword and knife to a corner.

Jonas asked, "Why did you throw away your weapons?"

"The black dude was right, we don't need them anymore."

The other two nodded and threw their weapons away.

Night was slowly descending and the two suns were replaced by 4 moons.

Jonas who was outside to take a piss saw the sky full of stars with four moons hanging there.

"Guys look at this, there are now 4 moons on the sky."

"Wasn't it 2 moons yesterday?"

"Yes, if this planet has more than one moon then it's very highly that it is much bigger than earth." Guessed Dino.


The next week the trio spent their time hunting beasts in the forest. They killed more rabbits and deer like animals with 6 legs and green skin. On the horns on their head grew strange violet flowers that made them weak if they came too close to it. They guessed that those flowers produced polls that made one feel weak for a short time. After some attempts they managed to kill some of those deers. Every time they ate meat they felt their body become stronger and sturdier.

They even killed a beast with the body of a lion and the head of a snake. The fight was intense but they managed to kill it. Koray was hurt badly on his right arm when the beast used its claw to rip him into shreds. But after two days the injury recovered and his arm was healed completely. Dino guessed that it should be because of the after effect from the pill they took.

The meat boosted their strength greatly, it couldn't be compared to the effect from the pill, but it was more effective than the meat from the rabbit or deer. They felt like they would soon reach a limit.

They came to the conclusion, the stronger the beast is, the better the meat and the faster they gain power.

After one week Dinos dark golden hair grew longer and reached his shoulders. Jonas still had his big afro, it didn't seem to grow at all, but Korays spiky brown hair grew a bit too. Koray looked now like a professional bodybuilder from earth, with the difference that he could kill any bodybuilder with one blow. He had without a doubt the greatest strength of them. Jonas old chubby self was something from the past, his body was brimming with strength just like Dino. Dinos once old skinny body transformed into a athletic body with well defined muscles.

It wasn't only their bodies that improved, but their minds too. After constantly hunting and killing they grow more decisive, their instincts awakened and their senses grew sharper.

They didn't look like 18 years old teens anymore.

They were out in the forest to hunt some beast, in the last week they got used to the forest and wouldn't get lost even if they went deeper inside.

They still had their tourist clothes on and it looked funny on them with all those muscles seeming to blast out at any moment.

Moving through the forest one could see their eyes moving from right to left in a fast pace. A cold glint had manifested inside them.


The shout made Dino and Koray spin around taking a defensive stance.

The sight before them made them slap their forehead at the same time.

Jonas who was at the end of their invented hunt formation was stuck at some branches.

The branches were stuck inside his big afro making him unable to move. Dino and Koray looked at each other and laughed.

Koray started to tease Jonas, "Hahaha look at you, stuck in some branches, get rid of that afro bro it's the fourth time this happened today hahaha."

Dino joined in, "You are soooooo strong but still get stuck multiple times, it's so stupid bro."

Jonas was clearly agitated, he only get stuck because he fully focused in finding a prey.

This was Jonas only weakness. After getting rid of the branches they headed deeper into the forest. From time to time Dino and Koray giggled at Jonas, who had black lines on his face all the time.

It was the first time they found a little valley. Their expressions tensed up rapidly.

It was because in the middle of the valley was a man sitting on a big boulder. The upper part from the boulder was red and steam was rising up.

When could only see the back from that person, but it felt like they were looking at a 200 meter tall giant.

The air around of that person was strange. It was like when one looked into the distance on a hot day. One could see the heat moving.

They could tell with one glance that this person is dangerous.

The person sitting on the boulder moved his head to the side and said , "Hi I'm Max."

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