In a world where magical powers are a part of everyday life, the prestigious Othrys Academy trains the most gifted individuals to become the future leaders of society. Despite being the last descendant of the Othrys family, who founded the academy centuries ago, 17-year-old Ava is forbidden from attending due to her lack of magical ability. But when a dark force threatens to destroy everything Ava holds dear, she sets out on a dangerous quest to uncover the truth about her family's past and her own abilities. With the help of a mysterious stranger, she uncovers a long-forgotten prophecy that foretells her role in saving the world from destruction. As Ava trains to master her newfound powers, she must navigate the dangerous politics of the academy, where power-hungry students will stop at nothing to become the next headmaster. But Ava's true enemy may be closer than she thinks, and she must decide who she can trust in order to save the world from a fate worse than death.