
Otaku Reincarnation

In "Otaku Reincarnation," meet Kenneth Ponce, the high school superstar, hailed as the next basketball sensation by numerous media outlets. His world came crashing down when he was unexpectedly dumped by his girlfriend, leaving him utterly disheartened. Lost in his thoughts, he failed to notice the looming truck that was about to change his fate forever. As the impact took him by surprise, Kenneth's consciousness shifted, and when he regained awareness, he found himself in an entirely different realm—a world of magic, unlike anything he had ever imagined. Now, armed with newfound powers and surrounded by mystical wonders, Kenneth embarks on an extraordinary journey filled with unexpected challenges and magical discoveries. Will he find a way to navigate this enchanting world and unlock the secrets of his magical rebirth?

Karunezune · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

4. The Shack

The shack, though modest in appearance, surprised me with its size, being spacious enough to comfortably accommodate a medium-sized family. Its architecture was humble, yet the presence of a second floor suggested additional space, presumably for the four children living here. I imagined that the second floor served as the bedrooms for the kids, each having their own special corner in this cozy abode.

Inside, the first floor bore a distinct medieval style, evoking a sense of nostalgia for times long past. The kitchen was equipped with stoves, but the technology used in this world was perplexing, blending elements of the magical and the mundane in ways I had never encountered before.

As I gazed around, my attention was drawn to the boy I had heard earlier. His name was Zach, and he seemed to carry an air of mischievousness about him. "So he is your little brother?" he snorted, eyeing me with curiosity.

Ruby, who had been gently caressing my cheeks with tender affection, looked at me with pride. "Yes, isn't he a cutie?" she beamed, her love for her baby brother evident in her words. "I had been waiting for a baby brother for a while now, and Bathala answered my prayers," she added, her voice filled with gratitude for this blessing.

The revelation of the meaning behind Ruby's second sentence caught me completely off guard. Bathala, a Tagalog term for "God," held deeper significance, leaving me intrigued and curious about the mystical connections within this world.

As I pondered this newfound insight, my attention was drawn to a girl's voice emanating from the kitchen. "Kawaii! Your baby brother is cute!" she exclaimed, her words brimming with enthusiasm. "His looks are comparable to your mother! Such a cutie."

The compliments flowed in from every direction, and though I couldn't yet understand their words fully, their tones conveyed admiration and adoration for me. It seemed everyone couldn't help but shower me with praises, and I couldn't help but feel a touch of pride. Did she just use the word "cute" in Japanese? The thought amused me, knowing that my mere presence could evoke such reactions from those around me.

As Ruby gently placed me on a comfortable wooden crib, she assumed the role of a knowledgeable instructor, eager to share her insights about the intricacies of magic in this world. Here, magic was the lifeblood of existence, and it followed its own unique power system, aptly named "Verse."

Unlike the world I had come from, which relied heavily on electricity, Ruby dismissed it as "inefficient" in this magical realm. Here, the primary source of power was magic, and it fueled the majority of devices and technologies used by the inhabitants.

In this captivating universe, various forms of mystical energy coexisted, each known by names like Mana, Ki, Chakra, Chi, Spiritual essence, and more. It was as if this world was a splendid fusion of elements from iconic anime series such as Dragon Ball, Naruto, and Bleach, a combination that intrigued me beyond measure.

Although I was lying on my back in the crib, I could still see what was happening around me. Ruby's friends, along with others in the room, listened attentively as she demonstrated and explained the intricacies of magic. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and I marveled at the way her hands moved, gracefully weaving arcane symbols in the air, conjuring spells that danced with vibrant colors.


Ruby's mastery of not just one, but three distinct power sources—Mana, Chakra, and Chi—was a rare feat in this magical world. Such a convergence of abilities was uncommon, as most individuals typically possessed only one power source. With admiration in her voice, Ruby revealed that our mother, Katalina, had achieved mastery over the majority of the power sources, a testament to her formidable prowess. Meanwhile, our father was a Prophet level in every sword style, making him a force to be reckoned with.

Natalie, one of the kids present, couldn't help but express her curiosity. "So how many sword styles are there?" she inquired, her voice tinged with skepticism.

Ruby welcomed the question with a warm smile, eager to share her knowledge. "Currently, there are many sword styles, some of which have been lost to time, while others are being rediscovered," she began. "However, four primary sword styles are widely practiced: the Northern sword style, Eastern sword style, Western sword style, and Southern sword style."

"So which sword style is the strongest?" Niana asked, her eyes keenly focused on me.

Ruby raised her hand to her chin, contemplating the question. "Teacher Guinevere said the Northern sword style is the most popular due to its versatility and well-balanced approach," she replied.

Seated on a table, Ruby's legs swung back and forth with youthful energy. "The Southern sword style is also highly regarded for its all-out offensive nature," she continued, crossing her legs while donning stylish leggings. "As for my father, he's a master of every known sword style, but he possesses knowledge of some hidden ones too," she added with admiration in her voice.

Zach's excitement was palpable as he leaped to his feet, his face painted with unbridled motivation. "Once I turn nine, I'll study the Southern sword style!" he declared with fiery determination.

Ruby chuckled, unable to contain her laughter at Zach's eagerness. "Zach, you have to wait three more years; I know you're only six right now," she gently reminded him, a playful glint in her eyes.

Natalie joined the conversation, rising from her seat with a spark of ambition in her gaze. "I'll be a mage, or maybe a teacher," she proclaimed confidently, her mind already brimming with possibilities.

As the shy type, Niana hesitated before slowly getting to her feet. "I-I think I'll be a butler for Prince Kāru," she shyly admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Oh oh looks like someone is a babyphile. She has taken a liking to me.

The room fell into hushed silence as everyone turned their attention to Niana, who seemed taken aback by the sudden spotlight. "I-I mean, the prince will need a maid as he reaches six, right?" she stammered, her nervousness palpable. "And, and by then, I will be twelve," she added, her words tinged with both uncertainty and hope.

Ruby, still a bit shocked by the unexpected revelation, composed herself and spoke with a sense of authority befitting her role as princess. "Well, Mother said I should be the one to pick the vanguards for the prince, and I have already decided that you guys are my picks," she declared confidently.

A mixture of surprise and delight washed over Niana's face as she heard Ruby's words. Her cheeks turned a rosy shade of red as she gratefully covered her face with her hands, trying to hide her emotions. "Tha-thank you, Princess Ruby," she murmured, her voice soft and filled with gratitude.

I am certain this is an anime cliche

The door creaked open, revealing two figures stepping into the room.

"So this is the pipsqueak that Beatrice was so obsessed with," a girl's voice remarked, her tone laden with annoyance, which didn't sit well with me.

"You-you shouldn't have called the prince like that!" Beatrice protested, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Ruby, always ready to assert herself, rose from the table where she had been sitting earlier. "Yes, he is, Elizabeth," she replied firmly, her voice tinged with a touch of pride.

Elizabeth's clothing, while still reminiscent of a peasant's attire, bore a touch of refinement. Her long black hair cascaded down her back, reaching her hips, and her intense black eyes locked onto me and Ruby with an unwavering gaze.

With a playful pout, Elizabeth teased, "Who's your favorite now?" Her words hung in the air, signaling a significant shift in the dynamics of the room.

Ruby's mischievous smirk hinted at the twist in the tale, and she turned to meet my gaze, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Of course, my brother. She's family after all," she declared, a sense of pride evident in her voice. She then turned back to Elizabeth, her tone warm and inviting. "You're my favorite friend, Lizie."

Elizabeth's reaction was swift, as she immediately moved in to embrace Ruby. "You're my best friend," she whispered with sincerity, her voice revealing the depth of their bond.

Zach, never one to be left out, grinned and followed suit, joining the heartfelt hug. "Don't forget about us!" he chimed in, eager to be included in this special moment.

The atmosphere in the room transformed into one of warmth and camaraderie, as everyone joined in the group hug. In this enchanted realm, the power of friendship was unmistakable, weaving bonds that transcended social status or upbringing.

As Niana rushed to Ruby's side, she gently informed her, "It's already mid-day, I think Auntie Maria is looking for Kāru."

Ruby's expression turned pale as the realization struck her that she needed to return with me before mid-day. "I'll be back; I need to return Kāru," she declared with urgency in her voice.

In an instant, Ruby's form blurred into a streak of motion, moving with astonishing speed. A resounding boom filled the air as she dashed out of the shack and sped toward the outskirts of the town. Her speed was breathtaking, rivaling that of legendary speedsters like The Flash.

With incredible swiftness, we found ourselves in front of the massive mansion within a split second. Ruby's triumphant smile revealed that we had made it just in time.

Despite the exhilarating speed of the journey, I felt an unwavering sense of trust and safety in Ruby's capable hands. Her determination to return me to the mansion before mid-day spoke volumes about the depth of her responsibility and her unwavering commitment to her role as my protector.

As we stood before the grand mansion, a sense of awe washed over me. This place was not just a castle; it was a symbol of power, prestige, and the boundless potential that lay within the magical realm.


"Where have you been, Ruby?" Maria inquired, her gaze fixed on her daughter.

Ruby's response was filled with a hint of guilt as she explained, "Well, I took him to Goodwill so he could meet my friends."

My curious eyes caught sight of a slender maid gracefully balancing plates in her hands. It appeared there was a party for the visiting lords, and she carried herself with an elegance that reminded me of Fergie. Even in this magical world, it seemed some things were universal, like the allure of beauty. I couldn't help but notice her ample curves, causing a bemused smile to form on my lips. To my surprise, she noticed my expression and returned the gesture with a warm smile of her own.

Maria intervened, taking me from Ruby's shoulders. "Don't worry; it looks like Kāru liked it," she assured her daughter. "Now, it's time for your mid-day class with Lady Guinevere."

As the maid made her way to the royal kitchen, her image slowly vanished from my sight, but her grace left an impression on me. The world I had entered was one of grandeur and wonder, where even the simplest tasks held an element of magic.

With a hint of surprise, Ruby realized she had forgotten something. "Oh, I forgot," she said sheepishly. "Okay, I'll see you, Aunt Maria, and you too, Lil bro." She leaned in for a kiss on my cheeks, her affectionate gesture warming my heart.

In a flash, Ruby was gone, her speedy departure leaving behind a blur of motion.