
Oshi no Ko: To Save a Star

Have you ever found yourself believing in the potential to achieve something extraordinary in your life? I was once a firm believer in such possibilities. In truth, my life was ordinary but satisfying. I found contentment in spending time with friends whenever I could, and my academic achievements at university even earned me the reputation of a genius. I never truly saw myself that way, but I accepted such compliments with a smile. One fateful day, a close friend urged me to indulge in an anime series called... Oshi no Ko As an ardent anime enthusiast, I willingly delved into its world. From the very first episode, it captivated me. Ai Hoshino—a character of extraordinary charm, capable of captivating anyone with a single gaze. Her life was a tumultuous blend of being an idol and a mother of twins, dealing with the demands of public adoration and motherhood. Witnessing her trials sparked an unusual and strong desire within me—a fervent wish to shield her from the harsh realities she faced. I wish that knife would've killed me instead. Such a thought may seem absurd, even melodramatic, but the series had stirred something profound within me. As I continued to delve into the world of Oshi no Ko, the stories of Ruby and Aqua further deepened my emotional involvement. Their arduous journeys and their struggles tugged at my heartstrings, and I couldn't help but feel immense sadness for them. Struggling to relate to their pain, I could only appreciate the stark contrast between their hardships and the relative comfort of my own life. I desired to rid the world of that despicable excuse of a father, perhaps even more than Aqua or Ruby did. But I had to suppress these feelings. After all, it was just an anime, just a manga... Tragically, my obsession with the series clouded my awareness, and I failed to notice an oncoming truck. The very cliché "truck-kun" became the instrument of my undoing. I lost my life because I couldn't tear my thoughts away from the anime world to focus on reality. Pathetic. In the gloomy aftermath of this unforeseen tragedy, I found myself standing alone in a desolate street, a murder of crows ominously watching over me. Amidst this eerie silence, a haunting question pierced through my thoughts [Do you wish to change Hoshino Ai's fate?] --- My discord server: ava9cEr3eG

DeeplyLostInShadow · Tranh châm biếm
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34 Chs

Loyalty Test(2)

--- Shiina's POV ---


My name is Shiina Kotone.

Throughout my life, I've never truly understood what people commonly label as 'happiness'. But I've come to understand that a semblance of it can be found in the act of bestowing it upon others.

Was it when I was beaten by my parents for failing to achieve a good grade, or when I suffered bullying due to my weight differing slightly from that of my peers, that I started decaying internally?

As I gaze at my reflection in the mirror, the image of a supposedly 'successful' young woman nearly compels me to shatter the mirror into countless fragments.

I'm haunted by the echoes of those who belittled me, asserting that I was worthless and that my life was expendable. Perhaps I erred in believing they were right.

However, within this seemingly purposeless life, I one day stumbled upon something—or more accurately, someone.


It was a day like any other. I was forced to go buy some groceries as I tried my best to bring them home, but by the time I was close to it, I just felt like... staring at the sky, as I sat on a nearby bench.

If I didn't return home, would my parents care about it? Most likely, they would find me to take those groceries, right?

Can I mistake that for caring about me, to feel a bit of happiness? I wondered to myself.

Still, before I could entertain my thoughts further, I suddenly saw a man approaching me.

Even in my youthful naivety, seeing a stranger close in on you felt jarring. Yet, I didn't recoil; Whatever this man sought from me, it was inconsequential. Maybe I could offer someone a glimpse of 'happiness,' even if I remained impervious to it, as so far, I never seemed to make anyone feel 'happy'.

When the man gently patted my head and inquired about my presence on the nighttime street, suggesting that I return home, I sensed he wasn't overly concerned with that, but he was just being nice.

The waft of alcohol clinging to him betrayed his attempt to look cool. So, why did he approach a total stranger?

His response surprised me greatly.

"...At this hour, young folks like you should be resting soundly. There's a risk of encountering the wrong people out here that would try to harass you, so naturally, I should..."

His slurred words were almost incomprehensible and would have made me chuckle if not for their sincerity. When was the last time anyone even displayed a modicum of consideration toward me?

It was a trifling interaction, just an action spurred by a drunkard. But why did it leave me feeling so good?

Could it be that in his company, I'd feel... happiness?

"...Would you harass me if I did this?"

I exposed a small portion of my skin, prompting the man to halt in his tracks. His stunned expression was oddly...cute.

"W-What are you doing!?"

He stammered, attempting to retreat. Or rather, he placed a hand on my shoulder to push me away, but his strength was sapped.

I was perplexed. Didn't men experience such inclinations? Wouldn't he find happiness in such a gesture?

Then why did his appearance exude disapproval?

Caught off guard by my own bewilderment, I couldn't string together coherent words. The man fumbled in his pocket, eventually withdrawing something he pressed into my hands.

"Go back home now. Tomorrow, come to this location and mention that Kyouya Hashibara referred you. You... must not do this with anyone ever again. Is that clear?"

His ebony eyes bore into me, almost piercing my skin, as he coerced my compliance. Then, as night's curtain draped the scene, he vanished from my sight.

Staring at the card he had thrust into my hands, I strained to decipher its contents.


The renowned theatrical company!?

I nearly gasped aloud but managed to restrain myself.

Just...who was that man?


Recalling those memories stirred a tinge of emotion within me. Despite my self-perceived worthlessness, perhaps to this person, I held some semblance of utility at last.

With these reflections in mind, I adhered to his instructions the following day. It didn't take long before I found myself face-to-face with him.

Anxiety coursed through me. It was evident that he held considerable importance, and my mind raced with thoughts that he might seek to silence me about the prior night's encounter, coercing me with threats if I dared to breathe a word.

I had to ensure I communicated my resolve not to divulge anything to anyone. I yearned to preempt any attempt to manipulate me.

"...You need not be so tense, young one. The reason for summoning you here isn't as grave as you imagine..."

His words maintained an air of neutrality, and I observed that he didn't dismiss the presence of others before addressing me.

Could it be due to my gesture last night? Were they skeptical that I might be pursuing a fleeting moment of fame with a fraudulent ploy?

"Mr. Kyouya, I deeply apologize for my actions last night. I mistakenly thought it would please you, but I recognize now that I misjudged the situation. Please rest assured, that I have no intention to repeat such behavior. In fact, I can't fathom what came over me last night, and I take full responsibility."

I endeavored to convey my innocence and disinterest in engaging in any untoward activities.

"Oh, you're quite perceptive. How old are you, young lad?"

"I am thirteen years old, Mr. Kyouya..."

My response seemed to elicit his approval, prompting a nod from him.

"I see. What if I were to propose something? Would you consider working for me in the future? You strike me as much sharper than you appear, and I believe you would excel as one of my aides. Naturally, extensive training would be required before I would contemplate hiring you, but..."

He needn't finish his sentence.

"Please, I would be honored!"

At that moment, perhaps for the very first time in my life, I felt a sensation that could be described as "happiness".


From that juncture, from that seemingly trivial exchange, my life underwent a transformative shift.

Guided by the wisdom of many teachers, I received guidance on maintaining my physical well-being and many more, transforming me into the perfect secretary with a solid base over many things related to the Entertainment Business.

Even if affection was nonexistent, with my parents essentially trading me to Mr. Kyouya in exchange for financial gain, I found contentment in my utility to him.

After a few years, I finally began to serve Mr. Kyouya, a role I embraced with profound gratitude. I toiled tirelessly, understanding that while I might be perceived as a mere instrument, I would never betray him, for he had saved me.

Of course, this equilibrium broke.

One day, he invited me to have dinner, just the two of us.

I adorned myself as best I could, fostering hopes that something more substantial could blossom between us now that I had reached legal maturity. Perhaps I could extend my capacity to bring him 'happiness' in various ways.

I longed for him to embrace me, to amplify my usefulness...

However, reality defied my expectations.

He handed me a straightforward contract, which I meticulously perused. As I progressed through its contents, a growing sense of emptiness enveloped my gaze.

I was essentially being offered to his son. Despite my prolonged usefulness, it dawned on me that he had never truly cared for me. My value was confined to my utility.

He never had eyes for me, I was just a plus he happened to get from the streets. I was expendable.

I knew this.

I was aware.

Still, my heart... ached.