
Origin Sign-In System

Bad at english even though it's my first language, The story is about a MC that was poor, then gets a system that gives him whatever the author feels like in terms of money, also some powers but that will be way later.

imperial_demon · Thành thị
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14 Chs

Bloodshot Memory

James finishing signing for the cars, drives them into the garage next to the corvette, walking inside he sees Maya awkwardly sitting on the couch and says


"It appears you didn't make yourself at home very well, do you want anything to eat before we go?"


Maya"ah, uh, no im good thank you"


"Alright, we will get some snacks on the way, you ready to go then?"


Maya"Can I use the bathroom before we go?"


"Sure, down the hall, 3rd door on the right"


James goes and sits down while Maya starts walking to the bathroom and out of James line of sight, however, she accidentally goes into the 2nd door on the right instead of the third, walking in she is met with a large king sized bed with the closet on the back wall open showing all of James clothes, and his underwear on the floor next to it, Maya seeing this quickly becomes flustered and rushes out, realizing it was the wrong room, she quickly tries the next door, seeing its the bathroom she goes in and locks the door, before looking in the mirror only to be greeted with her own crimson face. Finishing her business she goes back out to James avoiding eye contact with him


'Weird, she seems to be avoiding my gaze. Ahh! She probably went into the wrong room, how cute of her'




Maya haphazardly stutters out a yes before following James outside and into his truck, James backs out and gets onto I-75, when he says


"Yeh, this is big brain time"


Which results in him quickly speeding through traffic into the left lane before keeping the truck at a steady 105 MPH, Maya next to him looks like she just saw god.


"Lol, you don't trust my driving abilities?"


Maya"You nearly hit a car!"


"Nah, its called dodging and weaving, i'm not gonna do something I know I can't do, except for going above the speed limit, but I mean, its only going to cost me like 300 USD, so its all good, Im getting my Lvl 3 license in like a month, so its all good"


Maya"If I didn't know any better I would think you're trying to kill me"


"I couldn't do that to you, after all you're mine, my friend that is"


Maya quickly becomes flustered at the first part, before gaining a small look of disappointment towards the end, deciding not to bother, Maya just starts looking out of the window anticipating the amusement park coming in the very near future, and perhaps stealing small glances at James during the way




-Timoo Skipoo-


James and Maya arriving at the stupidly busy parking lot, quickly try and find a spot, once they do they arrive at the ticket check, spending about 30 minutes in line before James pulls out his phone and showing the attendant the 2 fast pass tickets he bought which are the 2023 Prestige Plus Pass+All Season Dining+All Season Drink Bottle+Season Fast Lane Pass. In the end it cost him about 3,000 USD but its for the entire season and the food/drink is included. If James was staying longer then he would have reserved a hotel room too, though it would probably be awkward to share a room even if it had 2 separate beds.


The attendant after scanning the tickets ends up giving him 8 cards(lol never bought any of these so IDK), James hands 4 of them to maya


Maya"Wait what are you doing?"


"Im giving you your tickets?"


Maya"But you handed me a All Season Pass and all this other stuff?"


"Yeh, I figured we might come back here, so might as well get us both the same thing, or you could come back with friends or family, since you would get a discount from it. Aside you have to keep it since I already bought it"


Maya"But, but, how mich did this cost you?"


"Uh like 1500 per set? So 3,000 in total"


Maya"No, I can't accept it, you will take it back when we leave"


"Then I will just give them to your dad to hold onto, either way you're keeping them"


Maya finally sighing in defeat says


"I will pay you back for this"


"You really don't need to, besides I wouldn't accept money anyways"


James then walks to her and pinches her ass before thinking


'Finally got her back, its been like a year since she did that to me'


(True story, the girl I based it on grabbed my luxurious left butt cheek, then later pinched my nipple, I was never able to pay her back for it, so Im doing it via the internet, Suck it *******! I got revenge in the most indirect way possible, also if you read this, text me back Im sorry. Lol, Jk about the text thing, but she did indeed grab my ass, it was very weird for me)


Following James doing that, Maya instantly turns a shade more red than the hair of the spoiled princess herself (Rias Gremory, damn you)


Maya'He got me back for what I did, but he at least could have done it in a less public place! At least I did it when we were walking back from a fire drill and the teachers couldnt see!'


(Thanks for reading my beautiful readers!)