
The Threat

The President of the Federal republic of Nigeria relaxed on his chair and smiled. It was barely 72 hours since his granddaughter arrived in the country to visit him, and he was elated. He glanced at his wristwatch and shook his head. It was 6:00 am.

"She must still be sleeping." He wondered.

As he powered his laptop on to check his Itinerary for the day, he saw a pop on request for a call. He was amused, he wondered what was going on. Then, he figured that his IT department must have made the mistake and attempted to reject it.

The notification was still there. He furrowed his eyeballs and cancelled it again but still, it remained on the screen stubbornly.

He grunted in frustration and accepted the request. At first, the video loaded, then the call was on.

He was taken aback to see someone in a dark overall wear. The person concealed his face with a Nose mask which a scorpion was imprinted on.

He wanted to speak, but the stranger beat him to it.

"Relax, Mr. President, don't call your security yet or else, your beloved daughter dies." The stranger warned.

"Who the hell are you?" The older man asked.

"Someone your Excellency. Anyway, I want you to beware now. I have an eye for your God-damned granddaughter, and I'll warn you to keep her or else, she'll be mine." He warned.

"How dare you?"

"Shut up, old man!! I'm being respectful because you're older than my Dad. Fuck, I'd have beheaded you." The stranger yelled,

"Anyway, spend as much time as you can with your daughter because with or without protection, she'll be mine very soon." The stranger warned.

The President's ears twitched in anger, and he muttered incoherent words.

"And don't think of tracing me. You can't find me. Not even the best in the world can. Anyway, adios. I've got to run." The stranger said and ended the call.

For a minute, the old man just stared at the dormant Monitor's screen in disbelief. He was now in a tight corner, what was he going to do?

"The stranger seems to be a confident one" he had wondered.

Suddenly, an idea struck him. He picked his phone up and scrolled through the contact list. He saw the contact he wanted and dialed it. After a minute of ringing, the recipient answered it.

"Hello, Peter, I need your help." .



"Alright men, the bomb is about to be launched. Any last suggestions?" A man in a black tuxedo asked, tapping his fingers furiously on the large oval table. Gathered around the table were men and women dressed in a black code. Behind the man were two huge men-bouncers.

"Yeah, I'm certain this will be a blast" a young man, too young to be among the league said.

"Honey, don't be excited, it's all about to happen" a young lady whispered, leaning towards him.

"Boys, you have your orders now." The first man ordered into a communicator.

"Yes… Yes×cracking×. The mission is a Fai...*buzz*" a voice resounded, and his voice cut off.

"What the hell is happening, Scorpio?" The man asked.

"What the hell is happening?" The man yelled again, hoping for a reply. Just then, a voice sounded from the communicator.

"Umm… Agent ten. This is agent B2… The mission was successful"

The young man or boy as he seemed scoffed and hit his palm against his head.

"Seriously B2? Must you really spoil the fun?" He asked and got up.

"No, you're a traitor" the first man yelled in shock. He had trusted the young man and now, he had been betrayed. He cast a spiteful look at his younger sister, who sat by the young man. She was the one who made him trust the latter.

"Get him." He ordered, and his bouncers sprung towards the young man.

"Seriously;this?" Agent 10 replied and spun on the table.

He dashed towards the bouncers too and slid, grabbing a bottle of Vodka. He smashed it on a bouncer's head, causing a flow of red-Vodka and blood.

Furthermore, he rolled sideways, sending a kick to the other bouncer and took a plate, driving it on his nose.

Both bouncers screamed in pain, holding their heads. They brought out their guns and corked it, shooting the boy who, at the speed of sound, caught them and spun, redirecting the bullets and at the men who fell, getting hit.

The other men and women had retreated to the room, except for the girl. Agent 10 walked towards her and smiled.

"So…you used me" she said amidst tears.

"Yeah, you're with the bad guys, and I've got no choice" he replied, expressionless.

"So Dare, I can't believe all your promises was just to end this organization" she said, angry.

"Awn, sorry. Anyway, freeze" he stated, pointing his gun at her.

"Whatever" she replied, holding her hands in the air.

He quickly grabbed and cuffed her, leading her out of the room to the last floor. The men and women of the organization were all apprehended, led into a black van.

"One thing I loved about you Debbie is… You smell of ice cream and I love that" he whispered, pecking her before shoving her into the van.

"Adios black crew, I'll come by to see you all in jail" he mocked, making a peace sign.

He took one last look at the building before speeding out of there, blending with the darkness.



White House

The White House as everyone knows hosts the president of the country. Unfortunately, it was exceptionally empty as only two occupants lived there save for the workers and security.

In a large room, painted in pink, lay a young lady on a king-sized bed. She rolled sideways with her gaze fixed on her phone. She let out a loud hiss and threw it on the floor.

"Dana!" She yelled. Almost immediately, a middle-aged woman rushed into the room, kneeling before her.

"Your fairness, what do you need?" She asked, keeping her gaze on the floor.

"Stop calling "Fairness", I'm the president's granddaughter, and I'm human" she replied.

"Okay Chelsea. What do you need?" She asked, still sounding agitated.

"I'm bored, where is grandpa?" Chelsea asked, folding her arms.

"The president is having a meeting with his vice. I'm afraid it's unwise to interrupt him" she replied.

"Okay, I want to leave. Get me some soldiers as escorts" Chelsea ordered, slipping into her Jean jacket.

"I'm afraid that isn't possible. After that anonymous threat, he ordered that you stay at home until we get a suitable bodyguard" Dana replied, getting up.

"Oh, damn it. Now I'm quarantined" she moaned and got off her bed.

"At least, I can take a stroll round the compound" she said and walked towards the door.

"Okay, your majesty, but I'm still afraid it's an unwise decision. His excellency would be infuriated" she advised.

"Let him be, I need a life" Chelsea groaned and shut her door.



CIA headquarters, Lagos.

Dare walk in with his friends, laughing as they discussed the last mission. They all checked in with their Identity cards and walked into the elevator, going up.

While the elevator moved upwards, Lexi, one of his friends, struck up a new conversation.

"Hey Dare, I bet you can't win every chick in town" he dared, running his palms.

"Dude *laughs*, I freaking took down a whole terrorist organization by playing the leader's sister. So, what are you attempting to insinuate now?" Dare ask.

"Also, I don't play girls. I only do so when necessary, it's just a natural flair I've got. Or am I lying?" he added, facing the rest of his friends.

"Nah, you're the boss." They all chorused except for Lexi who put up a frown.

"You know what? I've got a bet Dare" he stated as the elevator door tore open.


"How about you make the president's granddaughter fall for you?" He dared, glaring.

"Whoa, why Chelsea White? How are we related?"

"Dude, we all know you're going to be assigned to her as her bodyguard. Ever since that anonymous dude dropped a threat on her life, the president's been going crazy, attempting to protect her at all cost. And also, we all know you and her used to be lovers." Lexi stated.

"Whatever, I still don't care, I'm not doing it" Dare replied, opening a door. Inside was a well-furnished office, equipped with the appropriate gadgets for them.

"Polo, play me ChoCho by Zlatan."

Dare ordered, slumping on the considerable sofa.

"Okay Dare, welcome back" a female artificially intelligent voice replied.

"Sweet" Tom, one of his friends commended as he grabbed a drink and rocked to the music.

A knock disrupted the brief moment of fun they had as a lady in her early 20s walked in, having a frown on her face.

"Come on, Stella, right now?" Tom groaned. Rather than reply, she walked towards Dare, gave him a hug and congratulated him.

"Congratulations on the success of your mission."

"Hey, we worked." BJ said, trying to get her attention. She stared at him, hissed and faced Dare again.

"Also, BossP wants to see you" she added, turning to leave.

"Right now" she added, intimidating.

"Whatever" Dare scoffed, super speeding to his boss's office.

"Time for Dare to prove his dominance" Lexi grinned, rubbing his palms.



In the suburbs of Ajegunle, Lagos. Filth, dirt and pollution affected the residents who were compelled to use their face masks to avoid the stench of weed, burning waste and sewage. To cap it all, darkness reigned.

In a delapidating bungalow, a young man sat, facing his laptop. He had a long scar that ran from the edge of his right eyeball to his chin. As he breathed, rings of smoke emitted, increasing the pollution surrounding the area. He kept tapping his laptop, trying to decrypt a file.

Suddenly, his door creaked open, and a figure walked in.

"You did a good job Scorpio" the figure commended in a coarse, deadly voice.

"Which of the jobs? Threatening the president or pretending to be knocked out during the fall of black crew?" Scorpio asked, turning abruptly to face the figure.

"I see you're confident but beware, that kid isn't going to make it easy for us" the figure replied, inching towards Scorpio.

Scorpio got up, went to his mini fridge and grabbed a bottle of White Walker.

"Trust me, the kid doesn't stand a chance. All I know is… This country's doomed" He said, staring at the darkness that coated the sky.

"Good. For now, we need to lie low.

Thereafter, we'll execute the plan" the figure instructed.

Without a warning, he burst through the wall, blending with the darkness.



To be continued...

Trust me, guys, this story is going to be epic. It's the second time I'll write a Romance themed book, but it'll be epic guys, just chill.

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