
01 : MEET THE CASANOVA (Lisa Manoban)


I was about to enter our classroom when a girl bump on me.

" Hey! Look where you're going " the girl who bump in me said in a hoarse voice while looking down.

Wow! I should be the one saying that to her because she's the one who bump in me in the first place. I though as I look at the girl from head to toe.

What's wrong with this girl?

But when the girl look up on me, my jaw drop of what I saw. Her eyes are swollen and I saw a tears dripping all over on her cheeks.

What the fuck? Did we bump that strong that's why she's crying? . I mentally talk to myself cause I froze at the view infront of me.

When our eyes meet I saw the hurt in her eyes. Hurt not cause by the bumped happen, I think there's something wrong with her.

Before I could say a word with her and reach for her and say my sorry she cut me first by running pass through me.

What was that? Arrrgghhh...what a good morning to start Jennie..

I just shake my head and continue my steps towards our classroom. When I enter the room I can see at the corner the person who cause all the commotion inside and outside of our classroom.

Girls surrounded her like a celebrity and the others are squealing at her. It's her again, no other than LISA MANOBAN.

No..It should be Lisa ManoBANGS, it's suits her more..hahahahahaaha (evil laugh).

I really don't know why many girls in this school are into her. What kind of spell she has? She can really attract many girls even though she's a lesbian or gay or whatever.

Let me clear things to you guyz, I'm not a homophobic person but I just don't really like this specific one person cause she's too full of herself. She want attention and she's a womanizer.

Don't get me wrong but this Lisa Manobangs. Don't have my attention although she's have this pretty handsome face, tall and blonde smooth silky hair, she have this perfect jawline in her face, the masculine structures of her body. The way she wear those clothes, it's like she's a professional model who just walk from a runaway show and lastly her scent that every girl loves to smell at her when she's-

Wait-what? OH.EM.GEEEH! D-did...I..I-I j-just c-complement L-Lisa Manobangs!..No..no!..I didn't even smell her though it's just the rumored spread around the school.

I shake my head in my thoughts then close my eyes to erase all I said to her. I didn't even know that I already seated in one of the armchairs in the classroom.

" That girl should consider herself lucky, atleast there relationship last a day." I hear my seatmates gossiping to the girl at her side.

" Yeah right! She shouldn't cry herself out loud like that." the other girl response.

" If you don't pass Lisa's requirement as a girlfriend then you expect nothing but a rejection..tsk! Poor girl" The girl beside me said and smirk.

See. I told you. She is really indeed a womanizer. Mystery solve, so she's the reason why the girl I bumped earlier was crying while her .....just enjoying.

I didn't meant to eavesdrop to their conversation but I have ears to heard it. I really don't like the way they gossip but that's not my business and I don't really care, except if they like to break Lisa's heads to snap her from being a lothario freak. I really wan't to have the honor to do that.

Speaking of the casanova itself, When I turn my attention to her desk , I saw her flirting with other girl who sat next to her.

Very well..I mentally clap my hands.

I'm not surprise of her action, poor girl, new victim and new heartbreaks tomorrow and I bet my life for that.

Romur said that Lisa's longer relationship was within 2 weeks and they consider theirself lucky if they have Lisa in 2 weeks.

They are really crazy girls, but I don't even mind their possesiveness towards Manobangs, cause for now study first.

I'm not really into her it's just that the whole school talk about her. Anyways I know Lisa since highschool and guess what? We end up being classmates back then until now.

I don't bother myself to speak to her or looking at her in class because I know that she won't give me a damn, not to a girl like me.

Yeah! She never ever try to look or talk to me, even we have same groupmates back then.

I really know that I'm a no her typical type of a girl because, I dress differently or should I say weirdly.

My school uniform is quite bigger and longer than my usual size. Instead of leather shoes with heels, I wear the opposite and when I said opposite it means I wear rubber shoes.

The fact that I'm also wearing glasses for my eyes . The worst is no one dare to court me even the ordinary guys I meet because they know the fact that I have 4 brothers to always protect me.

Heard me right, I'm their only girl and the youngest. They always keep an eye on me, that's why I didn't get so much trouble.

But, even I'm this weird girl in our school I can't deny the fact that I also have crushes to someone.

They said if you don't admire someone your crazy cause every people have their own admirers, so I'm a nerd but I'm not crazy...

Okay! I have a crush to Kim, Jongin o Kai for short. He's a tourism student and also a member of basketball team in our school.

First time I saw him was when my best friens Park, Chaeyoung o Rose for short, had an audition for the school cheering squad, in the gymnasium and when I saw him warming up in the corner, it was like I saw a prince for the first time.

He really got me in the first look but the best thing happened at that day was he approach me and sat next to me...

Ahhhhh!!!!.....aaaahhhh...( insert the Squeal part)

It happaned so fast to admire him that's why I called it 'Love at first sight'. The way he smiled at me makes my heart fluttered.

Actually after that incident, I discovered that Kai and Rose are block mate in our school that's why we become close, I mean friends and if ever I will have a boyfriend in the future. I want that guy to be Kai, unlike that Lisa Manobangs.

Every time I though about Kai, I feel like I'm in a romantic place like London, Barcelona, Italy and Paris. I smile like an idiot imagining myself with Kai.

I snap out again when I heard the girls squeals because of Lisa, Urrrggghh! What did she do this time? Tch! I don't care and I don't like to look at her.

Oh, by the way I'm a HRM student. Does it surprise you? Cause of my physical features. I'm maybe a nerd but I have likes too, you know.

Reason why I choose these course? Well let just say even I'm not physically attractive for a HRM student but I do love to cook and I'm planning to take a second course after I will graduate, which is Culinary Arts but for now I will just study hard.

After 3 subjects, it's time for our break which means my destination will be at the cafeteria and meet my friend Rose, whose waiting for me.

By the way, Rose is quite popular to the boys here in school, unlike me, we're opposites. Why? Besides from her beauty, she also have this smart brain and a very nice person. She approaches those students need help specialy in their studies.

Aside from that she also a member of our cheering squad. We're to opposite but we have many things in common. I really envy how popular she is with the boys but I also love her much.

" Please go out with me. I promise I'll make that day be memorable for you" the boy who approach Rose a while ago when we enter in the cafeteria. He's kneeling infront of our table here in cafetria while facing Rose.

My friend went shook " Seriously? No need for that don't exagerate too much in inviting me for a date, and to be honest with you, but I really don't go on dates. I'm sorry Suga but study first before anything else, and can you please just stand up " Rose embarassingly said to the guy name Suga. Rose pleadingly smile to the boy until Suga decide to stood up.

Suga lookdown. " I'm sorry Rose. I understand your decission" without waiting for Rose reply Suga step back and walk away to the exit.

Rose sight. " God! I feel sorry for him" She lazily pich up the hamburger as she give it a bite.

" Don't be, they're many biys from other department, who's into you with no bad record. Your decission was right to reject him." I reach for her hands and tap it and give her my re assuring smile .

" Jennie, you know that I wan't him to give achance to prove himself but I don't like the rumors I heard about him, and I'm scared to trust him that easy. In the first place also we're here not to find our future partners, we're here at school to...." Rose glance at me, as she want me to finish her sentence.

"- Study. Yeah, yeah. I know right, but don't just all ignore them my friend, enjoy being a college girl. Yo have a lots og admirer here and try to like someone." I roll my eyes seeing her busy munching her food and didn't even Listen to me. Again.

" Admirer huh? Or presumably a stalker. I don't know if they know the word ' NO-NEVER-NOT-NOPE and NAHH!' because everytime I told them those words to my so called admirer they just bugging me all over again and bother me with the same old stupid questions." Rose groan inannoyance as she gesture her hands in the air while still holding her hamburger.

Sitting the corner of this crowded cafeteria, Rose and I continue to chat and talk about our lessons in class, rather than to continue to talk about boys.

Minute pass when the cafeteria door produce a noise indicated that some student's enter in the cafeteria.

Rose and I are very oblivious who enter but when I saw the other students reaction if who enter in the cafeteria, I think I have now an idea.

Lisa Manoban with Gs.

Her again. God! Why couldn't my day be complete without seeing her..

" Jennie. I have something to tell you." Rose cit off my thoughts but I sense that she's shaking a bit.

" What is it? Is this about Kai? Then I'm willing to listen" I playfully said to her to ease up her mood a little because I smell something not good and it feels not so right.

" Yah! Everythime I'll say something to you, you'll always change the subject to Kai. Are you that possesive to him? Oh. God. Jennie, I'm serious her but you just ignore it and ask for him instead. Your such a good friend." Rose mock me then roll her eyes and fold her arms into her chest.

" Your very welcome my friend" I smirk at her as she took my sillyness seriously.

" Back to the part that I want't to say something..." she pause and continue " Oh my God I think I can't say it." She look at me intently and lean forward to me.

" What is it?" I'm patienly waiting for her next words but the next thing she do make me curious as she pointed Lisa Manoban approaching to our table that I'm not really sure if who she would approach.

I glance at Rose to continue what she wan't to said to me but before Rose can say something, a very familiar voice interrupt her.

" Hey!" Rose and I shifted our attention to the person standing right next to our table.

My heart beats fast like I'm running in a marathon as I saw her closely. The rumors are true, her scent smell goods. I couldn't move a little seeing her near me to me I feel like a statue.

What the hell she' s doing here.? And why I'm feeling this way, it's just Lisa.

I'm really confuse because Lisa was not looking at me. Am I disappointed now that she's not looking at me? What? No..it's better to not entertain her.

" H-Hey" Rose stutter as she slowly shift her position to face Lisa.

Okay? Can someone tell me that she's not talking to my friend. Why is Rose stuttering? Is she nervous or what?.

" Are you done eating?" Yes, we're done and that's none of your business. I want to answer Lisa with that statement but I can't my pulse was beating like crazy.

" A...ah .Y-yes." that's all Rose said but stil stuttering. She's really nervous but why? Oh no. I'm nervous too but why am I too?

Lisa smile." Good then, so....I'll just see you around" Lisa said. I'll look my friend and Lisa with me eyes without moving my head.

What's the meaning of this?. Every student in the cafeteria looking at our direction. Others girls eyes are staring at us with daggers and I think with those stares we could die at this moment I gulp at the attention everyones giving us.

I wish Lisa with bangs would fucking leave us now. ...Shu...shu..shu...Go away Lisa...I mentally pray.

" Bye" Rose shyly said to Lisa and lift her hand a little to give Lisa wave.

Lisa leave our table without minding that I'm infront of her too. I look at me friend now who's cheeks turn into red.


" What was that for? What she's doing here and just asked us if we done eating?" W-wait 'Us' ? She didn't look at me though. Am I assuming.?

" H-Huh?..A..a..ammm..I-I think she's Just being friendly?" I raised my brow at Rose statement.

Friendly her ass.....

" Tch!...I don't care though, just be sure she's not hitting on you? Because if she is" I form my hand in a fist as I lift it. " I'm gonna punch her pretty fucking face" I whisper the last sentence so that no one can hear me.

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