
Only To Be Yours

"You felt home to me, the moment you hugged me. I kept denying my feelings. But I can't do that anymore. I don't want to run away from my feelings anymore. Tell me what should I do!?" No words were heard from both of them. Words were sealed with a kiss. Yes, Hoseok was kissing Hyungwon. No words were required to explain their feelings. A spell was working on both of them. The spell of love. ----------------------------------------------------

Yuriko_Chan_ · LGBT+
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3 Chs

#2 Perfect 7


Break finally came to save all of the students from the long lectures. Everyone of us was quite. No conversations were made.

I was packing up my staff to go out for eating. Others were doing the same too. I asked Wonho to join us since he was new and was about to get up from our seats, when Kihyun spoke up.

"Hey...are you not gonna even speak to me?"

Minhyuk and I glanced at each other. Minhyuk was about to ask but Wonho spoke up first.

"Why won't I?"

Now everyone was confused by this sudden interaction.

Kihyun got up from his seat and faced Wonho. Both of them smiled fondly at each other.

"I'm sorry I couldn't--", Wonho couldn't finish his sentence. He was taken in an embrace by Kihyun. For a second I felt something different in Kihyun but disposed it away. After all it's Kihyun we are talking about.

Wonho hugged him back. They parted after few seconds, then faced us. They understood that they need to explain by looking at our confused faces.

I noticed something else. Shownu was not bothered. He is the only person who care for Kihyun so much that we can't even describe. After seeing this, noticing him being not bothered at all felt quit strange.

"We should go to the cafeteria first. Let's meet up with those two and I'll explain everything", Kihyun said while grabbing Wonho's hand.

We nodded and followed them.

Changkyun and Jooheon were waiting for us at the place we usually sit. Their eyes widen a little to see a new face and seeing Kihyun holding someone else's hand.

"Wonho take a seat. This is Changkyun and Jooheon. Our other two group members", both of them smiled at Wonho.

"Hi. Nice to meet you two. Well...I already know them and about you all quite a bit.", Everyone looked at him.

A little redness crept in his ears. He adorably rubbed his left ear in embarrassment.

"Don't take it in the other way. It's - it's just that you all are quite famous in Instagram. That's how I got to know about you all...."

"Well we are!!", Minhyuk exclaimed.

"Alright. Now I should explain", Kihyun took a seat. The rest of us did the same.

"Wonho. I mean Hoseok is my childhood friend. We have been friends for 8 years. But due to my father's sudden moving out we lost contact. I had to left Hoseok's place and him....".

There was sadness evident in Kihyun's tone. Which none of us has ever heard. He continued.

"After all these years I'm finally meeting him. 12 years long....After I came to this place I met Shownu 1 year later", he looked at Shownu now.

"Yes. That's how it is...I didn't know whether he is active in social media or not that's why I couldn't reach him. And...our parting was also sad...which stopped me more from reaching him...", Wonho spoke all the words while looking down.

It felt a like special bond between these two. To be exact, more from Kihyun but less from Wonho.

"I have heard about quite a lot about you from Kihyun. I'm really happy to finally meet you", Shownu smiled at Wonho and shook his hand with him.

"That means our group is getting another member?", Changkyun finally spoke up.

"Of course we are!! As if fate has already had this for us!", Minhyuk seemed way too happy.

"That means finally we are the perfect 7", Jooheon smiled his dimples acting up.

"Why perfect 7?", Wonho asked.

"Cause number 7 means unity of four corners of the earth with the Holy Trinity", this time I spoke up while staring at him.

He let out a small "Oh".

Rest of the time we spent talking and eating. Everyone was quite happy as a new member have joined us. Kihyun looked happier than usual days. Is it only me imagining these things?

Rest of the day went smoothly. Nothing new happened except Wonho being our side.



"Is it really him?"

"Am I really seeing his face after all these years?"

"Am I dreaming?"

I was keep on telling these questions to myself. The new transfer boy. Why does he look like Hoseok? Is it really him? My eyes couldn't leave him.

After he said his name. The voice which I heard. No doubt was there. It is Hoseok. My first love.

It's been 12 years and I still couldn't get you out of my mind. When I felt like I was finally moving on, there you are right in front of my eyes. Why?

Does fate wants to play with me? Or is it me being like this?

God!! Hoseok!! All I know is now. I'm really thankful to heavens to meet you again. And this time I will make sure never to leave you again like that.
