
Only love hurts

When the depressed girl leaves his billionaire husband

Mona_Raaj · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

CHAPTER 1: Secret

He reached home driving the car as fast as he can,And park his car in the car porch an then Mr Sean Diego came out of the car and open the other door for his wife Herra and asked her to came out then He dragged her to the house,when he entered in the house Mr and Mrs Sean were looking at his son like he's holding the hand of any Untouchable thing,Diego didn't pay attention to his parents and moved to his room and after reaching his room he left her hand,and started talking like giving her the warning

''This is your last time Herra after this time if you ever tried to get yourself out of this house I'm sure you cant bear the consequences "

Herra didn't said anything She just stayed silent like she didn't hear anything.He stared her with the gaze of hatred and left the room.

When Diego went downstairs there he heared her mother's voice with full of anger and hatred

"Why did you take her back when she just left our house"He gazed her mother and said"beacuse she is my responsibility"after giving this short answer he left that place and his mother was burning in anger.

"He was not like that before"Herra was deep in her thoughts,Diego was his Uncle's son Herra's father had only one elder brother,His Uncle does not have any child after there long marriage period they were blessed by a son Diego,Herra's parents had love marriage but after one year of marriage Herra's mother died while giving birth to Herra then his father also married another women and left all alone but at that time Herra's Grandmother(his mother's Mom) came and took her with herself Herra was only 1 year old When she came with her Grandma.There was another problem Her mother also had a brother William who has a son and a wife too His wife never liked Herra But her Grandma took all the possible steps to nurture her in a well mannered girl.After any harsh talk with Mrs William she always just run to her Grandma.

Everything was alright at that time but then a thunder came.

Mrs Sean came to her room and saw her peacefully resting on the bed she just turned red cause of anger and shouted on her and said

"Ohhh Princess get up now your gonna do all the house chores with the maid understand" Now when will you stop staring at me get up and go to the kitchen There are some guests for Diego's next wedding go and help the maids the she left the room.

The got up and sit on her place and smiled but the smile was broken and said to herself.

"What luck you Got Herra now your gonna make dishes for your own husband's In-laws Haaahha well done Herra"She was taunting her own self.

She was working in the kitchen The maid approached her and asked her Mam Mr Diego is your husband they why're she just said the half thing But Herra understood the full point of her this question and then the maid said Aren't you afraid

Herra smiled a bit and said"Why afraid of losing the thing which is not mine" I don't wanna be the hurdle between his happiness I am today I don't know if I would be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Diego stopped by listening her voice in kitchen and listened her talk

The maid said"Mem why're you talking about dying at such a young age"Herra said"I'm already dead inside it's just like I'm decieving everyone that I'm alive".Are you not sad that your husband is gonna marry another women,I would be sad if he was my husband I'm just his responsibility he just kept his father's words and I'm grateful to him for all this and then just felt a bit Nauseous and bend toward the sink and washed her face the maid without any thoughts said Mem your pregnant, She then felt a sharp pain in her heart she don't wanna believe it that's why she kept that thought away from herself too and then shrugged herself out of the thoughts and said no it's just "stomach problem"after that she ran too her room and didn't saw Diego who was standing there with astonished expression.

Oh God please help me she was praying.

She was crying her heart out

I don't wanna bring another existence like me in this world,I don't wanna bring another parentless life into this world she was crying with Hiccups

she didn't know that Diego was behind her when she prayed she turned and saw him she got afraid and then she knew that now her secret is not secret anymore.....