

"Oh, my!" Andy whispered in awe as she got her first view of the Island.

The beauty and serenity she could sense even from a distance took her breath away, and Cassidy spied her from the corner of his eyes as she moved closer to the rail to have a better look.

Andy was very certain that the sight before her was the garden of Eden which the sisters of the orphanage had so well taught them as children.

In front of her was land filled with endless grains of golden sand, which made her want to jump off the ship just to dip her feet in the sand.

It was as though the whole island itself was made from the purest of gold. And the evening sun cast a golden orange hue in the background which reflected off the surface of the shimmering blue waters.

Green plants spread out all around the island, dotted with a variety of coloured flowers that grew among the bushes, and from the distance she could almost hear the singing voices of different species of birds.

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