
One punch man: Ancient Atrocity

----Test synopsis, Don't expect updates, chapters will be random----- -----I need a better cover art picture----- This is my try at a comedy series using one-punch man as a piggy back. It is likely to fail... Our main character Himmernick is woken up by two weirdos The busted up his underground cathedral and had basically asked who he was. Within 20 words or less. However can the legendary ancient monster really sum himself up within 20 words.

ZeOwl · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs


Chewing on the candy bar I had to admit this was really good. Zombieman was in the other room talking to someone. I could overhear their conversation about testing me. Honestly I didn't care much i figured I would be getting tested or attacked eventually.

My chitin formed around my body the second I sensed the oncoming attack. Several guns popped out of the walls and began shooting me. The bullets ricocheted off as I struggled to pull the wrapper of my next candy bar. With my chitin it was a tad difficult, so i just tossed the entire thing in my mouth.

Several robots stepped out of the walls. Focusing on them I could se varying energy levels in each of them, it seemed like some kind of ranking system. The first one with the least energy attacked me. It didn't do much though just bouncing off and breaking itself in the process. Going through each i hit them individually. The strongest of them actually took my attack, it wasn't half bad.

Though a kick took off its head and it fell over. Next was lasers, as expected everyone always uses lasers. "Hey Zombieman can I get some tea or something?"

I heard whoever with him jump in shock. An intercom came on letting them speak. "This room is used by the A rank and above heroes to train their abilities. May I ask you Sir Himmernick, do wish to be a hero?"

I yawned, "Not really. To be honest from what I read about your hero association only like 10% of you are real heroes. The rest are just social workers like cops or firemen."

I heard the intercom man speak to Zombieman about the fact by their standards I wasn't a monster. However I was in fact still not human. Which led to a conversation about having a guide for me or something.

I scratched my face, I was... A third voice joined the two previously. An argument about using the room ensued and some guy with bat came strolling in. He looked up and down, "What are you supposed to be?"

I recognized this guy as the guy who had the good taste in clothing. "I'm Himmernick, you are metal bat?"

"Yeah so?" His face distorted around until Zombieman came walking in with intercom man.

The Intercom man spoke up, "Metal bat, since you are eager to use the facility for your batting practice. Which you were told not to do previously, how about you test Himmernick here."

He looked me over and my Chitin, Zombieman spoke next though. "We should ask Nick, before you suggest anything more serious director." Zombieman seemed to have some level of empathy for monsters, perhaps it is because of his strange biology. he didn't have any innate energy within him, he was in fact a zombie.

"Yeah, I don't mind. I always accept an easy confidence boost."

Metal bat spat on his hands. A very gross action until he readied. "Tch, I am gonna enjoy this."

The two other men ducked as metal bat threw a swing into my head. It wasn't bad honestly this kid could have passed as a legend in a different era. He hit me a dozen more times creating some good friction in the air. Wind was actually created in the air by his strikes. I moved around letting him hit my lower back.

"Oh right there. Sitting in a chair for so long this really releases the tension."

"You son of a bitch!" Metal bat began striking harder, that bat of his was pretty strong until it finally snapped.

He looked down at his bat I looked at him. "Is it my turn?"

"Your turn?"

I slapped metal bat across the room. I looked at Zombieman, "If he died, its not my fault."

Zombieman was already checking metal bat's pulse shaking his head. "He's fine, I don't believe I asked. How strong do you believe you are?"

I shrugged, "Well it depends, if I use my normal form. This one, I could likely destroy most of the planet's ecosystem in like an hour or 2 tops. If I copy human form, at most destroy a city, since I wouldn't be able to just run through things. Finally if I were in a serious fight in which there is no obstacles... I mean I could likely devastate a solar system?"

The looks on the two men's faces were that of confusion and shock. I realized the problem and corrected, "That last part is technically a joke."

The intercom man looked at me, "How is that technically a joke?"

I transformed back to my human state. "Along with the transformation abilities, I have hyper regeneration, Energy production in which I can control. Oh and varying abilities with that energy like telekinesis, levitation, exploding."


"If I gather enough of my energy I can release it to explode causing a huge mess."

They stared at me in disbelief. "So uh does that answer that?"

Zombieman leaned over to the intercom guy. "I think he may need a babysitter."

I shrugged, "Can they be hot, oh like sexy teacher hot!" I mimicked a ladies voice, "Oh Himmernick I'm soooo impressed!" Continuing with my self-dialogue, "Oh baby! Sitter! I know!"

I tossed my hand through my hair as the metal bat got up. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

I stared at him then at the other two, then I shrugged. "I spent like a long time alone. Just because I consider myself an ancient god. Doesn't mean I can't go crazy, I'll slowly regain my sanity in time."

Speaking of, could that have effected my fight with that Saitama guy? Nah, he was still plenty strong, unless I wanted to blow up earth which i didn't want to do. I couldn't really beat him. I lacked the physical strength to do so, while he lacked the external strength...

Zombieman tapped my shoulder, "I can feel that."