
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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44 Chs

Chapter 37: Pure Rage Pt.1

~Summer POV Few Minutes Ago~

Ugh… walking in the sand and looking behind our backs making sure anyone is behind sure is stress-inducing but our goal is almost done.

Finally, we can see the Fanalis village I hope Qrow is right about this place being somewhat friendly.

As we were going to the village I and Qrow had a feeling that we were being watched for some reason or another like…

Then I heard Qrow from behind me respond to me in a serious tone, "Were being watched can you tell from where?"

I nodded my head to respond to his question then I try looking ahead or to the sides to see that there are two Grimm Dormedon that have two people seemingly riding on them.

I narrow my eyes at them because only people from 'her' would have Grimm as allies but if there here than… we have a traitor among us…

Worry about that later for now capturing them now just became the priority, "Qrow two people from Salem are here we have to captured them."

Qrow nods his head yes as we try to go towards them was suddenly when I felt I was grabbed from my feet below the sand to reveal two hands!

I got my weapon scythe Full Rose ready to cut off the hands of this person but then I noticed a Dust Gravity Crystal at her left hand and crushed it!



Then I was flung up in the air by the gravity released from the Dust while I saw Qrow was busy handling against another person while I deal with the one under the sand.

From when she came out with a crazy grin while having two twin blade knives suddenly transform into pistols while having the White Fang uniform.

Tch! Just our luck to have encounter Salem find a relic but to meet a crazy ally of hers in the same day is just bad luck… no offense Qrow…

With that I brought my Full Rose and swirling it around deflecting the bullets coming towards me while I change it to cannon mode to shoot out a large compressed beam of fire from the Fire Dust used!

I am really glad for times like these for being a weapon maniac always customizing my weapon to have a scythe, sword, hammer, cannon, sniper, and pistol modes just to surprise my enemies I just hope my little rose doesn't get this trait…

Who am I kidding I just know she will just to make me proud?

When I released my cannon laser at her she looks shocked and dodged but it was at this moment I used my scythe mode again and hit her with my strongest attack possible on the spinal cord to make sure she doesn't get up.

When I landed the attack, her aura managed to absorb the damage but, in that moment, I used the aura disabling cuffs provided from Ironwood on her wrist and ankles to make sure she isn't a threat in the fight any longer.

Originally Ironwood sent this to us with the supplies in case Kuro runs away again and we have to return this back, but I hope he doesn't mind if we keep this a bit longer for capturing two of Salem's minions.

When I was done, I look at her with a cold look while she was spouting nonsense from what I was hearing, "You damn silver eye human bitch?!! I'll make sure to kill you!!!"

I didn't bother to respond to her any longer ugh, why does Salem have to recruit the crazy all the like to join her.

As I was heading towards to Qrow to help him in his fight against the young man I suddenly hear from the crazy woman while ignoring her, "You damn human!!! I will make you pay if it's the last thing I'll do?!! Please mistress provide me strength of your syringe!"

Wait what was that last part?

Then suddenly I hear sounds of bones braking along with some screaming.




When I tried to check what was behind me I was suddenly hit by a tendril at my arm that flung me away enough to brake my aura and break my left arm.


I held in my pained scream while I told Qrow and the person also stopped to see what happened with his filled with, "QROW HURRY UP AND CAPTURE HIM THEN HELP ME AGAINST THIS MONSTER?!!"

I see Qrow nodded his head while I direct my attention to… whatever this abomination is while I start to use my Silver Eyes thinking what I need to do to protect any life then with that the silver aura coming from my eyes started to heal my broken left arm then while using the silver aura to create a scythe construct to my right arm.

Right when I was beginning to attack whatever it is it stopped and looked away from me and the rest were looking away in shock what could possibly drag the attention away…


No, no, no!

Why are three kids doing here right now?!!

Then I see the Grimm abomination immediately go after them no!!

I won't be fast enough to catch up to them no! No!! NO!!!

But what I saw next was that the one with white hair and tail grabbed the other two by the waist floated away at incredible speed away from the Grimm!

~Kuro POV (10 years old) ~

Well I see that whatever that is coming after me, so I grabbed Ram and Morgiana quickly far away from what that is using the Float and More fruit to increase my speed?

When I grabbed them, I gave them an order with a serious voice, "Ram capture the man that is fighting with the one with the scythe alive and Morgiana just provide support since you're not 100% at your capacity from our spar just hide in your element."

They both nodded at my orders good now I just have to face this humanoid Grimm but considering that Summer and Hazel are here then I have a good guess whose faults this is.

With that now I have full attention with whatever this thing is exactly?

When I dodged the Grimm attack, I let go of Morgiana while she changed into her elementalize state of sand hiding in the dessert while I let go of Ram whose flying towards Qrow location to help him out.

As much as I really don't want to help out Ozpin's minions doesn't make this situation any better considering what the hell I'm facing and having a Silver Eyed warrior would really be helpful about now.

But when I was thinking of a way to get out of this the system just had to give me a mission right about now!

"[Urgent Mission: Defeat Grimmified Silver Tooth

Description: This Grimmified abomination you are facing is the remnants of what was the Faunus in Salem inner circle called Silver Tooth, she has forsaken her individuality to become the first Grimm with an aura, evolve Semblance, regeneration, increased strength and speed. She has all the properties of a Grimm and a Faunus so do note that she is still intelligent as well has the ability of a Seer.

Objective: Defeat, Kill, or control the Grimmified Silver Tooth.

Penalty: Death of one of your members currently here if you lose, lose the Spring Maiden, and forced to join Salem.

Rewards: 2,000,000,000 Lien and Yomi Yomi no Mi.]"

When I saw the mission screen, I almost stop at the screen in front of me of the penalty I would receive if I lose…

I lose two of my members because of this abomination?!!

But when I tried to head further back, I heard the former Silver Tooth trying to speak to me but in a deep monstrous voice, "YoU… yOu are KurO WhiTE YeS… mY MisstRESs SaLem would be PleaSed if You Come With mE…"

Right now, I was at the very least not happy in the situation that this thing knows me forget about taming it I'm going to freaking destroy it!!

Wait calm down right here Kuro you can use this to my advantage right now she is only slowing coming towards me while I see Summer is finally out of her stupor only for the ugly thing to say to her, "MAKE ONE MORE MOVE HUMAN THEN I WILL KILL THIS CHILD IN FRONT OF ME?!"

At the moment I only acted scared to the abomination as Summer back down tch, at least if you follow Ozpin make sure to be dedicated to your cause and kill the damn thing but better keep up the act, "What-t are you-u and who-o is-s Salem-m…"

Then I see everyone pause looking at me while I slowly gave a nod to Ram to be ready and Morgiana is also waiting as well for my command since they always know I would never act like this.

After that the abomination comes closer to me reveling Silver Tooth face that was now pale and has red eyes looking towards me not going to lie that is freaking scary up close, "DoN't WorrY YounG KUrO I'll mAke Sure MIStresS SalEM well TAKE GooD CaRe of YOU… But as oNE FaunUS tO AnothER… I PromIse tHat Salem will save you."

Now the damn thing is even closer now!

Shit right now I barely have enough strength to fight this damn thing in a full fight but even I'm a bit drained from the spar from Morgiana if I was at my best this wouldn't be an issue but I can't take this chance to bring my family into this because of the penalty…

Damn there is one way, but Summer looks like she is too injured to help maybe a good old fashion Super Bolt might be good enough but…

If Silver Tooth was a normal Faunus with aura was enough to one shot, her but I highly doubt a Grimmified Faunus with aura wouldn't work in this case since this a Fantasy World after all, but I can at least damage it a point blank if I go all out…

But that is not enough for me to end it without taking the chance that the Grimm Silver won't go after the rest here…

Then the Grimm Silver Tooth comes closer to my face while breathing down my face while I just look at the Grimm Silver with a fake scared expression, "Really… is this Salem… going to protect me…"

When she got closer I can no longer hear her monstrous voice anymore but more normal again that she got incredible close while Summer and Qrow pale at what's happening, "Yes as one Faunus to another I promise to help our kind that is why I join Salem so that Faunus kind will rise and vanquish the humans."

She kept on talking more nonsense as I am waiting till she was closer while I truthfully show my smile, "Now then young brother, would you mind if you hand over the S- "

~Third POV~

The second that Silver said that sentence before Kuro launched a fist full powered of his Armament Haki, More More Speed x100, coated with lighting of a Super Bolt all straight towards her face.

Everyone was surprised at Kuro sudden attack more so of his expression he shows of pure rage clearly shown on his face.

After he landed the first punch, he spoke to Silver coldly at her for the first time in a while truly angry, "You say I sacrifice one of my family members to Salem? What a sick joke?"

As Kuro says that he brings out his inventory the Relic of Wisdom out clearly showing he has possession of it, "Now then as much as I want to beat the every living crap of you I believe I was exhausted from my spar earlier and have no strength to harm you since I can see your already healing."

Kuro just coldly stares at the Grimmified Silver while Summer is trying to activate her Silver Eyes, but the Grimm Silver is already starting to heal her head as if everything was clean off it is showing a skull but continues to roll around in pain, "AAAARRRRRGHHHH!!! WHY BROTHER AREN'T WE THE SAME!!! DON'T YOU WANT VENGENCE AGAINST THE HUMANS?!!!"

Kuro didn't bother listen to the words of a mad woman and lifted the Relic of Wisdom in front of everyone to see while he thought to himself, 'I think I understand why the Yonko always fight and win because if they lose even once they lose everything and I don't want that… I think it's time for a level up.'

While Kuro was lifting the Relic of Wisdom Summer tried to tell Kuro what to do, "Listen Kuro you can't fight her run away you can do nothing to her!! She is already healing this a losing fight run away to Ozpin he- "

But Kuro just coldly told Summer of her worrying and ordering his allies, "Sorry but I don't listen to anyone who isn't with me and that includes you telling me what to do so do me a favor and shut it. Morgiana and Ram just only capture the one who fight the one with the scythe…"

Kuro holding the Relic of Wisdom started glowing showing a confident smirk coming across his face and at the end activated the relic only enough for him to hear, "… as for me I have a Grimm to beat to death. Jinn!"

Just like that everything in the area started to stop as if time was stopped except for Kuro and the relic was released from his hands then starts to transform into a blue mist revealing the magical being inside the lamp Jinn.

Jinn's appearance is that of a being similar in appearance to a Human, but much larger. Her skin is light blue and glows, the same as the Relic of Knowledge. She has elongated, pointed ears, and lacks some Human anatomy.

She also has long, flowing dark blue hair. Her eyes are dark blue in the sclerae and pupils and a lighter blue in the irises. Trailing below her waist is a veil of a wisp-like smoke resembling the skirt of a dress.

Jinn appears nude-like and wears only various accessories, all of which are gold: a chain headdress, big hooped earrings, an extra earring in the right ear, a choker, cuffs on her wrists with chains dangling from them like broken shackles, a single bracelet on her left forearm, anklets, and a belt of chains around her waist that ends in a large ring with three prongs.

Her accessories aesthetically derive from the Relic of Knowledge. Both the choker and the anklets are shaped like the band wrapped around the Relic's orb and the rings in Jinn's ears and belt look similar to the Relic's handle.

When Jinn takes a few stretches before looking at Kuro she asks him how she answers to people who summons her, "Hmm… tell me what knowledge do you seek young Faunus for I can give you 3 questions every one hundred years what questions do you need to ask?"

Kuro politely asks Jinn a question with a smile on his face, "Jinn for my question can you show me how the full moon of Remnant originally look like?"

Jinn nodded her head and replies to Kuro with a smile on her face, "Very well then young Faunus and also would this be all you will be asking me?"

Kuro nodded his head then after that Jinn showed him the Full Moon while he stares at it very closely for him to feel that there was a change happening to him…

Kuro pupils started shrinking to an extremely small size as his eyes turn blood-red. The hair turns pure-white as his body grow in size. Particularly hairy and furry areas, like hair and tails, have been shown to grow tremendously and take on a wilder appearance.

Overall, Kuro body look even more animalistic than a normal Faunus do normally. Once he was transformed, his body is starting to constantly be surrounded by sparks of Electro and his natural Lighting Logia element…

"[Unlocked Inherited Skill: Sulong Form (Current Duration: 3 Minutes)]"


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle, Fusion

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro, Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Current Duration: 3 Minutes)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate), Voice of All Things

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Byakko, Soru Soru no Mi, Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi, Kobu Kobu no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove, Omen

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User/Spring Maiden), Rem Arashi (Paramecia /Logia User), Ram Arashi (Extreme Model: Mythical Zoan User), Kagero (Paramecia User), Nora Valkyrie (Logia User), Neopolitan (Paramecia User), Morgiana Fanalis (Logia User)

Loyal Allies Army: The Automata's x100, The Faunus x35

Islands: Hungry-La (Lv. 1), Ancient Birkia (Lv.1)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Leopard, Curse Remover x5, DFTP, DFTZ, DFTL, Haki Training Guide, Horo Horo no Mi, Raki Raki no Mi, Chiyu Chiyu no Mi, Mosa Mosa no Mi, Kuku Kuku no Mi, Bomu Bomu no Mi, Relic of Wisdom (2 Questions Left)

Lien: 2,001,492,544