

Liu Wei was a brave and righteous young man, he likes doing things for other people whether or not it is beneficial to him, He also has a mischievous side where he likes to play pranks on people without considering the consequences. He is walking home from school when he sees a fat middle aged man trying to hit on a young girl that looks like she is in her late teens, She has black hair and looks slightly above average. The man and his subordinates which are three men in black suits and sunglasses surround the girl and they are trying to "coerce" her into a black sedan. Liu Wei does not like the sight before him, so he gets an idea and sly smirk starts to form on his face.

Liu Wei starts jogging down the sidewalk in their direction but makes it look like he isn't going near them. When he is 5 feet from them he makes it look like he is going around them, and then suddenly he sprints towards the fat middle aged man and yanks his pants down and trips him forward. He runs away laughing and he looks back to see the girl also making a break for it while the mans subordinates pick him up. Liu Wei is continues running down the street til he hits a corner and then he slows down to a normal jog to make his way home.

Liu Wei is 17 years old and lives at home with a single mother, He was told his father ran away before he was born so he tends to dislike talking to older men. Currently his mother is away on a business trip and he is home alone. He goes to his room and opens up his laptop to check his website he made. It is a charity website that is for young orphans or homeless children, aiming to get them fed and clothed as well as proper schooling. He has many different things on the site and most of the revenue comes from work he does on the side and donations. It isn't a large charity but it has helped over 500 children get off the streets and get schooling. He has just managed to find a sponsor for it from a person willing to donated over 5 million, just another person who wants to up his public image, but it is people like this that help him help others, regardless of their motive.

Liu Wei closes his laptop and gets up to take a shower. He comes out 10 minutes later and goes to bed to be ready for school tomorrow. He wakes up the next morning and gets clothed and makes him self some eggs and toast for breakfast. He puts his headphones on and starts listening to music as he locks the door behind him. He starts his jog to school, as he is running across the street at a crosswalk he hears a very loud honking noise, by instinct of reading tons of novels and watching many anime he launches himself forward with great speed. He makes it safely to the sidewalk at stares at the truck going way over the speed limit, He mumbles to himself "Not today truck-kun..."

As he is walking down the street all of a sudden a man in a suit steps out of an alley way and immediately smashes him in the stomach with a baseball bat, he doesn't even get a chance to breath before he feels himself hit in the back with what feels to be a metal pole. When he falls to the ground they start kicking and stomping on him, there are several cracks and his arms and legs are broken. As he is losing consciousness he hears the two men talking, The first one says "Man I do not like this kind of work, it feels like I am getting bad karma." then the second man responds "Me either, but this brat should not have messed with the boss and minded his own business. The boss was furious after what happened and he called in a few contacts to find out about the boy. I was told that he burned 3 contacts that were a one time thing." After this the first man shakes his head "Unlucky kid, I'd have rather just be quick and painless but the poss ordered it." They then start running away into the alley and Liu Wei starts to lose consciousness.

To those of you who have read my other book, This chapter is a complete copy. It will thus start changing from chapter two onward

Hilerscreators' thoughts
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