

Everywhere is dark, there is no light, but it is very warm and very cramped, then there is light! I try to make my way towards that light, I crawl and I crawl and then my head pokes out and I can breath! and then I think to myself 'I was just born? Wait! I need to cry!' I then start screeching my lungs out as if I just stubbed my toe, eventually I am wrapped up in a blanket and them I am carried to who I presume to be my mother.

A beautiful woman with bright blond hair flowing down in wavy curls, blue eyes that are like the reflection of the sky on the ocean. She smiles while holding me, "I've decided on a name for this little one, His first name shall be Iyin, and you shall carry your fathers name of Williams, You shall be Iyin D. Williams."

After she finishes I start rapidly thinking to myself 'New name? I guess that is alright, but I carry the Will of D? Who are my parents? They are obviously not from the original story?' I am broken out of my thoughts by a gruff laugh, and I am turned towards a handsome middle aged man with hair blacker than the night, and green eyes that seem to pierce through you.

"My dear Cynthia, our child seems to have my eyes! That means he will probably have your hair. Let me hold him for a bit, we will have to send him off soon because of these damn marines." His eyes turn sad at the thought, as he takes out a necklace, his wife recognizes it and says "Your giving him that necklace? The one that allows you not need to eat?" The necklace is shaped like an ancient black coin and is on a silver chain.

He nods, "Yes I am going to have one of my men send him somewhere safe and hidden away in the East Blue, I will leave him a journal telling him everything he needs to know." He pulls out a thick leather bound book, "This contains his name as well as how to find us when he is older, also some martial techniques, I only included the ten Fighting monk methods, so if he wants to learn any weapons, it wont lead him in a single direction, and if he turns out stupid, these techniques will allow him to reach Saint level as a Martial artist."

The woman nods with tears in her eyes while the child also starts crying, which is actually him saying 'Hey, Don't NTR me like this, just kick the marine's ass or flee!' Yet, neither of the parents could understand baby speak. His father, who's name is Aurelius D. Williams shouts "Ventus! Come here!" A man that is slightly bloodied appears like the wind.

He starts talking, "What is it you require captain?" and then he bows slightly. Aurelius then speaks to him, "Escape to the East Blue, Hide our child in a secluded area where no one can find him, leave this necklace and book beside him." The man bows even deeper out of respect and says, "It shall be done."

He carefully takes the child with a necklace in his hands and puts the book in a pouch on his side. He then nods and turns into a gust of wind flying away. Several months later, a beat and battered man arrives on a deserted island, which has nothing but beasts and plants, He is 7'2" and has a black hair with a buzz cut, He is very thin.

The most notable thing is he is carrying a bundle in his arms and a pouch on his side, being the only things undamaged about him. He walks unstably to a large tree, which is hundreds of meters tall, and sever tens of meters in width, He slowly floats up to around two hundred meters above the ground and hollows out a large hole in the center of the tree with a smaller opening, He carefully places the child inside along with the book.

The man then smiles sadly, "I did it captain, I got your kid to safety. I am not going to last much longer so I won't make it back to you, but, I can provide one last give from me to your son." His hand is then covered in Armament haki and he quickly stabs his heart and rips out a green glowing spear which quickly takes the form of a fruit, he then tosses it in the hollowed hole as he falls backwards to his death.

Meanwhile the child inside the tree starts crying its' heart out, this man who has carried it for two months, and treated it like special cargo has died,but slowly but surely after a few hours, its' heart slowly firms and it reaches out to grab the devil fruit and taking off the smallest he can, less than a pinky finger nails worth, quickly swallows it trying its best not to gag as a portion of his taste buds ignite in misery.

The baby then quickly falls asleep because of exhaustion while thinking 'Thank you Uncle Ventus.'

This chapter is a little sad, I feel like I don't get to emphasize how deeply loyal Aurelius' subordinates are otherwise. Also adding in that devil fruit powers can be stolen if the person using armament haki rips the opponents "heart" out.

Hilerscreators' thoughts
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