
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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138 Chs

Chapter 90

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 90

"Smoky Man?! Why are you here to fight?" Luffy said when he saw Smoker's posture.

"Hey, Smoker, I brought you here to pick up your cute little girl, don't you appreciate me at all?" Hood Hill waved his hand and said to Smoker.

"Cute?! What are you talking about!" Tashigi shouted, blushing.

"Let's go, I will let you go this time…but not as an example…" Smoker sighed helplessly said.

Smoker understood when he saw Tashigi, he had already suspected Crocodile before, but there was no substantial evidence. At least this time, the Straw Hat group is not malicious, they are helping the Princess of this country, helping this country.

"The next time I meet…it's your death date, Straw Hat Luffy…and the dancer Hill!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Finally, Luffy moved towards Smoker laughed and said: "I don't hate you at all!! Hehe! !"

"Hurry up and get off!!" Smoker angrily waved ten hands and shouted Tao.

So everyone moved towards Aruba and ran away.

At this time, Seaman chased over and asked in surprise: "Captain!! Don't you chase it?"

Smoker dragged off his jacket and put it on Tashigi and said, "No, I'm tired. Now."

"Tired...Tired?" Seaman asked puzzledly.

"Smoker Captain! We should contact Marine headquarters to inform them about Crocodile now, he…" Tashigi stood up and said anxiously.

"Okay, you have a good rest." Smoker said, then turned to the Seaman and said, "You tell them to stop chasing, come and gather, and contact the headquarters… Hit all the fleets around Alabasta Kingdom to this country."

Seaman asked a little surprised: "Is it called reinforcements? However, just for the few Pirates, the superiors may not be willing to dispatch… …"

"When did I ask my superiors for their opinion!! Hurry up!!" Smoker yelled at Seaman fiercely.

"Yes! I do... I do!" Seaman ran away.

After that, Smoker looked at Tashigi sitting on the side steps and said, "Tell me first about what happened."


On the other side.

Chopper was riding a crab, moving towards the rainy town, and slowly smelled the perfume that Nami had sprayed on him before.

"Well…it's here! Nami's perfume smell is getting stronger and stronger."

Luffy, who was running on the street, asked suspiciously: "Hey! ! Shall we run to Aruba like this? There are horses for sale in this city, right? Buy some horses!!"

"But the establishment is all Marine…" Vivi was worried Said.

"Don't worry...Look ahead!!"

"Wow! What a big crab, can you eat it?" Hood Hill stood in place and opened his hands in excitement. Shouted.

"Ah, it looks delicious!" Luffy also hated Hood Hill and shouted.

Chopper sitting on the crab waved his hands and shouted: "Ah!!! I found it!!! Hey-come up soon!!!"




"This is from the moving club…"

Chopper explained: "This is a friend of eyelashes!! Eyelashes were born here Yes, so there are a lot of friends in this area!!!"

Vivi looked at the eyelashes that also sat on the crab and said, "It's amazing! The moving club often hides in fools, which is very rare. Crab!!"

"This guy is fast, isn't it?" Zoro asked a very practical question.


After that, everyone sat on the crab and moved towards Aruba.

But it didn't take long for a golden hook to suddenly appear and grab Vivi away. Luffy stretched out his arm and rescued Vivi, and then followed the golden hook.

"You go first!! I'll be fine!!!" Luffy finally shouted, "You must take Vivi…safely to Songdo Palace!!!"

"Hey!! Luffy!!! There are two opponents!!" Vivi yelled worriedly.

"hehe!" Luffy showed the standard: D laughed.

Zoro looked at Luffy and brows tightly frowns and whispered: "This guy…"

"We are waiting for you in Aruba! Luffy!!!" Hood Hill Shouted.

"Well, of course!"

"Go ahead, Chopper!!! Go straight to Aruba to get it!!!" Zoro shouted to Chopper.


"Hey! Zoro, Hill! Are you really going to abandon Luffy?!" Usopp shouted worriedly.

"Usopp, this is the enlightenment of a man!" Hood Hill said with a serious look at Usopp.

Usopp looked at Hood Hill in a daze, and then nodded, shouting: "Well, go ahead! moved towards Aruba, go ahead!!!"

"Luffy!" Vivi I still hope that Luffy will not face Crocodile and Robin directly, because he knows that those two are monsters that are more monsters than Luffy!

Nami extended the hand stopped Vivi, "It's okay, Vivi! He must be okay!! Unfortunately they are! So far, everyone who has challenged Luffy has been safe!"

Although Nami said so, there is still some worry in his heart, but now they can only believe in Luffy.

Zoro said to Vivi solemnly: "Listen, Vivi. Crocodile… leave it to him to deal with. The moment the rebel army began to act, the life of this country entered the countdown. Once the king's army and the rebel army are at war , this country is sure to perish! You are the only hope to prevent this from happening…so you have to live anyway…even in the future…some of us…someone…surprise..."

Sanji also walked up to Vivi and said, "Vivi…this is the war you launched. Because you left your country a few years ago to challenge this misty group. But… Don't take it as a battle alone."

Usopp also stood up, trembling legs and shouted: "Vi…Vivi Vivi, don't take it… take it… take it… …Worry! There is… there is…I'm here…"

"Okay, Usopp. Leave it to me this time! Under my dance steps, what is the senior conductor! Look at me! A senior conductor!" Hood Hill said with a smile and brandishing the Sun Wheel knife.

Vivi saw that Luffy hadn't been dragged far and quickly moved towards him yelling: "I'll be waiting for you in Aruba!!!"

"Okay!!!" Luffy Responded.

Hood Hill looked at Luffy with a pity in his heart. He couldn't witness Luffy's battle anymore. This is the last time Luffy has used all kinds of brain holes like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies and weird styles to fight. that, Luffy began to pay more attention to the growth of strength, whether it is second gear or third gear. , Or the various forms of the fourth gear, are all increases in strength.

It can be said that Luffy's first duel with Crocodile also marked Pirate King into a new stage, and Luffy could no longer play and fight. Because the enemy is too strong.

However, System actually gave me a full set of breath of water. I must go and fight with Crocodile. Let me fight the one in the palace!

Farewell to Luffy, their entire group sat on the crab and quickly moved towards Aruba.


At the same time in the rain.

"Tashigi, you take the team to Aruba, what to do is up to you to decide. Who is to help, or who is arrested. Act according to your standards, the justice in your heart. No matter what. Whatever the result is , I will bear the responsibility." Smoker said to Tashigi while sitting on the motorcycle.

Tashigi asked: "Where are you going? Smoker Captain?"

"I was in a hurry and went out to sea. Keep in touch anytime!" Smoker hesitated after speaking. , And finally,



"You have to watch the final outcome of this country, whether it is survival or Extinction. At the turning point of the times, this kind of thing must happen!!"

After all, Smoker left on a motorcycle.

Tashigi looked dumbfounded and didn't expect that his boss was also a riddle.

"Sergeant!! Please give an order!!" Seaman ran over and shouted.

"Well, good…" Tashigi thought for a while. She already knew that all of this was Crocodile's conspiracy, and Straw Hat and the team were helping Alabasta.

"All of you will go to Aruba to help the Kingdom Army and arrest Oka Shichibukai -Crocodile!"

"Arrest Oka Shichibukai?! This…"

"He is a traitor to the World Government!"


On the other hand, the rebel army led by Kosha is marching towards Aruba.

In Aruba, Gaka led the king's army and was also waiting to meet the rebel army.

And the real king-Na Nefertari · Cobra was trapped by Mr. 4 and Miss. Christmas, praying silently in her heart not to fight.

Those who sigh for war…

Those who participated in war…

Those who instigated war…

Know the truth, Those who are trying their best to stop the war…

Each of them, with different goals, will be triggered in the capital Aruba!


In the desert…


Luffy's head came out of the quicks and stretched out and shouted.

"Three rounds of blooming!"

Robin used his abilities to rescue Luffy from the quicksand.

"Thank you."

"Why…fight? With the name [D]…you…" Robin asked, looking at Luffy.

"…D…cough!" Luffy said dying.

Who the hell is it? You people!

"It seems that I have asked for nothing." Robin used his ability to take the Straw Hat that had fallen in the distance and put it on Luffy's head.

At this time, Bell ran over to Robin with a sword and shouted: "What did you do to Vivi Princess!"

"Yo…waking up so soon?"

"I already understand your abilities, and I won't be the same as before…"

Robin smiled slightly and said: "Don't do it anymore… It will only increase your injury! You came just right, save the child! He is your most precious Princess…Knight Pirate who escaped you all the way to here…and… Princess is safe, on her way to Aruba. It's just that there will be next time. I don't know how. Everything is left to fate."

Robin sat on the banana crocodile and left. Bell looked at Robin and thought, if I can't even beat them, who else can protect Vivi? Princess…

At this time, Luffy grabbed Bell's hand and shouted: "Meat!!!"


Back to the crab's side.

Everyone came to the river with the crab, but this is a desert crab that can't swim, so everyone swims over by themselves. But in the river, I encountered the Santa Dora catfish, a huge catfish that can eat people. The Kung Fu manatee suddenly appeared and rescued everyone, and a Kung Fu manatee escaped ashore.

But the time is almost running out. There is no transportation here, so I can't afford to run over.

As a result, it turned out that this wave of running fast was on the 5th floor. I had expected that they would cross the inland river and come here, with the super fast running duck team waiting here for a long time.

In order to prevent Vivi from being spotted by the enemy, everyone put on a hood to prevent the enemy from seeing himself. Vivi waited in place, and the other six people plus eyelashes, the camel, rode. The running duck disturbs the people in the Baroque Works room.

After all the people in the Baroque Works room chased the six of them and their eyelashes, Vivi dispatched cautiously to the section where the rebels would pass, waiting for Kosha to stop the war.

However, Koza and the rebel army have lost their minds. They only want to capture Aruba and bury this decadent country!

Vivi tried his best to roar, but no one cared.

Instead, they all rushed into the city of Aruba to fight the king's army.

Vivi watched as he was running fast to protect himself and said, "I'm sorry…Even so…the rebellion still happened…but I will stop it!! No matter how many times I fail…because I learned on the boat!! ! Never give up!!!" Vivi bit his lip and cried and resolutely said.


Suddenly Usopp rode a white horse to Vivi's side, "Come on!"

"Usopp?! "Vivi looked at Usopp in surprise.

At the same time in Aruba, Sanji found Usopp and eyelashes who had been beaten up by Xiao Feng.

"Oh Sanji, we'll be the winner in two seconds!"

"Can't you stand up a little bit more! Really, Vivi, it's dangerous!" Sanji brows tightly frowns, said anxiously.

Back to the outside of the city.

"That bird is no longer good! If you don't hurry, the rebellion will become more and more uncontrollable." Usopp said to Vivi.

That bird...At this time, Vivi is already suspicious, because Usopp is one of the crew members who have the best relationship with running fast. So abandoning partners!

"Usopp, show me the proof!" Vivi said solemnly.

"Hey, do you doubt me?!" Usopp pulled up his sleeves to reveal the bandage on his arm.


Vivi knows, this is a double proof, just showing the bandage is wrong!


Run fast and move towards Usopp and attack.

Xiao Feng changed back to his original face said with a smile: "Ah, how could it be exposed? My change should be perfect! But I won't let you escape Shemale leap!"

Xiao Feng directly moved towards Vivi and attacked.