
One piece sign In system impeal down

Murtadha_Ahmed · Tranh châm biếm
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323 Chs


The main one is Lee Eun.

As long as Lee Eun is here, with Lee Eun's powerful strength, he can completely deal with the world government.

In mid-air, the King of Heroes looked at the sky in the distance, still a little surprised.

His Departure Sword: With a full blow, it was actually blocked by that...golden light.

Who is this person so powerful?

Similarly, Celestial Dragons on the opposite side was also surprised.

He originally thought that it would be Lee Eun or the girl before, but he didn't expect it to be a mysterious man.

The key is that this man is also very powerful.

Celestial Dragons' complexion is quite ugly.

One or two is already difficult to deal with, and now there is another mysterious and powerful man.

If he joins forces with the previous one, his heavenly king might really not be an opponent.

"I hope Lord Yim can win."

Celestial Dragons now put all their hopes on Lord Yim.

As long as Master Yi can end Lee Eun as soon as possible, and then come to help him fight, he can still fight.

"Huh, I didn't expect that the people in the World government are still quite powerful, but wanting to defeat me is not that simple."

The hero king gave a cold snort, looked at the heavenly king in the distance, and shook his right hand lightly.

Countless sword, guns and swords flew into the sky, rushing in the direction of Celestial Dragons.

The sky is full of golden light.

This dazzling light was naturally seen by others.

Everyone was shocked and speechless in surprise.

After a long time, Garp recovered.

"Is this his way of fighting? With so many weapons, and they are made of gold, is he really so rich?"

Others also looked envious.

The first time I saw such a rich local tyrant, it was completely...using money to fight.

Lee Eun was also a little speechless.

This is too high-profile, I don't know if it will converge slightly.

This may be... the legendary krypton gold boss.

Surprised to surprise, Lee Eun did not forget the purpose of this time.

"Well, the whole army will attack."

All the warships rushed to the Holy Land Mary Geoise mightily.

In midair, Golden Lion also waited for this opportunity, immediately.

He commanded loudly: "Everyone, shoot me, Laozi is going to bomb the Holy Land Mary Geoise."

Boom! There was a loud noise.

A huge purple ball of light fell from the sky and flew to Mary Geoise, a holy place in the distance.

The dazzling purple light instantly attracted people's attention.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Five Elders' face changed in an instant.

"No, this is Pluto, Lee Eun let Pluto."

Although they have long known that Lee Eun created Pluto, they expect that Pluto will be destroyed by the king.

But he didn't expect that the Heavenly King was actually blocked.

Celestial Dragons naturally noticed this light, and his face changed.

If the Holy Land Mary Geoise is hit by this light, many people will definitely be injured.

Their World government is already at a disadvantage. If they are hit hard again, they may not be able to fight.

Celestial Dragons can't take care of that much, just...a beam of light hit the purple ball in mid-air.

There was another deafening explosion.

Golden Lion gritted his teeth angrily.

His attack was so easily blocked, it was really uncomfortable.

"Hurry up and prepare for me. I'm going to destroy the heavenly king and destroy the Holy Land Mary Geoise. Let me continue the attack."

Golden Lion shouted.

Everyone immediately.


It's just a little regretful.After all, this is not the real Pluto.Although it has been built, some of the drawings are not available.

That is the drawing about energy.

The original Pluto, at least... can fire a lot of cannons.

Unlike now, it takes a long time to launch once.

Celestial Dragons is also preparing to guard against Pluto, but after waiting for a long time, there is still no Pluto.

Looking at the golden weapons flying in the sky, I had to guard against.

There are too many weapons, even if it is him, he dare not look down upon it.

Rumble rumbling...In mid-air, the battle between the two sides was very fierce.

Lee Eun just looked up at the two of them, then looked at the king who was not far away, then lowered his head, and had no intention of doing anything.Although the king is very powerful, he does not need to do it.

The hero king is enough.

Especially the summoned hero king does not need him to provide magic power, and his own magic power is very abundant.

It is entirely possible to have a deviance sword hundreds of times:

At that time, even if it is consumed, it can consume the heavenly king to death.

Even if it doesn't die, don't even think about intervening in a short time.

The ship gradually approached the Holy Land Mary Geoise.

Many people are nervous. After all, this is a battle against the World government, so they can't help but be nervous.

Only Lee Eun was very calm.

"Don't worry, we will win this battle."

Lee Eun said confidently.

Others listened to Lee Eun's words, and gradually relaxed.

At least...there are so many people, the possibility of victory is very high.

Soon, the ship approached the Holy Land Mary Geoise.

Lee Eun stood at the bow and ran out first.

"Finally reached this point, everyone did their best to eliminate the World government."

"Oh, destroy the World government and overthrow the rule of the World government."

"Let's go together, today is the death date of the World government."

Countless people became excited.

Most of them are already fantasizing that when they overthrow the World government, they will be...the largest institution in the world.

I'm still very excited to think about it now.

"Long, let's go, it's time."

Ivankov is at the forefront.

Long followed closely, looking at the World government in the distance, and he was also very excited.

It's finally this day.

He subconsciously remembered the time when he saw people oppressed by Celestial Dragons in the Chambord Islands.

It was from that time that Long made up his mind to overthrow the World government and the rule of Celestial Dragons, bringing expectations to countless people.

Soon, everyone came to the land of the Holy Land Mary Geoise.

Five Elders naturally saw the mighty crowd, and subconsciously clenched the weapon in his hand.

The final battle finally arrived.

If they fail this time, it represents the defeat of the World government.

As the person in charge of the World government, their fate must be very miserable.

So you can't lose.

Everyone was filled with determination.

"Everyone is prepared, as long as they defeat these people, they can become a nobleman in the world."