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Murtadha_Ahmed · Tranh châm biếm
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323 Chs


"It seems that a pirate group is coming."

"I don't know, it should be just a little pirate."

"Then don't worry about him, just solve Lee Eun first, and then, if he dares to intervene, he will solve it together."

People from the World government just took a look at Red Hair Pirates, and then stopped doing more.

The current Red Hair Pirates has not yet become famous, nor is it the Four Emperors of the future.

These people naturally don't put the red-haired Shanks in their eyes.

Only Lee Eun, looking at the Red Hair Pirates in the distance, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Although I am not very familiar with red-haired Shanks, I want to come, red-haired Shanks should be able to help.

With the help of Red Hair Pirates, people on their side have a certain advantage.

"Lee Eun, an unknown little person, do you think it can help you"

The aunt laughed loudly, and didn't put the red-haired Shanks in her eyes.

The red-haired Shanks was still thinking, but when he heard the aunt's ridicule, his face instantly turned black.

Although he is now a small person and unknown, he also has great ambitions.

Do you look down on him like this, "Captain, I hear you, you are a small person."

"Yes, people look down on you."

The pirate nearby started teasing, but his eyes were full of anger.

Taunting the captain is equivalent to taunting them.

They are naturally quite upset.

"Really, I am a small person, so today, I will seize the position of the Four Emperors."

The red-haired Shanks slowly drew the Western sword.

All the pirates got excited and took out their weapons.

"Captain, I've been waiting for this moment, let's do it, and teach these guys a lesson."

"Everyone, close to the coast."

The red-haired Shanks commanded loudly.

The ship approached the port slowly.

A group of people got off the boat together and walked towards everyone.

Da Da Da...The red-haired Shanks walked slowly, releasing his aura.

A strong Conqueror's Haki bloomed.

A fierce momentum rose to the sky, and many pirates who were fighting on the island suddenly stopped.

Some of the pirates had white eyes and passed out.

But the vast majority of pirates are elites.Although they are shocked, they can still stand.

The sky of the entire island has become: gloomy.

On the violently shaking ground, small cracks suddenly appeared.

Some small stones suddenly shattered, and there were smaller pieces: stones.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Good Conqueror's Haki, who is it, it's okay Haki."

"It's that... the red-haired guy, so young, he has such a strong Haki."

Countless people are attracted by the red-haired Shanks.

The people of the world government immediately.

Keep away from each other and watch the red-haired Shanks vigilantly.

With such a powerful Conqueror's Haki, the strength is definitely very strong, and it must not be underestimated.

Lederfield seized this opportunity and rushed to a member of the Beasts Pirates, grabbed him, and sucked his blood.

Lederfield, who was a little old, became young again, and his physical strength returned to its peak state.

And that... the pirate who was sucked blood became: very old, his face wrinkled together, "Damn it, he recovered."

The members' faces are very beautiful.

The two of them looked so dead and attacked frantically, just to prevent Lederfield from recovering.

It is now at a loss.

And all of this is the fault of the red-haired Shanks.

The tall man glared at the red-haired Shanks angrily.

"Who are you, do you want to be an enemy of the World government"

The red-haired Shanks was not afraid, but instead raised the Western sword in his hand, raising it high, and the tip of the sword burst into cold light.

"Captain Red Hair Pirates, Red Hair Shanks, please advise."

"Red Hair Pirates."

Everyone looked at each other, most of them had never heard of it.

The red-haired Shanks at this time is just a child, and the bounty is also very low, and it has not entered the sight of everyone.

I've been there before: Grand Line, a long silence, just recently entered the New World, ready to win a place.

Golden Lion looked at the familiar face of Shanks, the redhead, and suddenly realized.

"I remember, you are a trainee crew member of the Roger Pirates, that... the red-haired kid."

"Roger Pirates."

Everyone present was surprised.

They also didn't expect that the red-haired Shanks was actually a member of the Roger Pirates.

The face is not very good.

The original trainee crew of the Roger Pirates, now with such a powerful Conqueror's Haki, is definitely not an ordinary person.

If it's normal, that's all.

But at this critical moment, the red-haired Shanks appeared here, and the purpose is intriguing.

"Redhead, do you have any purpose in coming here?"

The tall man asked with a sullen face.

"It's very simple. The purpose of my coming here is to be the Four Emperors. I am here to challenge the aunt today, and I will not intervene in the battle between you."

The red-haired Shanks stepped forward, staring sharply at the aunt.

The aunt's face turned gloomy and she looked angry.

"You have to challenge me. What qualifications do you have to challenge me are just a kid."

Ren and Kaido's faces are also quite ugly, with anger suppressed in their hearts.

Don't look at the red-haired Shanks who said nicely, and won't intervene in this battle.

But challenging the aunt is tantamount to indirectly helping Lee Eun, and not affecting the battle.

"Why, mother, don't you dare?"

Redhead Shanks stepped forward again and provoked.

The people of Red Hair Pirates moved forward together, stood in a row, each took out their weapons, and stared at the aunt.

Full of momentum, ready to fight at any time.

The aunt became silent.

If it was normal, he would definitely teach the red-haired Shanks a bit, let the red-haired Shanks know how good she is.

But now is the time to deal with Lee Eun's relationship.Without her, there will be a loss of strength.

Others are not necessarily Lee Eun's opponents.

"Linlin, you go and hold this kid, the two of us will hold Lee Eun, and wait until Lederfield is dead, or Golden Lion is dead, and then we can deal with him."

Kaido's cold voice came.

The aunt nodded slightly, and then walked towards the red-haired Shanks.

"Smelly boy, since you are looking for death, then I will give you a ride and let you see my strength."

Rumble and rumbling...In the sky, suddenly dark clouds were covered with lightning and thunder.

The atmosphere became: very depressing.