
Awakening and Battle Against The Arlong Pirates.

The next day came by and just as Kaizo expected, History repeated itself. Nami got cheated out of her debt and Captain Nezumi stole the money she saved, the townsfolk had enough of it and were preparing for a raid at Arlong Park.

"Let's go, everyone!" Genzo.



Genzo and the rest of the townspeople went towards Arlong Park, leaving Nami crying on the floor. All her actions were to nothing and because of her, her beloved home is about to die.

'Me and my damn stubbornness! I…I…' Nami thought and looked at her tattoo.

She remembers all the bad times she had suffered thanks to Arlong and his crew and all the stored-up hatred began to emerge. She took her knife and began to stab her shoulder.

"ARLONG! ARLONG! ARLONG! ARLONG!" Nami kept stabbing herself until Luffy stopped her.

"Luffy..." Nami.

"Yes." Luffy.

"Why are you here?! You know nothing about this place!" Nami.

"Nope, I don't." Luffy.

"This has nothing to do with you! Didn't I told you to leave this island?!" Nami.

"Yeah, you did." Luffy.

Nami began to throw dirt at Luffy without looking back.

"Just leave! LEAVE! LEAVE! LEAVE! LEAVE! LEAVE...!" Nami.

Nami's voice broke up and looked back at Luffy with tearful eyes.

"Luffy...help me…" Nami.

Luffy takes his hat off and puts it on Nami's head, he then proceeds to turn back, take a few steps forward and took a big breather before yelling…

"OF COURSE, I WILL!!!!!" Luffy.

Luffy then begins to walk towards his group of crewmates, Zoro leaning against a tree, Usopp sitting out in the open and Sanji standing still with his cigarette. Suddenly, Luffy stops, he looks at the shore and smirks.

A few seconds later, a blue energy pilar is seen from the shore, emanating tremendous power. The Straw Hat Pirates look at the pilar and can tell who it belongs to.

Luffy gathers his breath once again and yells…

"KAIZO!!!" Luffy.

The blue pilar of energy dissipates and a figure begins to run towards the group of pirates. Kaizo arrived on the scene with his blue hair glowing and a few blue marks on his right arm.

"Sorry for the wait. Now then, shall we go?" Kaizo.

Luffy returns to his serious demeanor and just nods before saying…

"Let's go." Luffy.

"Roger!" Kaizo/Zoro/Usopp/Sanji.

Nami was crying harder than ever before. And was happy to have them as her friends. Another reason as to why she decided to not include the crew in her matters was because she was scared of being betrayed.

She has betrayed countless pirates and other types of criminals over the years, no matter the reason, she understands that what goes around comes around. The fear of being betrayed, even worse when she opens her heart to said people, terrified her. She was desperate to prevent that from happening.

Because she understood that, once she was betrayed, it would be the last time she would breathe.

Meanwhile, the group of young pirates were walking towards Arlong Park completely expressionless. No one even bothered to ask about Kaizo since they figured that he's fine.

'Not a single word to me, huh? It does feel a little bad.' Kaizo thought.

They soon saw all the villagers trying to burst the gate open but couldn't. Luffy and the rest just moved them aside and then Luffy stretched his arm backwards and punched the door. The door burst open and Luffy coldly stands in the debris.

"Who's the one, called Arlong?" Luffy.

"Who the hell is this brat…!" Arlong.

Arlong, the captain of the Fish-men Pirates. A big bluish man with a swordfish nose and shark traits. He has been dominating the East Blue for decades due to his "brother" Jinbe taking pity on him and freeing him from most piracy crimes.

Along with Captain Nezumi of the nearby branch keeping his mouth quiet thanks to the bribes, Arlong's actions have been hidden from anyone in the Marines.

But now, the Straw Hat group is gonna beat the crap outta them for good!!!

"I'm Arlong. Now, who the hell are you?" Arlong.

"I'm Luffy, a pirate." Luffy.

Luffy begins to walk towards Arlong. Two fish-men try to get in his way but he just smacks them away.

"Move it!" Luffy.

Arlong only observes Luffy's actions and finally asks him…

"What does a pirate want with me?" Arlong.


Luffy right-hooked Arlong's face and he crashed into a wall. The fish-men were stunned by what had happened to their captain. But Luffy remained cold and angry at Arlong.

"What in the…" Arlong.

"Don't you dare, make my navigator cry!" Luffy spoke with an angered expression.

The fish-men crew tried to attack Luffy but Kaizo, Zoro and Sanji intervened.

"Small fires can just get the hell back!" Sanji.

They pushed back the fish-men and made their way towards Luffy.

"Jeez…running head-first alone like that." Sanji.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna lose." Luffy.

"It's not that, I only meant that you shouldn't hog all the glory for yourself." Sanji.

"Oh." Luffy.

"I d-don't particularly mind either w-w-way, Luffy." Usopp.

"Aint you gutsy?" Zoro.

"Ignoring Usopp's usual cowardice, I have a few tricks to try out, can I?" Kaizo.

"Oh? Does it have to do with that power outburst from before?" Zoro.

"Pretty much, don't worry though, I wont level the whole island." Kaizo.

"Its fine, but Arlong's mine to beat." Luffy.

"Thank you very much." Kaizo.

While the Straw Hats were talking, the rest of the townsfolk were wondering who they are.

'Aren't they?' Nojiko thought.

"They're my crewmates." Nami spoke.

She walked towards the crowd of people with her bloodied shoulder and looked at them with a smile.

"Your crewmates?"

"Are they also pirates?"

"They are, but they're also the best Nakamas I've ever seen and been part of." Nami.

Arlong manages to overhear some of it and gets up from the floor.

"So, your objective all along was just to take Nami, right? HAHAHAHA! What could 5 measly humans can do?!" Arlong.

"Weren't the Sun Pirates defeated only by one human?" Kaizo spoke.

Arlong's and the rest of ex-Sun Pirates laughs stop and glare at Kaizo with an intense hate.

"Fisher Tiger wouldn't want this, neither would Jinbe." Kaizo.

No one besides the Fish-men understood what Kaizo was referring to but still paid attention to it.


"It was Queen Otohime's wish as well. Are you going to throw everything they died for to the junkyard over some indirect hatred?!" Kaizo.


Arlong tries to lunge at Kaizo but Luffy immediately gets in between and delivers another powerful punch to his face.

"I didn't come here to hear stories or cry for the past, you made my Nakama cry, and that means that you're gonna pay!" Luffy.

Luffy rushes towards Arlong and both of them crash unto Arlong's Park. Kaizo ordered Sanji to fight Kuroobi, Zoro against Hatchan and Usopp against Chew.

The two of them did as they were told and engaged into combat, Usopp hid behind a wall but Kaizo just yeeted him and Chew into the forest area.

As for Kaizo, he had to experiment a little with the small fries.

"Zoro, Sanji, take some space from here, or else you'll get caught in the aftershock!" Kaizo.

Zoro and Sanji obeyed and took their fights out of Arlong Park. The crowd of townsfolk divided themselves to see the fights of Zoro and Sanji and see if they can help them. None bothered to look for Usopp since they were wary of a snipe-shot from Chew.

"Alright! Time to test this out." Kaizo.

Kaizo unsheathed his Zanpakuto and it began to glow. The bluish light began to envelop Kaizo as he made a chant.


Kaizo was finishing his refinement of Spiritual Energy and felt a power spike. He could feel the energy skyrocketing and that's when his sword spirit appeared.

"It seems that the time has come."

"YES! Finally! I was afraid I had to wait till Arabasta for it to be unlocked." Kaizo.

"Yeah, the only problem is...there will be a time limit."

"Aww man! How much?" Kaizo.

"10 minutes."

"Better than 5. So, how does this work?" Kaizo.

"Once I tell you my name, just chant this next phrase before my name." The sword Spirit takes a pause before reciting.

"I am thou, thou art I. The time has come. Open thy eyes and call forth what is within." ??? spoke.

As soon as those words came out of his mouth, Kaizo felt the difference in his Spiritual Energy. He felt like a single droplet on the vast ocean and understood how much he had to do to cope with his strength.

Kaizo then opened his eyes and exhorted a powerful shockwave, creating thus, the energy pilar from before.

(End of Flashback.)





















"Reach out the Truth, Izanagi!" Kaizo.

The light began to be absorbed by Kaizo and in a final flash of light, only Kaizo remained. Only that now, his clothes were different and his Katana became a Nodachi. He's wearing a black set of clothes with a blue tint inside. Instead of his running shoes, he's now wearing black Waraji instead, and finally, white pieces of clothing are attached to his shoulders and waist.

"So, this is the power of the Shikai, eh? It's in a completely different level." Kaizo admired his new aesthetics.

The fish-men that remained charged at Kaizo, thinking the change of clothes was just a bluff.

The thing with spiritual energy is that, only those who've had a certain amount of contact with it can see it. Observation Haki users can feel it as an unknown energy, just like Mihawk did a few Ch ago. The other exception is when Kaizo uses Kido and Hado spells.

That's also the reason as to why no one paid attention to Kaizo's blue energy pilar, they didn't saw it. But the rest of the crew had spent enough time near Kaizo to be influenced by his spiritual energy.

Even Sanji due to Kaizo's overflow of energy could see it. At the eyes of others, Kaizo looks normal but to people like Nami, Kaizo looks like flame that turn any moth into dust.

Kaizo raised Izanagi and delivered a powerful slash at the Fish-men, he didn't want to kill them so, he made it non-lethal. It still hurt like hell though.


"With a single slash!"

"What is he!"

Kaizo just pointed at them and spoke.

"Me? I'm just a human." Kaizo.

The fish-men were scared but still had to fight, one after another, they began to throw themselves into the water, that way, Kaizo could not reach them.

Kaizo just smiles and walks towards the water.

'Hehe, once he gets near, we'll drown him!'

'Devil Fruit eaters are unable to swim, you're at our mercy!'

Kaizo put Izanagi's edge against the water and chanted another spell.

[Tsuzuri Raiden!]

Kaizo generates an electric current through Izanagi, which now is being transferred into the water, where all the fish-men are.


The water became electrified and the fish-men got fried. One after another, they began to float or sink unconscious.

Kaizo was quite disappointed, he wanted to try more spells and stuff but, it seemed that this much was not necessary. Kaizo de-activated his Shikai and reappeared with Izanagi as his Katana and his blue set of clothes.

"Nami, I'm done here so, I'll leave this to you, I'm gonna check on Usopp and make sure he's not dead." Kaizo spoke and left in the direction towards the forest.

(Meanwhile with Usopp)

Usopp was injured after the fall, but he got even more injured after receiving some shots from Chew. The sniper was relying on his ability to dodge attacks and managed to deliver some as well but, Chew's defenses are greater than what some gunpowder pellets can do.

Usopp kept running and hid on top of a tree, free of Chew's eyesight.

'Damn Kaizo! He threw me here by myself and now I'm losing! My [explosive stars] are doing nothing to him! What could I do?!' Usopp.

Usopp then accidentally drops his hammer from his bag and it falls on Chew, stunning him for a few seconds.

Usopp gets a great idea and jumps from the tree and fell unto Chew. Usopp wanted to punch him but he miscalculated and only managed to barely kick him while he fell head first into the ground.

"You bastard!" Chew.

Usopp gets up and sees Chew regaining his composure so, he strikes again! He picks up his hammer and unleashes his Ultimate Move!!!!




















Usopp is now panting on the ground where the very bruised Chew is now unconscious. Usopp is happy at his achievement for managing to overcome the dangers and beat his opponent as a brave warrior.

"Heh…heh…You see that, loser? I CAN DO IT! You see that, you jerk! Don't look down on me, dammit!" Usopp.

Usopp is now too tired and is just resting on the floor, until Kaizo appears.

"Yo, nice fight. Constant whacking and not leaving any opening for your opponent. This is the most realistic fight I've ever seen." Kaizo.

"Right?! I'm awesome!" Usopp.

"So, should I heal you or will you be fine on your own?" Kaizo.

"I'm not a monster, heal me now!" Usopp.

"Fine, fine." Kaizo.

Kaizo healed Usopp and then both of them went towards Zoro's battlefield, which was a plain grassy field.

The duo arrived and saw one of the groups of townsfolk looking at the swordsman bleeding from his wound while fending off Hatchan with only Wado.

'Ah, that's right. Johnny and Yosaku got knocked out a while back due to my outbreak so Zoro only has one sword.' Kaizo thought.

Kaizo unsheathed Izanagi and threw it towards Zoro. Zoro skillfully catches it and looks at Kaizo.

"I was just fine." Zoro.

"Aha, tell that to Mihawk. Your injuries haven't healed yet so, take it easy. I won't steal your catch though." Kaizo.

"Fine, fine, I'll finish quickly then." Zoro.

"You'll finish me quickly? I think you have reversed our roles! I have six swords, so I'm the strongest here!" Hatchan.

'What kind of shit-ass logic is that?' Kaizo.

"You may have thrice the number of swords I have, but mine are heavier." Zoro.

Hatchan dashes towards Zoro swinging his six swords. Zoro begins to effortlessly parry the six-sword style techniques one after another, Zoro finds an opening and delivers an attack.

[Two-Sword Style: Tourou Nagashi/Drifting Blade Wolf!]

Zoro leaves a giant slashing mark on Hatchan's chest. Hatchan was still not defeated but Zoro did as he was told and ended the battle with his next attack.

[Tatsu Maki/Dragon Twister!]

Zoro spun around with his swords and threw Hatchan upwards while being cut. Zoro sheathed Wado and gave Izanagi back to Kaizo while Hatchan was falling.

"Sorry, I wanted to keep this exercise up for a few more minutes but, you're just that weak." Zoro.

Usopp and Kaizo clap at Zoro's performance, irritating the swordsman.

"If you're done gloating, can we go look for Sanji?" Kaizo.

"I bet he got defeated." Zoro.

"Aha, yeah, whatever. Usopp, you carry Zoro." Kaizo.

"Eh? Why me?" Usopp.

"Because, I'm busy doing anything else." Kaizo.

Kaizo then runs towards Sanji's direction and leaves Usopp with Zoro and the stunned crowd.

Kaizo arrived at the next group of people and saw Sanji and Kuroobi, who were fighting in a rocky area near the coast, standing in front of each other. Kaizo paid attention and apparently, Kuroobi was gloating about how he has 100% victory chance against someone as Sanji.

'Bitch please! Unless you're a chick or have D+ cup Oppais, you're never gonna have 100%-win rate against Sanji.' Kaizo thought.

Sanji didn't waste any time and delivered a powerful kick to Kuroobi's neck.

[Collier!] Sanji.

"You said my chivalry was naïve?" Sanji.

Kuroobi tried to get up but Sanji delivered another kick to his shoulder.

[Epaule!] Sanji.

"I can't save anyone you say?!"

Sanji proceeded to deliver a barrage of kicks to Kuroobi's ribs, back, chest and legs.

[Cotelette! Selle! Poitrine! Gigot!]

With the last kick to his legs, Sanji threw Kuroobi back and he crashed into a tree.

"You…Bastard…!" Kuroobi.

Kuroobi wanted to counter attack but Sanji was nowhere to be seen. Kuroobi then looked behind him but it was too late, Sanji's kick had already landed.

[Mouton Shot!] Sanji.

With a final kick to the face, Kuroobi was sent flying towards 10 trees before finally stopping.

"I guess you were...…too full for dessert." Sanji.

The townsfolk cheered at Sanji's victory and Kaizo only nodded and got near the blonde.

"Sup cook." Kaizo.

"Hey, am I the first to finish his fight?" Sanji.

"It was Usopp actually, however strange that is." Kaizo.

"Tell me that at least I beat the mosshead." Sanji.

"NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS EYEBROWS!" Zoro yelled from a distance.

Zoro, being carried by Usopp and the other group of people arrived where Sanji was. Zoro wanted to fight some more but his injury was worsening due to some slashes Hatchan gave him.

"Well, only Luffy's left. Let's head back." Kaizo.

The crew nods but suddenly, a large foot is seen coming from the top of Arlong Park.

'Aww man! I'm gonna miss it!' Kaizo thought.

Kaizo didn't wasted a moment and made his way towards Arlong Park.

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