
The Familiar Stranger

It took them around an hour together all the things required to start the fire and also gather enough fruits to fill all their stomach, to their surprise they also found a small spring with clean water which they could drink without any issue, Ruchi's knife was helpful in more than one way and made things a lot easier for them, behind them the sun was setting with a mixture of orange and red color sky above them.

They were sitting around a bonfire and were talking about the general situation.

Archi: So now that our bellies are full what do we do to get out of this island?

Max: So does anyone knows to read the stars?

Abdul: Why are you asking that now?

Max: Because you know if someone could they can the stars know our general position and we might have a better idea of where we are stranded.

James: It would have been a very good idea except for the fact we were born in the age of internet and no one knows how to do that anymore (says sarcastically)

Max: Hey no need to be sarcastic just saying the ideas I had.

Syed: Anyone with a different idea? (looking around towards everyone)

Syed: *Sigh* So what do we do now we have no GPS, no idea where we are, no way to communication available and to top it off no idea where are the remaining of our group.

???: You could always ask for directions.

the strange voice came from Max's side so everyone thought Max was the one who said it so started looking in his direction as if mocking him but they found the at not have been him as he's mouth was so full of the fruits at this moment that he could not have spoken.

???: You might have to look up to actually see me.

At the clue of the voice they started looking at the sky Max even turned around and looked up see who was talking but what greeted them was not something they were expecting.

What they saw was a man dressed in black, with black pants with sliver accents and black combat boots with a black hoodie with a grey shirt underneath and was wearing a mask that was also black with red accents. Then most shocking part was that he was flying in air and he had dark grey colour wings which looked like dragon or bat wings.

They were looking at him in shock many questions running in their mind like, how is he able to fly, who was he, what were those wings and what is he doing here?

While this was going on in there mind the guy flying was closely observing them and sizing them up his eyes momentarily stopped and Ruchi but after a while he started looking at the whole group together.

???: Well what a bloody coincidence when I felt a spatial tear in this direction I was hoping for the worst and came flying as fast as I can but sure as hell I was not expecting to see some familiar faces and sure as hell I was not expecting you all here huh what were the odds.

The talking of the man woke the rest of the group from their shock as the saw the guy come down from the air to the ground, but after hearing what they guy said gave them another shock, spatial tear?, familiar faces? what was he talking about it didn't make sense at all. Syed took the lead calming himself down and asking the mam some questions.

Syed: Sorry to be rude but we all are stranded here and if possible could you answer some questions?

???: no problem asks away but before that let's all take a sit shall we.

Unknown to them of when they started standing and sat down the stranger also sat down by now the wings were nowhere to be seen and he looked like a regular human as regular he could look though. Syed felt a bit of familiarity in the way of speaking but couldn't place it so he started asking questions.

Syed: Do you know where are we? how did we reach here? who are you? how do you know about us? is there a way to go home? .....

Unknown to himself he started asking questions one after the other without giving the stranger the chance to talk at all until.

???: Calm down you express train bro let me answer one at a time, first we are in East blue in a deserted island, you all came here due to a dimensional rift that pulled here, about me well let's just say I'm someone you all know, and about the way to go home there is a way but its not that easy to achieve.

When they heard his answers more questions arises in their mind but with the questions their was also a bit of familiarity as if they knew him very well but couldn't place who he was and this feeling annoyed them a lot suddenly Ruchi said something that shocked them.

Ruchi: One piece is crap!

???: HEY you take that back you don't know how great one piece is you take that back right now or else I'll....

Before he could finish what he was saying something tackled him to the sand hugged him tightly and was sobbing in his arms.

Ruchi:*Sob* where have...*Sob* you been all this time *Sob* you know how lonely I was *Sob* why why.....

The guy wrapped his arm around the girls have an awkward chuckle and said.

???: *chuckle* Even with a magic mask I couldn't hide myself from you huh. I know what I did was not right and I'm sorry for that please forgive me if you can and I missed you too.

See all this the rest of the guys were shocked to say the least and also confused what was going on who was this guy? why he sounded familiar? why was Ruchi hugging him? all this questions could be seen on their faces. seeing this the guy said.

???: God the look on your face is priceless but I think I should end the suspense huh.

Saying that the guy separated himself from Ruchi's embrace and unmasked himself. When they saw his face it was like the sky fell down on them all of them together shouted.

""""""" VICTOR"""""""

Victor: Hey guy I guess it's been a while huh?

Just as Victor said this he felt his collar being grabbed and someone starting shaking him violently.

Ruchi: BEEN A WHILE, BEEN A WHILE you were missing for 6 months' whole damn 6 months even the police were unable to find you you buffoon where the hell have you been all this god damn time.

Ruchi's shouting brought everyone to their senses and they finally realized what was going on all of them were looking at the familiar comedic antics of the couple where one was violently shaking the other while shouting and other was repeatedly apologizing this calmed them down a lot a brought a familiar peace to their heart something they were missing for the past day or so.

Syed: Ruchi could you please let Victor go for a minute so he can answer some of are questions please.

Ruchi looked at Syed and only then did she notice that everyone was still there she blushed a little and let go of Victor before giving him a last warning of never to do this kind of thing again to which Victor agreed without any objection. after which Syed asked him a few more questions to get a clear picture about the situation to which Victor replied by saying.

Victor: So to make things a bit more understandable you all are in a different dimension a better way to say it will be its an alternate dimension you were brought here by a spatial tear which in a simple term is a one-way valve between dimension which can open randomly anywhere any time it's a very rare occurrence but it's does happen, about going home it is kind of a not possible at the moment for any of us.

James: when you say that it's a rare thing how rare is it and can't we use the same phenomenon to go home?

Victor: When I say rare I mean something along the line of ounces in very 500-600 years some times more, and by chance we do catch one it is not sure we will be catching the one which will send us home, and there are even less chances that you will reach at the exact time when you left.

Abdul: What do you mean?

Victor: What I mean those tears also distort time for example I was I started traveling around 2 years ago but for you'll it's only been 6 months.

Krish: Don't mind me asking this but how do you know about all this I mean believe you and all how do you know all this stuff

Victor: I don't blame you but i haven't been sitting around for the last 2 years i have my ways to find information.

Hearing this almost everyone lost hope in their eyes except of Max and Ruchi they had a weird glint I'm their eyes and it was their turn to ask questions.

Max: Is everyone going to ignore the fact that Victor came here flying and had wings.

Archi: Ya like how the hell man from where you got those wings.

Only after they mentioned it did everyone else realized what they were ignoring a stupid grin on Victor's face and he said.

Victor: Well how many of you know the anime one piece?

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