
One Piece : Rise of Thunder King

In One Piece, Arthur found himself reborn as the god of Bika, noticing the small wings on his back. He made a promise to nurture them to full size! Arthur, well-versed in the storyline, took gradual steps to gain an advantage. He consumed the Thunder Devil Fruit first, acquiring bug-like powers, and set out on a journey into the skies. His plan included seizing the moon to use as a base for technological advancements. He aimed to dominate the sky island, establish the mightiest kingdom, and foster a unique sky shell culture. As the sky's ruler and sole deity, Arthur's ambition aspired to the strongest of overlords. With knowledge of his path ahead, he was destined for greatness. As Arthur, the familiar plot guide, began to grow stronger, nothing could halt his rise to the top before his potential reached its peak! You can read the advance chapters here : patreon.com/Vigilante04

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Chapter 4

Arthur decided to create a vast martial arts field near Bika Island using island clouds. This new field replaced the old one, allowing for better training opportunities.

Each elite training camp received its own exclusive field based on the number of members and their skills. Arthur's camp had the largest and most well-equipped field.

During a training session, Arthur wore a blindfold and sparred with some teenagers using his full strength. He used this blindfold to train his Observation Haki, similar to how Rayleigh trained Luffy in the original story.

Despite being blindfolded, Arthur's keen senses allowed him to fight effectively. After four months of intense training, he partially awakened his Observation Haki, greatly improving his sight and hearing abilities.

The Thunder Fruit, which Arthur possessed, greatly enhanced his sensory abilities. However, it also presented challenges as he could hear conversations within a wide radius, similar to the abilities shown in the original story.

Initially, Arthur struggled with the overwhelming amount of information he received when using his Observation Haki, likening it to being in a crowded room with thousands of people talking at once.

Arthur halted all training camps temporarily to focus on mastering Observation Haki without being distracted by islanders' conversations. It took him over two months to achieve this, using a simple method of shielding electromagnetic waves from sound.

To improve further, Arthur learned to detect specific words that triggered electromagnetic waves, a technique similar to Enel's use of Observation Haki in the original story. This discouraged people on Angel Island from discussing Enel, as he could sense and monitor any mention of his name.

Students in Arthur's camp also adopted this method to help each other awaken Observation Haki. Over a dozen individuals successfully awakened this ability under Arthur's guidance, making them crucial assets for the future.

About a year after consuming the Devil Fruit, Arthur made significant progress in mastering its powers. While Enel had 100 million volts of electricity in the original story, Arthur aimed to surpass this level, though he faced a potential bottleneck in his development.

Meanwhile, on the island dedicated to Arthur's elite training camp, he sparred with the strongest youngsters from several camps, including familiar faces like Enel and a unique monk named Urouge. Enel was sixteen, five years older than Arthur, while Urouge was already a twenty-one-year-old.

Urouge had consumed the Fruit of Cause and Effect, granting him unique abilities related to karma (since the specific fruit's abilities are not specified). He was the top student in the strongest elite camp at that time, followed by Enel.

In the original story, Enel, despite his seemingly aloof demeanor, was highly skilled. However, relying heavily on the Thunder Fruit made him overconfident and arrogant, leading to his blindness to physical combat skills. Therefore, his training with the Thunder Fruit stopped at 200 million volts.

Under Arthur's guidance, Enel focused on developing his natural talents and physical skills without relying on the Thunder Fruit. This change in approach marked significant progress, making him a formidable fighter without his Devil Fruit powers.

Arthur's training method was straightforward, inspired by military videos from his time on Earth. He emphasized physical conditioning and combat against multiple opponents, resulting in diverse fighting styles tailored to each individual's strengths.

Arthur also incorporated Bruce Lee's martial arts philosophy into physical training, which proved more effective than traditional methods in the Pirate World camps.

Urouge, armed with a unique pencil weapon and empowered by the Fruit of Cause and Effect, became exceptionally strong. His abilities allowed him to earn a bounty of about 50 million Pele.

Facing elite teenagers like Urouge and Enel without the speed of lightning (due to not relying on the Thunder Fruit) was challenging, but Arthur's elemental abilities gave him an edge in combat.

During the intense battle, Arthur utilized his Observation Haki to its fullest extent, focusing on enhancing his senses to endure the sights and sounds of the fight.

On the martial arts field, flashes of thunder and lightning illuminated the scene. Occasionally, someone would be caught in the electric storms, experiencing paralysis from the one million volts of electricity.

Despite the high voltage, these resilient teenagers weren't severely injured; instead, they were temporarily immobilized by the lightning attacks.

Arthur strategically used the limited one million volts of thunderbolt to engage with the top five elite students, alternating between offensive and defensive maneuvers. The intensity of the combat wore down Arthur and the others, but they persisted without pause.

Since no weapons were allowed in the training area and Arthur was immune to injury from his powers, the fights only resulted in temporary paralysis for the students.

As the hours ticked by, fatigue set in, slowing down the pace of the battle. After three hours of intense fighting, all six participants, including Arthur, were exhausted and breathless. Despite using only one million volts, the strain of continuous lightning attacks took its toll, especially considering Arthur's young age of eleven.

The combatants collapsed on the cloud-covered ground, panting heavily as they recovered from the grueling battle. Arthur surveyed the scene, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the dedication and progress of the students, even amidst their fatigue and temporary paralysis.

The desire for victory and improvement burned strongly in Arthur's heart, driving him forward in his training and leadership.