
One Piece: Reign

Embark on a swashbuckling adventure like no other in the world of One Piece with Gale D Magnus, the most audacious pirate to ever sail the Grand Line! Inheritor of the enigmatic Will of D, Magnus is no ordinary pirate. Feared by even the lofty Celestial Dragons themselves, his exploits make the legendary Pirate King seem tame in comparison! But Magnus isn't just in it for the plunder and glory. No, he's on a mission to defy the very gods themselves! Escaping the depths of Impel Down's Level Six, he's determined to challenge the World Government and snatch their prized possessions right from under their noses. And what's more prized to the gods than their own women? Join Magnus as he builds his own harem of fearless beauties, plundering not just gold and riches but the hearts of the wives of supposed deities! From daring heists on celestial palaces to steamy encounters with divine consorts, Magnus proves that he's not just a pirate – he's a legend in the making.

True_Seeker · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Capturing Battleship

The Marines stared, slack-jawed, at their Captain.

How could this be their fault?

They'd followed orders, aimed at the escaped prisoner like good soldiers. It wasn't their doing that Magnus, with a flick of his invisible hand, had redirected the cannonball into the serpent's gaping maw, painting the once pristine Calm Belt a gruesome crimson.


Magnus, his expression cold, wiped the sweat from his brow.

The exertion had been taxing, even with his honed senses anticipating the serpent's attack, as he has to ensure the safety of Sadi and himself as well.

Across the platform, Sadi's eyes sparkled with a mix of awe and something akin to worship.

This was her master!

Betraying Impel Down had been the best decision of her life – only Magnus could tame her wild spirit that simmered beneath her dominatrix personality.

"Let's go," Magnus ordered, his voice a low rumble.

Sadi wasted no time, a single, enthusiastic nod escaping her lips.

With a surge of renewed energy, the makeshift metal chariot rocketed forward, tearing across the azure canvas of the sky.

Panic erupted on the battleship's deck, a stark contrast to the cheers that had accompanied the Sea King's arrival.

"Damn it all!" the Captain roared, spittle flying from his lips. "Do something, you useless lumps!"

One of the younger Marines, a scrawny fellow with perpetually wide eyes, piped up, his voice barely a squeak. "Seawater, sir! It nullifies Devil Fruit powers!"

The Captain stared at him, his face a mask of confusion before a slow realization dawned.

"Seawater! Of course! Why didn't I think of that? Must've been the charm of that woman…"

He muttered the last part under his breath, a touch of shame creeping into his voice.

The Marine Academy, he vaguely recalled, had drilled them on precisely this countermeasure.

Instead of the fiery blossoms of cannon fire, the Marines now unleashed a torrent of seawater. With renewed purpose, the Marines abandoned the explosive cannons, replacing them with high-pressure seawater cannons.

For the first time, a flicker of worry crossed Magnus's face.

He reached out with his mind, attempting to dislodge the oncoming geyser, but his power met an invisible barrier.

Seawater was beyond his telekinetic grasp.

"Didn't expect them to be so prepared!"

With a curse, he steered the platform into a series of erratic zig-zags, the metal groaning in protest as it strained against the sudden maneuvers.

On the battleship's deck, the Marines erupted in cheers.

"Yes! Keep it up! As long as we drain his energy with seawater, they'll eventually fall into the Calm Belt!"

The marines roared in excitement. The captain smiled, the vision of victory painting a gleeful look on his face.

Magnus gritted his teeth.

He couldn't afford to waste any more time or energy here. Every passing second increased the chances of encountering another monstrous Sea King and falling into the sea.

"Sadi," he said, his voice low and urgent.

"Sir?" She looked at him with submission.

"I want you to take the lead,"

He explained her his plan.

"I'll leave it to you," he said, his voice curt but laced with a hint of trust.

Sadi's eyes narrowed in understanding.

"I won't disappoint you, sir!"

Taking a deep breath, Sadi clenched the handle of her whip tightly.

Magnus, with a slingshot-like motion, launched her towards the battleship like a living projectile.


She sliced through the geysers of seawater with her whip, the telekinetic force collapsing as it met the water's resistance. But her momentum carried her through the torrent...


She landed on the rain-slicked deck with a resounding thud, water cascading down her fire-orange hair and clinging to her outfit in a way that left little to the imagination.

The scene that greeted her was one of slack-jawed awe.

Marines, their previous bravado replaced by a primal appreciation for her beauty, stood frozen.

Their eyes traced the way water clung to her curves, focusing on the raw flesh coiled beneath the scarlet leather.

A slow smile spread across her face.

Before they could appreciate her more, her whip cracked through the air, the sharp report snapping the Marines out of their stupor like a bucket of ice water.

Her sadist persona bloomed, radiating raw authority.

"Stop those cannons, morons!" she roared, her voice a whipcord of pure command.

The Marines swallowed, their throats turning as dry as the desert wind.

Her words hung in the air, heavy with the unspoken threat of violence.

A bead of sweat trickled down the chin of a young Marine, his gaze flickering nervously between Sadi's curves and the still-pumping seawater cannons.

Sadi's lips twitched with a cruel smile, and in a flash, her whip snaked out, leaving a red welt across his cheek.

"AAHHHHHHH!" The young marine let out a blood-curling scream.

The effect was immediate.

With a flurry of activity, the Marines scrambled to deactivate the water cannons. Panic flickered in their eyes, a stark contrast to their earlier lustful appearances.

Meanwhile, in the ship's helm, the Captain watched the scene unfold with a mix of horror and simmering indignation.

"How utterly pathetic! "

These were Marines, trained soldiers!

And yet, they cowered at the mere command of a scantily clad woman!

What happened to their discipline?!

Their duty!?

And for that matter, shouldn't they be disgusted by her blatant display of…assets?

But a traitorous glance betrayed his indignation. Despite his best efforts, his eyes lingered on the way the water clung to Sadi's form, highlighting the sinuous curves beneath.

He quickly cleared his throat, attempting to salvage his dignity.

"Get a grip on yourselves, you lot!" he bellowed, his voice lacking its usual authority.


Just then, a sharp crack split the air.

The glass of the helm shattered inwards, shards raining down like glistening ice. In the blink of an eye, Sadi's whip coiled around the Captain's neck with a reptilian swiftness.

He was yanked from his chair, a strangled gasp escaping his lips. The world spun as he found himself dangling before Sadi, his face mere inches from her crimson-heeled boots.

Sadi's eyes glinted with a sadistic pleasure, her lips stretched into a cruel smile.

"Looks like someone needs a lesson in manners," She purred, her voice dripping with a sadistic sweetness. "You almost drowned my master and me! That deserves a little…correction, wouldn't you say?"

The Captain could only gurgle, his lips pressed against the soft leather of her boot.

A morbid mixture of terror and an unwelcome arousal warred within him. This wasn't supposed to happen!

Villains were supposed to be defeated, not leave him feeling…like this.

Sadi, oblivious to his internal turmoil, enjoyed his discomfort with a cruel amusement. With a flick of her wrist, the whip tightened, eliciting a pained yelp from the Captain.

"Now, tell me, Captain," she continued, her voice a low caress, "are you sorry for your actions?"

The Captain, gasping for breath, managed a weak nod.

Discretion, it seemed, was the better part of valor.

A satisfied smirk played on Sadi's lips. With a well-placed kick to his chest, she sent the Captain sprawling across the helm, his face contorted in a mixture of pain and perverse pleasure.

JJust then, Magnus landed on the deck with a thud.

His eyes scanned the scene, taking in the subdued Marines and the whimpering Captain. A flicker of approval crossed his face

"Well done, Sadi," he said with a smile.

Had he been alone, perhaps he would have not succeeded in his escape.

"Thank you, master!"

Sadi's chest puffed out with pride.

He has praised her again!

And this time it wasn't because he found her ass well-made for fucking!

He has praised her because she was useful beyond just bed!!

"I will always live up to your trust!" She promised.

Magnus nodded while stretching his hands.

"Well, Sadi," he said, his voice raspy from exertion. "The ship seems a bit… overstaffed, wouldn't you agree?"

He settled onto the deck, closing his eyes for a moment of much-needed rest.

Sadi's eyes gleamed with understanding.

Turning towards the cowering Marines, a cruel smile played on her lips.

"You heard my Master," she announced, her voice dripping with sadistic glee. "This ship only needs those who are truly useful."


Chaos erupted on the deck.

The Marines, facing the terrifying prospect of being tossed into the Calm Belt to become Sea King food, scrambled to prove their worth.

Shouts and pleas filled the air, each Marine claiming their unique skillset and begging for mercy.

Even the Captain, his face a mask of desperation, chimed in with a list of his leadership qualities.

Sadi took her sweet time, enjoying the display of fear and desperation before her.

It was a symphony orchestrated by her own whip, a twisted performance that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest Marines.

Finally, after a series of agonizing moments for the crew, Sadi raised a hand, silencing the desperate pleas.

With a flick of her wrist, she pointed towards ten shaking Marines and the Captain. These fortunate souls would be spared the horrors of the Calm Belt.

The rest, however, were deemed expendable.

Sadi's chosen Marines, emboldened by their reprieve, needed no further instruction. They eagerly complied, rounding up their former comrades and tossing them overboard with practiced efficiency...


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