
One Piece: No Strings Attached

The plot is set as pieces are conveniently laid down for the hero. A convenient world, a convenient power, heck, even a convenient conflict. Now all we needed to do is sit back and watch this expected development play through. We've done this thousands of time, what can go wrong right? With destiny as the guide, a man will overcome all odds to rise from challenge and save the wor-- did he just massacre my planet?! ------------- A story inspired by so many fanfictions I've read in the span of a month. Yeah, just discovered it last December. Hello everyone, I have been recently introduced to this genre called fanfiction and now I am acting like a kid who had his first pack of wee-- er games. I meant games. This is my first novel too so feel free to leave some reviews on what I can do better. I fucked up and now I do not know how to change the genre because this is clearly FF. So I did the obvious, be lazy looking for answers and just repost it under FF genre. English is not my native language so do inform me if the grammar is unbearable. Now, What should you expect from this novel? hmmm. One piece definitely. Now, I'll try to incorporate my ideas so it won't be the "let's go sail and fuck up WG" World hopping. Yes but not saving the world thingy every time. He may save or he may left it to be destroyed after taking what he wants. So much bullshit that researchers will call it the "Recipe for Disaster" Prolly sex. I mean yeah. MC is kinda an Asshole so be prepared So yeah, I will update this later one. Peace, Venerable Zy

Venerable_Zydelle · Tranh châm biếm
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34 Chs

Chapter 29 Mei

[Yo. It's finished, 'host'. Geez. You've sure got me working on some questionable stuffs these past few months.] A jovial yet mechanical voice rang inside the head of a 6 feet tall purple-haired man with golden pupils. Beside him is a gorgeous woman with the same height but with light blue hair and brown pupils. The woman is fully naked with all her wonders for the world to see but she paid it no mind as she wore a curious look while looking carefully inspecting her body.

It was deep into the night as Jack sat on the deck of the ship, his long purple hair dances by the rhythmn of the wind while his sights admiring the beautiful figure of the blue haired woman whose figure is illuminated by the moonlight.

"Nn~ This feels rather nice. Having to move and all." said the blue haired woman while stretching her limbs, paying no mind the invasive gaze a smiling Jack is giving her. She looked at her huge breasts that jiggles at every movement and said. "Though I'd appreciate it if you can include any form of clothing as well just like any sensible person will do but.. *sighs* You're Jack after all."

"Awe~ you knowing me full well makes my heart warm, babe. Keep that up and I might just fall for you." Jack replied while shifting his attention to the panel in front of him.

[Simulacra Marionnette: Model Meimei]

Description: able to manifest any figure within the scope of the host's imagination through weaving strings altogether. The simulacrum had taken the inspiration from Kamalo's armor and allowed soul to operate it. The base strength of the simulacrum is dependent on the host's fruit and armament haki mastery which can be adjusted depending on the level of the souls residing the simulacrum.

Special Attribute: Is able to house the core of any intellegent entity (soul or AI) and the simulacrum can be strengthened by using any alternative power source. It can also use a fragment of the soul's original power.

Note: The user chose to relinquish control and given the wisp of soul 'Mei' the full ownership of the simulacrum. When the figure is destroyed, the wisp of soul 'Mei' can safely return back inside the host.

[Pretty neat right?]

"It's a meh for me." Jack said earning a [Tsk] all the while shifting his attention back to Mei's boobs. The woman beside Jack is Mei, given a temporary body. Jack said that she's currently rather useless so he had given her a temporary body much to the woman's happiness.

"Like what you're seeing?" said the woman, smiling and winking as she jiggled her boobs hoping to tease Jack. She is quite happy and satisfied with the events for once ever since she and Jack was transported to this world. Since day one, all she ever experience was stresses and headaches if a soul could ever experience it. Too much bullshit happened after and now sbe can finally have a breath of fresh air, literally.

Jack just smiled at her and seeing the woman's bright smile, he could not help but want to make it disappear so he asked. "Well, aren't you a little bit excited. Is it because of our destination? Feeling homesick, aren't we?" he said, awaiting her shift in mood and Jack was not left disappointed as he saw Mei's face turned downcast by the mention of their destination.

"Can't you let me be happy just for a while. *sighs* I seriously think that you'll die the moment you stop being a dickhead." the gorgeous woman sighed in defeat as she looked at the man beside her smiling while looking at her boobs. She gave an eyeroll before looking at the direction their ship is sailing. 'Arabasta, huh. Looking at the time, you must still be that same old trouble maker who keeps messing things up.' Mei smiled while thinking of the fond memories she had.

"Oh, by the way. You should not appear for the moment as we are still sailing and I hate it when they'll be annoying and ask me questions I do not want to bother explaining."

"Hm? I guess you have you a point. So how do I undo the skill." Mei asked to which Jack just grinned. Suddenly her Jack-sensor tingled and just as she was about to react. 3 thick and sharp pointed strings the size of a rope manifested behind Jack and lunged themselve towards Mei's. 'Oh, you son of a bitch!'


She was not able to let out those words as her mouth and eyes was pierced simultaneously by Jack's strings and it lifted her up to the air and all the way down to the ocean.


"Urgh~ what.. was.. that..hmm? Jack?" A sleepy Kana and as well as a battled-prepared Suess came out of the door to the deck to check the commotion outside. Suess had been on constant alert ever since the incident of the missing attackers happened and would often adress any sort of commotion. This time, both he and Kana went out of their room only to find Jack strangling a duck of yellow-brown plumage, with black-tipped wings and tailfeathers about 4'6'' in height.

The poor creature desperately struggled to break free from the man's clutches meanwhile, Kana and Seuss looked at him strangely. 'I interrupted my sleep for this? This?!' they both thought.

Without exchanging any word. Kana and Seuss hurried back to their beds to go back to sleep while lamenting on the wasted seconds they've spent dealing with Jack's shennanigans.

"Was that your new skill? The one you were working on with Im." Yvonne appeared just as the two people went back to sleep. She was notified by Im who seemed rather pissed but she paid it no mind.

"Hm? Oh yeah, it was. Thanks, by the way." Jack replied while busy wrapping the troublesome giant duck. Inside his head, Mei was cursing loudly fully knowing that the noise will annoy Jack despite him smiling all the time.

Meanwhile, Jack was genuinely happy while ignoring the headache inducing noises in his head as he remembered how he trolled Yvonne's system. Im suddenly proposed a joint-project one day suggesting further use of the string powers of Jack to which he agreed. The true aim of Im was to inspect and study Jack's peculiarity and if his system was responsible for it.

Simulacra Marionette was their product, a meh, design according to Jack. One of which he can easily create but he purposely used up months of time just to mess with the poor AI. He would have his system fail with basic calculations and asking Im to do it after he tried a couple of hundred times. Im was forced to see him painfully mess up something that could be compare to 1-1 in difficulty.

He would also make a sealed fake datas knowing it will garner Im's attention. Whenever the AI was close to cracking the code, Jack would reinforce it with the Seed of Yggdrasil making the breaching process a little more difficult. Not too difficult but only just a bit more giving the AI false hope. This would repeat over and over and over again.

At the end of a long long months of getting close to succeeding but only to fell short, just when Im was too burnt out to continue, it was finally breached but suprise surpise, Im never found anything unsual on him and finally gave up. Im concluded the project in a foul mood much to his satisfaction.

"And you made a woman??" Yvonne did not even realized her slight change of tone but Jack totally noticed.

"So? What's it to you?" he said while rolling his eyes.

Yvonne realized her slip up and decided to avoid the topic. "Nothing. I just thought that if you can make a woman out of your fruit powers, you should be able to help a woman with her fruit powers too."

"What kind of dumb logic is that? Probably from a woman with huge boobs but no brain." Jack said while smirking which made her vein popped out.

"Will you help me or not?" she snapped at him while glaring daggers but Jack just smiled while hanging the poor giant duck on a sail with his strings.

The duck struggled to be free but it would just comically bounce and sway in the air.

"Alright, I'll help you later but first." Jack pointed at the direction of their destination and Yvonne was able to see the glimpse of a huge island natio of Arabasta.

"First we anchor this ship on the port and find some inn to stay. We will probably be here for a week or two, depending on the smoothness of our journey."

"What are we even doing here, anyway? Are you seriously planning on grave robbing?" Yvonne asked Jack to which the man just gave a simple nod and said. "what? You think I'm lying? You'd be suprised to see some crazy yet expensive shit people put on their families graves."

"You want money? Didn't we already have a couple of millions of berries by robbing those sea bandits that tried to attack us and then we plundered their lair? "

Turns out that during their travels, Jack and the crew hunted sea bandits along their route and stole the goods they have stocked up and acquired making them a few million berries rich.

"Tsk. Our resources is not even worth much compared to the bounty of any ragtag crew in canon."

"Huh, bounty? Canon? You're talking weird again"

The concept of bounty was not universal to this world. Some kingdom may adopt reward system to put emphasis on the dangers of bandits that roams the see but none would proactively hunt them on purpose unless given heavy reason to do so. Having bandits continue to wreak havoc on towns of different island nations was one of the ways they could get their citizens more dependent on their respective leaders as they will view not only as rulers but also protectors so they chose not to eradicate this roaming criminals and some would even finance it to attack another kingdom.


"Anyway, it is still in the middle of the night so let's stop on this waters and sail once again tomorrow" Jack said while heading towards his room but just as he was about to close the door he asked "Wanna sleep with me?"

To which Yvonne just ignored and returned to her room as well. Jack just shrugged and went back to his room. The screaming and curses he heard from Mei inside his head never stopped but he still ignored her. It's not his fault the woman could not take a joke. Meanwhile, when all of this was happening on the ship, Joyboy is currently tossing and turning on his bed seeming to have some bad nightmares as he can be seen to have sweat heavily as well as wearing a heavy frown on his face.


Still in the middle of the night,

Inside a huge castle on a sandy island nation, a girl about 15 years of age is sobbing heavily on her bed. Her attendants are looking at her with deep concern as their princess did not stop crying since she found out that her favorite spot-billed duck went missing.

The giant duck is extremely mischievous and would often wander in the deserts but would still return to their princess' side regardless. However, it has been 2 days since the giant duck and the princess had been crying ever since, refusing to go out of her room nor eat her food. They can only sigh in relief when acquiesced to drinking water just to sate her thirst.

"There there, hush now princess. Kirara would be back before you know it." one of the maids tried to speak up and comfort the sobbing girl.

"HUWAAAAAAH! Then why isn't she back yet? Huhuhuhu I- I must go look for her!" said the girl while trying to stand up but weakness would hit her she fell down back to the bed. Not eating and only drinking water for 2 days on top of crying made her feel severely weak but she always insisted to not having any rest as long as the duck was not found.

All the other maids looked at the one who spoke in annoyance as she had made the situation worse while the latter just lowered her head in shame.

"Poor her. *sniff sniff* she must be all alone now, crying like a child *sniff sniff* without anything to eat *sniff sniff* we should go and find her, please?" begged the girl for the countless times.

"The guards were already set to look for your friend, your highness. They promise not leave a single sand unturned until they find your friend." said on of the maid which sparked hope to the princess' eyes

"Really?! But aren't they really occupied right now? You know, those meanie people is staying on the castle." the princess mumbled the last part with puffed cheeks. For 15 year old girld, she would often act childish and mischievous as well. She would cause more headache than her giant duck but her father had her locked in her room as people from another kingdom decided to visit.

"Princess, you should not say such words lest you want to anger those people and would cause another war. You don't want that to happen do you?" one of the maids chastised her which caused her to lower her head while tears threatens to burst from her brown pupiled-eyes. Her puffed cheeks and watery eyes almost melted the maids' heart.

"I-I'm sorry." she said in a mosquito-like voice which garnered a pitying yet apologetic sigh from all around. She was able to remember the war as she was still too young during those times but according to what she heard, lots of people died and people dying is always a bad thing.

"It is okay, your highness. I'm sure you mean well. In fact, I also think that they are no good people but let us just keep these words between us, okay?"

"Mm!" said the princess while she relaxed herself and the moment she did, her brain finally gave in and her eyes slowly closed as she dozed off to her dreamland.

The maids looked at each other and smiled. They have not also taken a wink of sleep but they were more worried of their princess. Seeing that she is fine, the made got out of her room one by one after tucking her in a blanket and made sure she is in a comfortable situation.

'Goodnight, our dear princess. Sweetest of dreams to you' they all said in their heads while quietly leaving her room.