

Years passed, and years I spent perfecting My haki and my power of the sun. At times, I fought Kaido, Big Mom, or Shiki, and sometimes I fought them at the same time, leading to great improvement in my capabilities.

I learned to fly long ago, after spending almost a year under the sun, my cells reached a new level, giving me the capability to fly. My travel speed reached the speed of light, I learned to better use solar energy, from laser beams shooting from my eyes, mouth, or even my fingers, I could do it all.

I gained other unique abilities, I had super breath, where I could breathe out the wind so powerful that even Kaido is sent flying. I could breathe out extremely cold air, which would turn everything into ice, and the ice isn't simple.

Although I wasn't a Haki man just yet, I managed to learn to fuse Armament Haki and Observation Haki. I pretty much had telekinesis, giving me the power to control things with my mind, although the further away the target is, the weaker the strength of my telekinesis.

I also fused Observation Haki with Conqueror Haki, giving me Observation killing. Now, no one could just see my future or anything like that. 

Speaking of Conqueror Haki, my Haki was now so powerful that those who were too weak to get near me would faint. Of course, this was only when my Conqueror Haki leaked out, this happens with my mindset. If I was ready for battle, in a bad mood, or serious, then my Conqueror Haki would leak out, knocking out those who were too weak, while at the same time damaging the land near me.

Trees and other such things would fall apart. Kaido even said my Conqueror Haki has a high chance of reaching Rocks level of Conqueror Haki. Rock's Conqueror Haki was enough to change even the weather, bringing forth lightning and thunder...

At the moment, I was on a ship, with a finger up my nose. On my other hand, a snail that almost looked like Kaido was angrily speaking. 

"You said he would be back in 2 years, where is my son? it's been 7 years." Kaido said angrily, Kaido wanted Yamato to be the shogun of Wano, so he wanted her back to take her role

"How should I know? She has been quiet for the past 7 years," I said lazily, making the snail's face turn ugly.

"I will call you later, I have stuff to do," I said while ending the call... yes, those of this world use snails to talk. I looked up ahead at the red-haired pirate crew. they had already spotted us, and a few people were looking at us.

As the ship landed on the island, my eyes went over everyone on the island, before landing on Shanks who was looking at me with a look of shock, as if he saw a ghost. He wasn't alone as everyone was looking at me in shock.

"Wow, he looks like Luffy," Shanks said with a hint of a smile,

"I'm just stopping by... I wanted to see the man who gave Luffy that devil fruit." I said calmly, making, Shanks's smile drop slightly, as he could tell by my words, that I knew the truth behind Luffy's devil fruit.

"With such a powerful devil fruit on him, is it not clear the world government would kill him at all cost?" I asked calmly, making Shanks's smile disappear.

"You seem to know a lot, I'm guessing the rumors of Big Mom and Kaido working together hold some truth?" Shanks asked softly, to which I smirked

"I defeated the two and absorbed them into my sun crew," I said to which everyone's eyes widened,

"You're after the one piece as well?" Shanks asked with a frown, although he asked, he knew that wasn't something I was after.

"Nope, I wouldn't need such huge numbers to search for the one piece. The Marines made me their enemies, I'm just building an army to destroy them." I said with a shrug, stunning everyone.

"thats not a wise thing... Kaido and Big Mom might be powerful, but the world government is something else." Shanks said seriously,

"I know, thats why I'm waiting for Joy Boy," I said with a smile, as things were going, I would not be strong enough to destroy the world government before Luffy was at his peak. so, I was just going to wait and use my time to refine my skills. I wasn't Luffy whose growth speed was just crazy fast. You should know, after the 2-year time skip in one piece, less than 3 months passed Until Luffy was fighting Kaido. Luffy and his crew mates growth speed was crazy.

"..." Shanks was quiet for some time, he seemed to be remembering something, before he suddenly just laughed while calling me over to drink. I didn't reject and came over and drank with the crew,

Shanks had a powerful crew, he had the smartest man from East Blue, Benn Beckman. A man who shoots faster than his shadow Lucky Roux, and the list went on. But Shanks's crew was not 100% powerful people, some weak people who couldn't fight for their lives were on the crew

I didn't stay for long as I headed off soon after, although I got a good understanding of the type of person Shanks was. Shanks was free, he sat around all day, partying, traveling, and overall enjoying the life of a pirate.

But he had no dreams. He was a man who pretty much saw it all, and had no dreams. He was also waiting for something, which I guessed to be Luffy. As for if he saw Luffy as a friend or enemy, that was unclear although I thought it would have been clear.

Shanks had connections with the world government and could go and leave when he wanted, at the same time, he did steal the devil fruit Luffy got. He was swallowed in secrets, which were hard to see through...

Well, I had the ship head towards where Whitebeard was at. with me searching for the sun-sun fruit, as well as the sun serpent fruit, I had built pretty much a news network everywhere, 

It took a few days for me to arrive at the Whitebeard ship, they were not so welcoming like Shanks and launched a few attacks to warn us not to get closer, but the attacks stopped as Yamato stood on the boat, waving toward me with a smile.

Sighing, I floated off the ship and flew over to the ship where Yamato wanted to hug me after 7 long years without seeing each other. yet she was met with a hit to the head, which sent her to her knees in pain.

"Out of all places you went, you went to Whitebeard crew knowing they have reasons to hate your dad?" I asked with a helpless sigh

"You got them all wrong, the whitebeard crew are not like that. And why are you even here?" Yamato said with a pout, feeling wronged

"Your dad wants you back home, he has been on my ass for the past few years because of you. something about you being Shogun or whatever... That's Wano's business, not mine... I seem to have become the middleman." I said with narrowed eyes, 

"I'm not going. you're the one who told me to go out and find myself, now you want me to go back to my prison?" Yamato said to which I sighed while scratching my head.

"Yeah, but we had a deal. 2 years. shouldn't you be going back to try and defeat Kaido or something and save Wano?" I asked to which Yamato frowned as she hesitated on what to do.

"Yamato is now a member of our crew, you can't just take her away." Marco the phoenix stepped forward although the giant next to him, Whitebeard, stopped him. At his words, I rubbed my forehead in annoyance.

"... no, I will go. I have to save Wano." Yamato said while her hands formed a fist, she looked at me with a flame burning in her eyes.

"Do what you want, just don't weaken my army or else I will step in," I said with a sigh, before looking towards everyone on board the ship. but in the end, I looked at Whitebeard who was just looking at me.

"I would want you to join my crew as well, but with how things are... old age and injuries are getting to you. How about your crew join under mine, in return even after you're long gone, I will protect them." I said calmly, making Whitebeard's eyes narrow.

"Let's face it, someone like you will not want to die sitting there. you dream of going out in battle. thats how you would most likely go out. but your crew is weak without you, you are its backbone, I'm not saying you're weak... but you're not immortal. One day things would turn upside down, there would be traitors among you when you die, the pirates would loot your land, and the list went on." I said while looking at everyone around me before my eyes stopped on Marshall D. Teach for a second longer than others, but enough for Teach to notice it, causing him to frown deeply.

Whitebeard suddenly got to his feet, and with a step, he swung his gigantic naginata called Murakumogiri towards me, Yamato had already stepped away realizing something like this might happen. I didn't disappoint Whitebeard as I punched forward, although we held back, the sky was split from this clash, and many people on board the ship were knocked out. 

"Boy, you're 100 years too young to tell me what to do," Whitebeard said coldly, although he was shocked 

"An old man who is too old to accept the reality before him. I don't need your crew, I was only doing you a favor. but it looks like you rather die than do anything to help them." I said with a look of disdain, which enraged Whitebeard who put more power into his naginata, but I countered with more power into my fist, in the end, I just moved, stepping aside and letting the Naginata hit the ground.

"You're not worth the time, old people like you are not worth it," I said while taking Yamato and, floating into the sky.

"Wait, I can't just leave like this. Give me a few days!" Yamato yelled, but I ignored her and flew to my ship and had us leave. Yamato glared at me before running towards the edge of the ship where she began yelling at the Whitebeard Pirates about how she would return once she frees Wano.

However, someone amongst the Whitebeard Crew wanted to come with Yamato, a follower of Oden who had planned to follow Yamato to fight Kaido. but he missed his opportunity as I had just left.

Yamato was upset with me just taking her away, and she showed it by taking me to a bedroom within the ship, where she vented everything out until she was completely satisfied. although that took a few hours as it has been a few long years since we did such things.

Anyway, I dropped her off at Wano and she went on to fight her father... where she lost and was imprisoned again...

"Boss, by time you're back," Shiki said with a smile while entering a mansion where I sat in the head seat. above me, the sun's rays were being aimed toward me, allowing me to absorb more energy than normal.

"Yeah, staying here all of the time is boring," I said calmly, I had set out for a few years to find something to do out there. At the same time, I challenged others on see while weakening myself to help refine my Haki

"Well, something interesting has happened," Shiki said making my eyebrow raise

"Judge has offered a marriage between you and his daughter Reiju," Shiki said holding back a laugh, while my face turned cold. But now that I thought of it, I haven't met Reiju, Sanju's elder sister. I closed my eyes for some time, before having Shiki allow her to enter. 

the doors opened and there a woman wearing a pink outfit entered. She was beautiful.

"Leave us alone," I said calmly, disappointing Shiki who wanted to see the art of picking up women. As he left, Reiju and I were the only people remaining in the room. 

"You need not act emotionless, I can sense you're not like your siblings," I said calmly, stunning Reiju.

"If you are going to marry me, it wouldn't be an arranged marriage. marrying an unfeeling person is boring, so tell me your feelings." I said calmly, Reiju was stunned for some time. She was sure she was into a cruel fate as many have heard how I pretty much had a harem, she thought she would be nothing more than a sex thing.

"... I'm confused. you're nothing like I heard." Reiju said softly, to which I smiled slightly 

"I am, but thats just me searching for a wife. The woman who would be my wife has to meet an important condition. I must love her more than I love the sex, but the sex can't be so bad, that I love her more" I said with a smile, making Reiju speechless

"So, tell me... you want to find out if you pass?" I asked softly, Reiju blinked blankly for a few seconds, before a faint blush appeared on her face.

"If I don't pass?" She asked, trying her best to keep an emotionless face, I smiled while coming over to her ear, and spoke lightly to her ear. Reiju's face turned red at my words, and disbelief was written all over her face, but after a moment realization appeared on her face. she realized why those females who slept with me seemed to grow stronger,

"Why must you sleep with someone to know if they can be your wife?" Reiju asked in confusion, 

"A healthy relationship needs a few things. the first being that one needs to have a strong bond with their lover, the other being that they are attracted to each other, and lastly is the sex life. I'm attracted to you, you are a beauty after all. but I will not try and build a bond with you if I'm not sure all 3 foundations can be set." I said calmly,

"If I spend years strengthening our bond just to find out that the sex life is bad, A waste of time in my opinion," I said calmly, Reiju didn't know what to say to this. it kind of made sense, but it was a flawed outlook.

"What if the bond you make outweighs the sex life? isn't that far better than sex?" The virgin asked, to which I rolled my eyes.

"You want to put that to the test, if we have sex and you can proudly say you would rather have a bond over sex, you can ask me of anything so long as it is in reason. If I win, you move here to be my maid." I said with a smile, 

"Anything?" Reiju asked her eyes narrowed at my words, I nodded lightly,

"You can even save the request for a few years, either way, you can ask for anything. However, if it's something like killing your father, I will have to hold back on that as I need Germa 66 research. but when they are done, I will erase them." I said to which Reiju closed her eyes for a moment before she nodded.

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