
One Piece: Kryptonian

Shiro, a guy who was a soldier, Mercenary and otaku at the same time. He died in a mission and half cross dimension and meet a being in a void who will reincarnate him in One piece world and give him one wish (more if u think so...). Genre: Op MC, Narcissus MC, Harem??,??? It a little bit or too slow peace or too fast sometimes. I won't promise the best Grammar or spelling errors but I will at least not make a mistake. I am writing on phone so not the best quality. I don't have much time as School is trying to KILL me so I won't promise 1 chapter a day but I will try. I don't own anything that's already owned[One Piece and Kryptonite bloodlin(Alliance bloodline), DC].

13th_Night · Tranh châm biếm
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The blue square box appearing in front of him with boxes in it, in some boxes are items like a costume, sword and so on.

It ' Inventory', it has limitless space, but living creatures can't be put. The plant can be put, even though it has life and egg can also be put. There are divided into two parks, the one that's stopped( freeze) times and the one that doesn't stop(freeze) time, time can also be slow down a little bit or faster it by a lot.

Even though living creatures can't be put there's a little garden like inventory where the living creatures live, there are little small living creatures like mouse, bird, snail (den den musi) and do on. He can't put a living creatures that aren't from the garden inventory, but he can take and put back the creatures that are living inside the garden inventory.

After looking for a while the video camera connecting with a little black snail appear. It's was one of the gifts from the being that sends him Inventory. It's the world snail( den den musi) if it uses every world will see what's in the recording.

... Flash Back.....

The first thing Shiro saw when he opened his eyes was the blue transparent box in front of him, what was "inventory". There was a latter in the first box, in the latter was written:

"Hello, it's me. The being who reincarnated you. I forget to introduce myself, my name is Locus Luominen, Cultivator Of Space-Time and Creation. I sent you exactly 2 years before pirates King's death. I wanted to fix you not crossing over dimension to crossing over, but you only got one of the perk ' Inventory' what's in front of you now I assume. I left some gifts and the system you should get also left something. I left one of my precious treasure "The Sword of Origin". It's a mysterious sword born from the Void, I stumble upon it when I was taking a walk."

"It's not used for me, You can have it. Even though you are Kryptonine, you can be cut by Space Cutting Realm. Even though there is no Space Cutting Realm in that world, there is Wind Cutting Realm. The current Dracule Mihawk is Stell Cutting Realm, the future Zoro will attend Space Cutting Realm. I have left a book about how Haki is trained. After you train Haki, not even Space Cutting Realm can cut you anymore."

" Da Gil Kus Fors Tujal, Gafur Hi Cadtific Nusig Mu His Cup. ( I will use the Sword later After I satisfy fighting with my fist like Superman.)" Shiro speak his first baby language.

" Aren't you energetic brat." The old man who was holding Shiro said. Who was obviously his grandfather?

"Bia Dbn jaja naj! ( I am not a brat!")" Shiro said in baby language.

..... Flash Back End...

" Let see what I can do with this video recorder," Shiro said and plug the wire that was a connection with the black little snail, he doesn't want the world to know him when he's just a kid, not a brat. He turns on the video recorder and put it on a rock. He went a little future from the video recorder to be visible on the recording.

After confirming he's visible on the recorder, he bends down with one of his knees, rise his knees and shoots forward like a bullet. Even his leg was only visible blurry. After running 10× Rounds he stopped. He takes the recorder and stops the recording. He played the video where he was running, he cut at where he started and cut again where he finished his 10.th round. After cutting the video carefully he looks at the time he started running and finished running and it was 5.07 second.

"If it wasn't for the send I would have been faster," Shiro said looking at the sand hatefully and his eyes turned red and tow beam came out and shoot at the sand making a little explosion.

"Aaah!" Shiro jumped in a sock.

After looking at the sand on fire for a while, Shiro book of in laughter." Hahahahahhah, My Unimaginable talent is showing it's an effect. Even I, The great me was shocked by my abnormal talent. Now then, let's look how strong my eyes are."

Shiro walked up to the fire and took a deep breathe and blow the fire. The fire got bigger but when he blew a little bit stronger it instantly died down. After blowing the fire with a cold breath he looks at the sand that became glass.

" I wanted to take it as a cup for my Talent, but it's a little bit too ugly to be my cup. Aah, Whatever. Anyways let's put it in my inventory so I can use it in the future for some big thing. Aaah! I know what to do with it, no, I don't know. Let me think!" Shiro said and started thinking what to do with his talent cup.

After thinking for 3 hours...

"Aaah! I don't have any idea what to do with my ugly talent cup, But I figure out my second dream. I will draw a lot of my super flags on the world especially on those world government flags by my flag flag spray given to me by my inventory." Shiro said with a smile.


"Let go home and eat first and I will seriously train Haki harder from tomorrow," Shiro said and went home, where he saw his grandfather reading a letter.

"Hi, grandpa! Whose latter from are you reading?"Shiro asks.

"It's from my friend. He's King of Alabasta, Nefertari Cobra. I was his guard so he and I naturally became friends. He asks me a favour to train the youngsters in the guards." He answers still looking at the latter.

"Oh!" Shiro said in realisation.

"I will have to go, it's favour personally asked by the King. Will you come with me or stay here?" He turned away from the latter and look at Shiro.

"Of course I will stay here," Shiro said without hesitation.

" Are you sure you can survive alone?" His grandfather asks him.

"Am I a jok to You? What do you want to say by asking am 'I going to survive?' You want to ask me if I am going to die without you?"Shiro said with a red angry face.

"You are still a kid, that why I ask you." He Grandfather said.

Shiro looks down and saw how his body was a little kid and he's only almost 2 years old. As if thunder strike him, he realises that he is still a kid. He almost (already) forget that he is a kid after running so fast. He looks at his grandfather, open his mouth and said." Ah! You're correct!!! I am still a kid!!"

"...." His grandfather looks at Shiro with disbelief written on his face, wondering ' Are every kids like this or it's only my grandson. If it's only my grandson then I really have bad luck.'

"...." Shiro was wondering if his grandfather realises how genius he is.' Did my grandfather finally see my talent and couldn't see the limit of my potential because it's endless?'

After looking at each other a while thinking something totally different his grandfather finally said something." Well if you don't want to come then that also fine. I will be heading out tomorrow before sunrise. I will come back if something happens."

"Ok!" Shiro said as He was fine with living alone.
