

To reach Enmont island it will take a total of five days. To reach it they will have to cross a lot of small uninhabited islands. Each one is less than 10km across.

Because they weren't in any particular rush, they sailed around every island they came across for Sol to check out with his haki.

He's currently looking for a good place to take the girls to train. But so far, all the beasts on the island have been too weak for them.

He still sent in Julie and Diana to hunt them and bring them back to supplement their meals.

Even if they were weak, the nutrient contained in them was a lot more than what they currently ate. Over three days they could actually notice a slight increase in strength.

This cemented Sol's idea of finding better food.

Rounding all the islands increased the time of their journey greatly. It's already been a week and they're only halfway there.

"I see another island!" Krita yells backward as her finger points towards a dark landmass in the distance.

"Change direction! Head towards 4 O'clock!" Jasmine looks at the island in the distance before ordering Eileen as the wheel.

The other girls begin shifting the sails as Eileen turns the rudder.

After more than a week of practice, they've turned the knowledge read from books into skills.

Nora sits in the Crows nest and turns her sniper scope towards the island. She twists a dial on the scope and the lens inside begins to shift.

Her vision slowly increases until she can see the shores of the island clearly. Makeshift docks with half a dozen boats docked. Shoddy wooden buildings and people moving in between.

Looking at the ships she sees a pirate flag. The design is a purple skull with two pincers on the side and a scorpion stinger hovering above.

As the Queen of these parts for a few years, she didn't pay much attention to her kingdom or surrounding waters.

But one thing she has heard about is the Purple Scorpion Pirates. Nora rises to her feet and hooks her sniper across her lower back.

After leaping over the guardrail she slowly falls and lands lightly on the deck. One of the abilities she developed is the ability to shift from her current body weight down to a single sheet of paper.

She can increase her weight by making more paper, but she finds it pointless. She can just create a stack of paper to drop, no need to slow herself down.

Within a few steps, she arrives in front of Jasmine. "There appears to be a pirate enclave on that island. If we don't change course they will see us soon."

"Pirates?" Jasmine's brows scrunch as she frowns. "Did you see how many there were?"

"I saw six ships docked, no other way to count." She slowly shakes her head.

"We should fight!" Eileen walks over after hearing their conversation. "Otherwise why else are we here? A vacation?"

Jasmine hesitates, grabbing her arm as she remembers going up against a few pirates. Her eyes glance at Sol laying on his chair with a smile.

Clenching her fist she takes a deep breath. Her eyes scan over all the girls looking at her, waiting for her instructions.

Even Vivian hasn't taken the time to mock her.

"Sol wants to completely control the surrounding waters of Vigner, starting with these ten islands." As she speaks she gains a little more confidence and puffs out her ample chest.

She pushes her shoulders back and stands up completely straight, realizing she isn't a simple maid anymore. Feeling all eyes on her, she speaks what she believes to be the correct decision.

"That means we're going to have to deal with this pirate sooner or later. Since they're within our reach, how can we let them escape."

"Yea! Let's kill them all!" Vivian's cheeks are a bit flush as she screams.

Eileen just places her hands on her swords and smiles. Both Eula and Krita are also visibly excited. All three of them felt their swordsmanship improve after the last battle.

Julie and Diana look at each other and see the helplessness in the other's eyes.

"We can't let a single one escape alive." Nora sighs, remembering Sol doesn't want them to be seen yet. "I haven't even finished my scouting report."

Nora's words calm everyone down.

"The Purple Scorpion Pirates are the biggest pirate group in these parts. Their captain 'Scorpion' Diego had a bounty of 17 million beli four years ago, I'm not sure what it is now. He's a capable person with the Scorpion Zoan fruit."

When Nora finishes speaking everyone turns towards Jasmine.

"No problem." She raises her clenched fist. "This time we'll have a plan instead of charging in recklessly."

She first turns towards Nora. "You have to fly over and take out their cannons. We can't kill them if we never even have the chance to dock."

Next, she turns to Eileen, Eula, and Krista. "You three will be the strike force, kill as many people as fast as possible."

Finally, she looks at Vivian, Julie, and Diana. "You need to destroy their ships and stop them from fleeing deeper into the island."

Releasing a long breath, she starts cracking her knuckles. "Leave the Captain to me."

A glint flashes through her eyes as she wants to wash away her shame.

Everyone nods, no one will disobey her at this moment.

Sol nods slightly when he hears her battle plan. While not the best, it's still acceptable for someone who's still learning the ropes.

He feels that his choice to use this as a training trip was the right idea.

Nora walks towards the front of the ship. With every step, she takes paper spreads from her back and folds in the air. The white paper folds into copious amounts of feathers.

Two large sheets of paper burst from her shoulder blades before folding into the shape of a curved bone.

The feathers begin interlacing and attach to the origami bone until beautiful angelic wings are formed.

Jumping into the air she reduces her weight and flaps her wings. Nora shoots into the sky like a bird and draws her gun.

She soon leaves the boat behind and draws closer to the island. Taking aim with her sniper, she aims at the barrels of the first cannon.

Pulling the trigger she hears a thud. The force tries to push her back but her wings keep her stable.

Right now, her maximum control is two wings. Any more and her control becomes poor and her stamina drains too fast.

The bullet streaks through the air and perfectly hits the inner barrel of the cannon. A massive crack forms instantly and destroys the barrel.

Her hands move slightly and she continues firing. After ten shots, she pulls out the clip and changes it for one holstered on her left thigh.

The pirates below begin to panic. Every time Nora shoots a cannon it sounds like a bell toll.



The interval is consistent which gives everyone an eerie feeling.

"What's going on!! Find out what's making that noise now!!" One of the commanders, a tall man with a braided beard and a scar running down the side of his face yells.

Looking at the people standing around confused he gets even angrier. "Move move move!!! Find out what it is!"

"Commander Fuller I think it's coming from the ship." A pirate raises his trembling finger when he sees Fuller grab the hilt of his blade.

Fuller squints his eyes and looks in the direction of the ships. Then, he saw it. Something shimmering down from the sky at an angle before disappearing from his field of view.


His eyes trace the path upwards and finally lands on Nora flying high in the sky. While he can't make out any details, he knows one thing.

They are under attack.

"Tell those who're supposed to keep a lookout to see if any ships are approaching!! We may need to make a run for it."

"Yes, commander!" A pirate runs away to relay the message.

Fuller turns around and enters the building behind him.

"What's all the noise about Fuller." A middle-aged man with a shiny bald head and sharp eyes look at Fuller as he enters. He sits very sloppily in a chair with a mug in his hand. 

Five more men sit at various spots inside what looks like a poorly made bar. Barrels of alcohol are stacked against the wall, no telling if they are empty or full.

"Yea! Did you tell those bastards to quiet down!" Another man waves his mug, spilling a bit of drink as he does.

"Were under attack by an unknown enemy." Fuller shakes his head.

His words cause everyone in the room to instantly sober up.

"Oh?!?" The bald man, Scorpion rises to his feet. "Have those bastards at the 344th still not given up? Didn't we sink two of their ships last week?!?"

"There's no way Captain Tracy has recovered yet." Scorpion frowns as he thinks about it more.

"I saw someone attacking from the sky."


"That means they have a devil fruit like the captain."

Scorpion smiles when he hears his men's words. "So a little mouse gained a bit of power and came out to play. Get red men! Let's show him who he's messing with!!"

"OHHH!" Thrusting their fist in the air they all rise from their seats and head for the door.

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