
One piece :Jane's third reincarnation

magic emperor reincarnated in planet earth.  live a normal life lives and has a big family and after 90 years on his deathbed he remembers deep in his heart that he still longs for magic and regrets that he did not train physically in his previous life. After dying bitterly, he finds himself in a world he never expected to..... I hope you'll support me in a comment for this.novel to add and correct if I have mistakes in order to get better. (^_-) Important note : I do not have any rights to the story or characters One Piece, and credit to its authors The cover is made by me with pictures taken from the Internet. This is my first novel. I hope fans support a comment to become a write-in pusher. (^_-)

ichigo7ma · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Honshu Island and mental change

long chapter

2617 A word I ask you for advice in a comment, write more


While Jin and Sora were sailing, somewhere, in the East Blue Sea, into a restaurant. There is a person who eats his food at the table so happily as if he has not eaten in a week. If you look at the number of plates he has finished eating,

A person may imagine what delicious food he eats to this degree, and if you actually notice that there is no one's voice other than the person who is eating, even though it is a restaurant that lacks its noisy atmosphere, if you look at the ground, and look closely, you will find blood and corpses on the tables and the rest of the tables,

As if it was no longer a restaurant atmosphere, but a horror movie,

When that person finished he stood up and turned around, turning to his surroundings with a human laugh, "Wuhahaha, only one remains, curious to know how I will become stronger when his cheat is devoured, Wuhahaha,"

He started to strut as he walked out of the restaurant, singing, "I killed the first, stabbed 20 times, beheaded the second, and the third is his destiny. I'm curious to know how to kill him, well I decided I'll cut him in half."

He continues walking to his unknown destination.


Jin and Sora have been sailing for a day and they almost run out of food if Jin doesn't find some fish to catch,

Suddenly he felt cold and his body shook.

"What's wrong, Captain?" Sora says, looking at Jin.

"Nothing, but I have a sense of danger."

Jin says while answering earnestly, he developed his sense when he was the emperor of magic, and this ability greatly benefited him in his normal second life,

"Perhaps someone was talking about you, Captain,"

"Have you forgotten that all my relatives are dead with the city, and the only survivor is my mother and I, and I'm sure when my mother speaks of me, I won't get the same goosebumps?"

Although he is still trying to accept himself as a woman's son, but,

He still finds it difficult to call my mother,

Suddenly Sora looked ahead, saying, "Ahead is an island, Captain." Jin turned to the view that greeted him. The island seemed to be a charming place that attracts attention and charms hearts with its calm, beauty of nature and special weather, because it is separated from the rest of the earth, and it is a piece of land surrounded by all sides with water,

"I always wanted to go on a tour"

Sora looked at Jin with a sigh, "Then let's have fun, Captain, on this island."

While they were wandering about the island, with its colorful facades, in addition to the distinctive squares, and the daily life between the town and its beaches, makes life in it more enjoyable. As if the town came alive, an ideal place to spend holidays, and enjoy the most beautiful and wonderful views, while, looking around, Jane found an egg seller who approached the seller before a group of beautiful girls walked, Jane asked the seller,

"How much do these chickens cost?"

"What chicken?! Those are the eggs! Where do you look?"

The salesman answered strangely before turning to the same place Jane was looking at, for the girls,

"At the price," Jane answered without turning to the seller,

Sora Jin registered and apologized to the seller and they continued on their way.

Jin and Sora went to a restaurant when they heard it was one of the best restaurants. One of the best local dishes with strong flavours, featuring snail dishes and muscardine dishes, a marinated baby octopus, when their order arrived sitting at the table Jin said "this food is really appetizing" and his saliva almost ran out of his mouth last week he was eating dried food or He catches some fish, and Jin did not expect that in this anime that the food is really delicious because it is a pirate world, and something is sure that this world lacks some technology, but when he saw the food in front of him his thinking changed completely, when they finished eating Jin did not feel that the food was over, he said Jane "I don't know how to describe this food, it's great"

"Actually, captain, this food is very, very, very tasty."

When they finished and left the restaurant walking around and sightseeing, the whole island of course people seeing Sora walking with Jin and talking caught most people's attention, problems of course, while Jin and Sora were walking in the woods. Five men armed with swords and daggers appeared before them and blocked their way.

Of course, every bright side has a dark side.

The fat man at the front of the group spoke,

"Hand over this strange cat to us if you value your life, we are the Black Jack gang,"

He turns back where he came from and leaves the rest of the group to bring the cat back with them,

"Do you have money?" Jin looked at him, his eyes turning to Berry like Nami when she wanted to steal a treasure, Sora looked at Jin to see what he wanted to say,

He who was turning away from them came back saying slowly and harshly,

"Who do you think you are to pay you the price of a cat?"

"No, I didn't mean that," Jane replied, waving his hands.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i know that don't worry i'm not only interested in you in your cat" the group leader replied as he nodded with satisfaction at Jin's reply,

"No, that's not what I mean, but what I want is your money, because I lack money at the moment, as you promised, I will promise not to hit you or kill you if you give me all the money you have" Jin replied cheerfully as if he could kill them easily,

The group leader almost fell for his unexpected answer,

He looked at Jane for a while as if he wanted to re-evaluate this boy who refused their offer and on the contrary demanded their money too, they came to steal his cat, but he wants to steal them now,

"You seem to want to die early, my little one, my little boy," he said. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… What do you think of this kid saying do we give him our money to save our lives, either we kill him slowly or we torture him very badly, apparently he doesn't know the black jack gang's howling," he concluded, as he and the rest of the group laughed madly, for threatening them

"Right, I don't know who the Black Jack gang is, is it a band?" Jane replied innocently, then put a serious expression on his face,

The group stumbled on the floor, Jin watching amusedly, never expecting that he would actually see such things happen in front of him, thinking that he had not yet seen a look of shock.

And their mouths open to their wrestlers, almost touching the ground like what happens in the anime, and he started laughing and said, "Okay, all of you come to me."

And he shakes his hand at them,

"Enough of your bullshit, boy, I'll kill you." He pulls his sword from its sheath and runs to him, waving his sword, he's fast despite his fatness, Jin analyzed and said to himself I must not loosen my defense, he narrowly avoided the sword even though his vision precedes the movement of his body because he is not fit to fight physically distance;

He aimed his hand at the commander's chest while punching, but the group leader took a step back and then drew his sword into Jin's hand, quickly pulled his hand back avoiding the sword and took a step back as well,

Although he can activate Tekkai, but he cannot activate it while he is moving, meaning he can block when defending, but when attacking, his body can't

Activating *Tekkai* If he wants to defend while attacking in order to block a sudden blow he must stand still, which is the flaw of this technique in the first stage, Jin looked at Sora and said, "Can you fight?"

"Of course I can but I won't interfere because I'm stronger than you, thanks to the owner of this body by absorbing Haki has become so strong, for you it's impossible to defeat me,"

"Are you serious?"

"Of course why would I lie to you then?"

"What is your strength level then can you?"

The use of Haki." Jin asked curiously,

"I can't yet, and apparently this mink hasn't extracted its full potential, and my strength now compares to that of a captain," she concluded, and Jane was shocked by the difference in strength between them, and he had expected that he was stronger than her, a captain in the sense that it was lower in rank than a vice admiral, though he He has no hope of winning them all, but he made a decision that if he got into a struggle, he had to work hard until the last minute, even if there was a possibility that he would lose, then the group looked at each other, they got angry that Jin ignored them, then they all attacked him, one of them ran to his right As he hurriedly attacked Jin with his bare hands, before Jin responded, he turned behind his back, changing his path, and in front of him two ran to him, one carrying a knife and the other a dagger. Jin did * Tekkai * while repelling the attack of the three, they were surprised after he was injured despite their attack, Jin took this He grabbed the wrist of the one holding the dagger and twisted it and took the dagger from him, then stabbed the dagger into his throat in order to kill him in one move and decisively, using *Soru*

He attacked Jin who was behind him, rushing to him and stabbing the dagger in his chest,

Two of the five are falling dead and the ground is full of their blood and still coming out of their bodies, after the three recovered from the shock they attacked him without giving him another chance, the group leader attacked at high speed before Jin reacted, his chest wound with a bloody mark 4 milli deep, from half of his chest to his core. Jin groaned in pain as he put his hand on his wound, remembering that feeling, he had never experienced such pain in his normal previous life before, but when he was a Magic Emperor, he had a lot of pain experiences,

The group leader smiled maliciously as he looked at Jin's wound,

But his smile froze when he saw the smiling Brown expression as if he had lost his mind, he attacked straight away and no longer cared what the boy was going to say, Jin looked at the three attacking from different sides, Jin rushed to the leader of the group before they coalesced together, Jin suddenly changed his path to the right, then in A sudden move *Soru* surprises the person when he sees Jin in front of him before he responds Jin attacks him as he digs the knife at high speed into his eyes, before the group leader can move, it is too late, the person fell shivering and then his body stopped moving, the group leader rushed towards him and got angry Clear on his face, Jin avoided him and took the opportunity as he rushed to the left and then with a quick movement *Soru* was in front of the person, the person rushed to him screaming in fear, Jin's footsteps stopped and then he fixed his body and receiving the attack with *Tekkai* When the person saw his attack did not affect Jin, he retreated His steps seeing Jin smiling like a demon, with a quick movement Jin hit his neck with his hand and fainted, the group leader was frozen and his face was covered with anger, "Aaaaaah you damn brat how dare you kill my brothers, if not my name Saburo I'll change it to a dog if I can't kill you, You will pay for what you did, the black jack gang will kill your whole family from big To her little one, even a dog will not survive, we will sell the women of your family after he has raped them all," said the group leader in anger and hatred. Then when he finished his last sentence he said it with hate and a crooked smile on his face, as if he had stomped on Jane's chord, his smile vanished and replaced by a savage expression and narrow eyes, He appeared in front of the group leader in an instant, as if his speed had doubled, as he flipped the dagger and slashed it from his stomach to the top of his chest, blood flying into Jin's face and body, before his corpse fell. Too bad he invades his other eye before it goes out

His light on the world heard the last sentence of his life,

"Don't you threaten me with my family, you and those who are older than you, their fate is much worse than this," and the body fell motionless, Jin remained for a few moments before falling to the ground Sora comes to him hurriedly and asks, "Are you okay, Captain?"

She was worried about him, he replied in a cold tone, "It's okay I'm fine but I was too lax. I thought I was in the world of anime and not reality, and I can do whatever I want because I know what events will happen, but now I'm on the ground in fact, I was removing it out of my head but I know I was wrong," Jin says as he stands, his view of the world has changed, he has become more assertive, this world is survival of the fittest for him and for the ones he loves, he must be stronger, Sora remained silent as she watched his change not for the strongest but as if he had matured in a body Child, "Then why didn't you kill the last of them?"

"Of course, to find out the location of the gang and kill them all, it's an epidemic on this island."

Sora was surprised by Jin's response and then smiled, she wanted to tell him how many points he had gained from killing them, when her ear moved, then she turned back and then appeared on her hands blue electricity and then threw it to the top of the tree behind them, then a shadow came down from the top of the tree and approached them and he He laughs

"It was a bit of an interesting fight. It reminded me of my youth," -shi-shi-shi-shi-shi!

Then came out of the tree's shadow, an old man with long, shaggy gray hair that came to his shoulders. He is missing a tooth and has bushy eyebrows that cover almost his entire eye, and he wears a brown hat that is slightly frayed along the length of his brim. He wears sunglasses with orange lenses and a black brim over his hat. Wearing what appeared to be a dark blue cloak that stretched the length of the floor, the atmosphere became awkward when no one spoke.

"Was it necessary for noshi to kill them?"

"Who are you?" Jin answered vigilantly because he felt that this simple old man was very strong,

"Oh, my name is Naguri, just a simple old man noshi," Nagur replied, shaking his hands in peace,


long chapter

2617 A word I ask you for advice in a comment, write more😊

Creation is hard, cheer me up!(^_-)

ichigo7macreators' thoughts