
One Piece: It Bites!

[Not mine, I'm translating it] Cover not mine Original Author: Xomniac Sea Kings, seasickness, sunburn, 95% genocidal Marines and a million other ways to die. It's official: Being in an anime sucks... Noooo, I think it could be worse. I mean, where else could I sail with the future pirate king?

Joyboy2023 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
21 Chs

Chapter 3.3

"Damn damn damn damn…" I hissed to myself, feeling my heart pounding.

"You're just a DAREDEVIL!" Soundbite giggled with a grin.

"Shouldn't I know!" I snorted, a smile crossed my face, and a jubilant feeling rolled through my stomach. -But it was worth it, right?


- Um, excuse me, sir?

I looked up and saw a man wearing headphones, looking at me curiously from behind the counter.

"Are you here to buy something, or...?" He fell silent awkwardly.

I coughed sheepishly, standing up properly and adjusting my clothes in the process. -Um, I... yes, yes. Sorry about that, just got out of... an interesting conversation.

The man grinned and nodded in agreement. "Well, we know all about the interesting conversations here in Samson's Snail Hut." He extended his hand to me. -I'm Samson, nice to meet you.

I smiled and shook his hand in greeting. "I'm Cross, this is Soundbite." I pointed to the snail, who grinned in greeting. -Nice place you have here.

And so it was. The walls of the store, although small in size, were lined with shelves filled with dormant Transponder Snails of various sizes and colors, to which a wide variety of technologies and equipment were connected. There was also an open box, inside of which several dozen baby snails were crawling.

"Heh, thank you," Samson nodded. -So what brought you here?

- Well, first of all... - I took Soundbite off my shoulder and put him on the counter. -Soundbite is a wild snail that I want to equip. Do you offer such a service?

Samson hummed, looking at Soundbite curiously. -Do you mind if I...?

- Oh no, of course!

"Okay, then..." He picked up Soundbite and began to examine him. -Hmm... good color, healthy weight, his shell seems nice and strong... Mmm, it seems like he can get the gear...-

"Oh, you're making me blush!" Soundbite giggled.

"Eek!" Samson pumped the snail, barely restraining himself from dropping the gastropod. -What the...!?

"Devil Fruit," I answered decisively.

"Ah." The man winced. "That explains everything." He put Soundbite back on the counter. -Well, I don't know how his abilities will interact with technology, but I think he's suitable for obtaining equipment. But it will cost you dearly.

I shrugged my shoulders indifferently. -Yes, that was to be expected. What would you suggest?

- Hmm... - Samson thoughtfully scratched his chin for a second. -Perhaps... Ichabod-Portentia 6S? Latest model on the market. True, a little expensive.

- And how much?

- Twenty-five thousand Belli, with the possibility of installments and advance payment.

- Sales! Sold! - Soundbite squealed joyfully, jumping as much as his invertebrate body would allow.

I smiled, pulled out a wad of cash and selected the corresponding amount of bills. -You heard the snail: sold.

Samson blinked in surprise before taking the money, quickly counting it and nodding in agreement. "Okay then!" He extended his hand and allowed Soundbite to crawl. -It takes only a few minutes. It's a delicate process, but not too complicated.

"Let's rush into the gap again!" Soundbite shouted as he was carried into the back room of the store. (Phrase from Shakespeare's play "Henry V")

"You never went there to begin with!" I answered, although I laughed.

I waited patiently for some time, but after a few minutes I was tapping my foot impatiently, waiting for the results. I reached into my pocket for an easy way to entertain myself... and then found myself cursing Soundbite as I patted my empty pocket.


- And here he is!


I jumped as Soundbite's voice roared around me, causing me to turn around and whistle at the sight of my snail. -Wow, damn it! You look fine!

And indeed, it was so. Not only did his carapace have a fresh coat of wax, but he also had a shiny new Transponder speaker sticking out of his side and a pair of small headphones strapped around his carapace.

"He insisted." Samson scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"No, no, it's okay." I waved him off, taking the Soundbite and weighing it thoughtfully. He gained a little weight, but not too much. -So how does it work?

- I was going to do a test with one of my snails. Just point to one of them and...

- Like this?

We both jumped when Nami's voice suddenly came out of nowhere. However, a quick glance down revealed that Soundbite had that familiar lustful smile on his face.

The next moment he replaced it with a full-toothed, cheesy grin. -You look amazing, milady!

Samson winced in shock and recognition. -Wait, was that...?

- And this?

- So elegant, madam!

Samson's jaw dropped in shock. -Damn it, it's Sintre, Rebecca Hanberg's cashier! We are members of the Clerks' Union together!

My jaw dropped as I made the connection, Soundbite trading voices back and forth between Nami and the clerk. -Wow... well, to be honest, Soundbite does have a hell of a range.

Samson looked at me incredulously. -This guy can hear from a mile away!?

"What??" I screamed, looking at Soundbite in awe.

The snail snorted proudly, throwing its head back and preening. - I see ETERNITY!

My mind sped up as I processed this development before finally coming to a conclusion. "It must be a transponder..." I whispered in trepidation. -I always thought that he could hear so much because of his background that the transponder must have enhanced it even more.

"Damn me if I know..." Samson exhaled, looking at Soundbite. -Devil fruits, right? They have something to do with something.

I nodded slowly before a thought struck me and a crazy smile slowly spread across my face. "And it's going to get even crazier..." I whispered, putting my headphones on my ears and causing Soundbite to transfer the sound from himself to my headphones while Nami walked out of the store, bringing the clerk to tears. -Hey Nami, can you hear me?

After a few seconds, Soundbite took on a shocked expression, his eyes darting around frantically. -What the... Cross?! Where are you??

I chuckled with guilty pleasure at her obvious lack of understanding. -In the Transponder Snail store, about a mile away from you. The transponder is working!

- A whole mile!? And Soundbite can hear everything in this radius?!

I opened my mouth to answer...

- Blue-tongued Lucian for five hundred bellis! Five hundred...! HEY, COME BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE...! GREAT-- WHAT BLESS-- GIVE...! I think I will...!

Before flinching as a barrage of sounds hit me. -Is this a sufficient answer to your question?

-... I heard everything... and Soundbite is a mile away... are you trying to tell me that your pompous, annoying, stupid snail is basically the god of noise!?

- Hmm... - I faltered slightly. -Don't you think you're exaggerating a little?

- He knows everything that happens within a mile of him, and he can make anyone hear anything within that range!

"He's also the size of a baseball, can only move a couple of centimeters per minute, and salt shakers are as deadly to him as cannonballs."

-...okay, I felt a little better. By the way, have you caught up with Luffy?

- Yes, I told him to return to the ship before sunset, and then I let him go. I'm pretty sure he'll be fine.

- Mmmmm... okay.

- Anyway... in light of Soundbite's strengthening, maybe we should take fewer snails? Two should be enough.

- Hmm... Well, if it saves us money, that sounds great. Make sure you get the best, got it?

- Understood. See you on Merry.

- Bye.

And after that, Soundbite returned to his usual proud expression. -TA-dah!

- Well, now he will become a real thorn in... - I sighed tiredly. -But, on the other hand, I doubt that I will ever be able to change it.

"I sympathize with you," Samson chuckled. -Anyway, are you going to buy two more snails?

"Yes, only for children." I picked up Soundbite and put him on my shoulder, looking into the box. -Any suggestions?

"Well, not really," Samson shrugged, leaning over the counter. -Most snails aren't as... expressive as yours, especially after they get their transponder. Overall, they're about as good as...!


"Gah!" Both Samson and I jumped when Soundbite suddenly started singing the guitar solo at the top of his lungs.

"What the hell are you doing...?!" I stopped my tirade when I looked at the box.

Most of the baby Transponder Snails climbed into their shells... but two of them didn't close, stupid grins appearing on their faces as they bounced to Soundbite's rhythm.

"Well, that's possible..." Samson thought.

"You don't have to tell me," I agreed, fishing out two snails and putting them on the bench. -So, how much for them?

- Mmm... these guys are pretty big, high radius, so... two hundred thousand? Oh! - The clerk ducked behind the counter and pulled out a leather case with a shoulder strap. -And I'll even add this snail carrier for an extra six grand. Arranges?

"Me, yes," I nodded, pulling out the money and plopping it on the table. -Thank you very much.

"And you too, buddy," Samson agreed, putting the snails in a bag and handing it to me. -Good luck on your travels.

Throwing the belt over my free shoulder, I waved goodbye and left the Snail Hut. I looked around the street, wondering where to go next...

- Why did you do that?

He turned his head sharply over his shoulder, blinking in surprise at Smoker, who was leaning against the wall of the store. "Excuse me?" I asked in confusion.

Smoker pushed himself off the wall and walked towards me, looming like a particularly ominous cloud. -You may have a sharp tongue, but you're still a smart guy. You could become anything, but why a pirate?

I thought about the answer for a moment. I could say a lot, but now I feel that honesty is the best policy. So I spread my arms wide. "I have a dream," I announced. -Or rather, I had only one dream with which I started. Then... something changed.

Smoker raised an eyebrow. -Yes? And what is she like?

My mind went to the past...

- I will become the Pirate King!

And I smiled triumphantly. "My captain," I grinned. "I know he doesn't look very good, but..... when he told me his dream..." I shook my head in awe. -I can't explain it, but the fact remains... I believe in his dream. I believe that he will achieve his goal, and I believe that he will do magnificent, glorious things on his way to this goal. - I shrugged my shoulders busily. -I want to sit in the front row while he does this. Simple, isn't it?

For what seemed like an eternity, Smoker stared down at me; he watched me, assessed me with his impenetrable gaze. Finally he spoke: "Is your team heading to the Grand Line?"

I grinned back at him. -Don't everyone who has a Jolly Roger and a ship do this?

- And I can't talk you out of this madness?

There was a hint of steel in my gaze. -Captain, this is a stupid question, and you know it.

Smoker let out a sigh of defeat and scratched the back of his head. "Stupid boy..." He put his hand in his vest pocket and threw a small metal rod at me. -Take it. You'll need it.

I hesitated and barely had time to catch the rod, looking around her in confusion. She was short and unprepossessing... she looked so... familiar...

Obeying some kind of premonition, I extended my hand, and the seven-inch (18cm) tube turned into a stick slightly less than two feet (60cm) long.

I looked at the rod in surprise, raising it thoughtfully. -Is this... a tactical baton?

"A standard model for the Marines, designed to subdue civilians in a non-lethal manner," Smoker grumbled in explanation. -It's not that much, especially without knowledge of any technique, but it's still better than nothing.

With these words, he turned on his heel and walked down the street. -Try not to die.

I blinked in shock, staring at the rod for a second before looking at the captain. "Wait!" I shouted.

Smoker stopped and looked back at me.

I raised my baton. "Why?" I asked slowly. -I told you that I am a pirate. I despise the Marines and the World Government. You have every right to break my nose at any time while I'm speaking. So why didn't you do it?

Smoker looked at me for a second and then exhaled smoke. -I wanted to prove you wrong.

I shook my head decisively. -You would prove me wrong if you put me in shackles.

- Not this, stupid... - Smoker gloomily chewed on his cigar. -You said I was a good watchman. The Good Watcher wouldn't let you take a single step if he knew who you were." He turned and walked away again. -Everything is very simple.

I looked after him for a second, and then hastily shouted: "Captain!"

Smoker froze and looked back again, this time with a hint of irritation.

"I don't like the current Marines," I stated bluntly. -And I don't like what they do. But... - I sighed and shook my head. -I respect what it stands for, and I respect you. I never said good Marines were a myth, sir. There are even too many good Marines. There are not enough worthy ones. This is the difference. Big.

I raised my hand in farewell and nodded to the captain. -Goodbye, sir.

"Bye," Soundbite responded seriously.

Smoker looked at me for a second, then grinned and continued on his way, raising his hand in a farewell gesture.

I watched him for a few seconds before looking at Soundbite. -Okay...now that that's out of the way, should we go find Nami and make sure she doesn't buy us anything that will make us look like a couple of drag queens?

- Andal, Andal! (Spanish 'Forward')

- I agree with you here.