
ONE PIECE I Am a Merchant

I don't want to become a Marine I don't want to become a Pirate I don't want to become a Pirate Hunter I just want to be a Merchant. Don't you heard me? I AM A MERCHANT! This is the story of Dante who was on his journey to travel the world as a Merchant.

Cute_Melon · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Arrangements

15 Arrangements

Four years later.

"These?" Bunta was dumbfounded by a bundle of paper in his hands.

"The properties documents. You said you don't want them. So, I changed to Airi." Dante smiled.

"I am leaving soon, so these documents can deter those scumbags from taking over after I am gone."

"Does she know?" Bunta asked.

"Nah. Don't tell her. That little girl definitely will reject them like you do. I don't want to make another arrangement. Just use it when the time comes." Dante spoke as he watched Monta and Airi through the window.

In last four years, everyone had grown. Airi was with her talent with management. After a short a few months, Airi had shown her interest in business and had been learning since then. Surprisingly, after three years, he had been better than Bunta with her decision making. The only reason, Dante was assured to leave his wealth to her was for his talent and skills. Undoubtedly, after a few years, she will be the new tycoon of South Blue.

As for her safety, she had been training alongside Dante and Monta everyday since last year. She had a decent strength to hold herself in South Blue. Not only that, she had Bunta on her side.

Her brother Monta, he started with working as a farmer to make his own money. As for his goal was to make her sister happy with his money. However, to his surprise, Dante had treated his sister like his own. Not only that, she had been learning to do business.

Feeling worried for her safety, he had joined Dante with his training with Bunta. His goal was to be strong to protect his sister. The routine of working and training had made him strong. But after four years, he found out that he was not strong enough to defeat Bunta, even with his combination efforta alongside Dante. That old man was literally a monster.

Until one month ago, Monta suddenly asked Dante to follow him in his journey. The event surprised Dante and Bunta. As for Airi, she was in full support for his brother. When he was asked why he suddenly made that decision. Monta told him that he didn't worry about his sister anymore. He believed that she would grow up strong with Bunta as her teacher.

As for him, since he was a kid, he had a desire to see outside world of his village. But the tragedies had made him supressed it for the sake of his sister. But now, she had grown. Even as a 12 year old girl, she had already able to manage a big business. Without a single doubt, Monta believed she would be successful someday.

He felt like a big burden had been lifted from his body making his desire rekindled. Hearing Dante was about to leave the island, he requested to follow him.

Knowing Monta's strength, Dante didn't have any problem to accept his request. Not only that, he asked Monta to bring all his money that he had been saving, together onboard with him.


A sail was raised, with a flag of a cute black and white fish was flapping on the top of the ship.


A huge name was written on the sail, showing Dante's new establish trading company. Orca's Trader.

"Goodbye. See ya." Airi said her good bye alongside Dante's old workers.

As the ship was moving away, Airi looked down on her wrist.

Looking the bangle on her wrist, drops of tears fall. "Stupid brother. Take care. Be safe."

To Airi, no matter how much kindness she had recived from Dante, his brother position was never decline in her heart. He was always no1 for her.

However, Monta took Airi's smiles when she received a present from Dante, as a blockage in his heart to show his love for his sister. He was afraid to buy something of low value, worried that she will become unhappy about it. So, he rarely gave anything else except special gift for her birthday.

Unknown to him, Airi had always been treasuring all his gifts when she received them. The bangle on her wrist was his last gift from him, a day from his and Dante's departure.

"He had chosen his path. Let's do our best and surprised him when he returns." Bunta patted on Airi shoulder.

Airi nodded her head, indicated her understanding.


"How much?!" Dante was dumbfounded when he heard Monta speak the amount Monta brought with him.

"One million." Monta answered him.

"I told you to bring all of them. Do you think your sister was lacking money on that island?" Dante berated him.

As Monta had heen working with him in so many years, he had paid the man well enough to his work and efforts. Dante surely knew Monta rarely used his money away especially when he lived with Dante who provided foods and daily necessities. This first crew of him, were actually very loaded.

"Sigh, don't regret this." Seeing Monta wasn't listening to him, he let him go.

On the next day, Monta stared at Dante eyes. "Can't we really turn back?"

"Hehehe. Serve your right. I told you to bring them. We won't turn back now. Find your own way to earn money on our trips." Dante smirked and left him.

"Tsk." Monta regretted that he didn't bring all his money with him.

That morning, Dante had brought him to training room which surprised him as Dante had never mentioned about it before. Not only the training room was a shock to him, the features that was offered to him also out of his mind.

After registering Monta to his personal training room, Dante had shown the reason he had told him to bring all his money with him.

One of the features for the training room was to offer a coaching course. This coaching course was a foundation training from a side character from the anime. As the owner, Dante could choose a character to be signed into the training room.

(A/N : The only anime that Dante had watched.)

As a spear user, Monta had been yearning to have a real spear lesson from a master. However, the course had a price tags on it.

< Coach>

{Spearman}(Kingdom 3)

*Ou Hon

- 10 million berry

Seeing the price, Monta was crestfallen and immediately regreted. Feeling that they wasn't that far, he asked Dante if they can turn back and to take the money which he was harshly rejected.

Standing in front of the setting table, Monta clicked on 'free training'. His surroundings changed into a large training field with some weapons and training equipment such as swords, spears, dumbbells, dummies and others.