
One Piece: Guardian Angel

NO HAREM The Mc reincarnates as Sanji's brother and goes through life in One Piece. He meets his favourite characters and helps them out (Kind of like a guardian angel) But he also has his own goals and motivations! _______________ I don't own the picture in the title nor do I own One Piece. So if anyone has a problem with it just contact me and I can take it down!

Smol_frog · Tranh châm biếm
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79 Chs

Chapter 49: Going Merry

The next morning Kai woke up. He thought back to last night and had a slight smile on his face. He got out of bed yawning and put his clothes on. He got out of the tent and saw everyone else already awake accept Robin. She was still in her own tent as the two went to bed late causing them to sleep in.

When Kai got up he looked over at the Merry and beamed to himself. He turned invisible and flashed over to the ship. He landed on the deck without a sound and walked up to something.

"Boo." He said, causing a white mass in front of him to jump.

"Kyaa! A ghost!" A girl's voice yelled out.

"Wahahaha! You're the ghost not me!" Kai laughed.

The white mass threw a hammer that she was using to fix up the ship at Kai only for it to bounce off and not do anything. It wasn't real.

"Wahaha! Nice to meet you Merry." Kai said.

The white mass, Merry clicked her tongue. "Fuckin' bastard. I should have known you would do that." She said.

Kai's jaw dropped before he started laughing. "Wahaha! I didn't think you would swear. I thought you were a lot more innocent."

Merry just shook her head. "I have to watch all of you idiots do dumb shit all day. I can only take so much stupidity before even I snap."

"WAHAHA! Right? You get exactly how I feel!" Kai called out.

Merry shook her head. "YOU'RE ONE OF THE IDIOTS!" She yelled out.

Kai acted like he got hit in the heart with an arrow. "No, you can't do this to me Merry! You know I'm not an idiot. Right? Right? This has to be a joke."

Merry laughed. "Hehehe! You're the biggest idiot here!"

Kai froze. "I'M NOT AN IDIOT!" He yelled out as he tried to get into a dust brawl with Merry only to charge right through her and hit the boat.

"Kyaa! I can't believe you would hit a girl! Idiot! Pervert! Meanie!" She yelled out.

Sanji appeared on the boat when he heard this. "Someone's hitting a girl? Where? I'll kick their ass!"

Sanji locked eyes with Kai and attacked him. Merry looked over at Kai from behind Sanji and stuck her tongue out making a face.

"You witch!" Kai said as Sanji started beating Kai down.

The rest of the crew finally made it to the deck and Robin was with them as the commotion woke her up. Sanji finally stopped attacking Kai who now had bumps all over his head. Kai acted like he was crying and gave Merry a pitiful look.

"HEHEHEHE!" She fell over laughing.

Kai quit his act. "That's it! You shouldn't have tested me! I'm gonna repaint your masts!"

Merry gasped. "You wouldn't!"

Kai had a devilish smile as he giggled. "Kekekeke, but I WOULD!" He said as he grabbed a bucket of beige paint which made Merry freeze.

"No! Anything but that! Not beige! You can't paint over the jolly roger with beige!" She screamed out in anguish.

Kai looked her dead in the eyes. "Watch me, Witch."

Merry stopped. "I'm sorry! You win!"

Kai laughed to himself. "Wahahaha! I win!" Before he walked up to Merry and covered his body in haki hugging her.

"You're pretty funny!" He said as Merry was shocked he could touch her.

Then she giggled. "Hehehe! You too! Thanks for saving me back there K-"

Kai put his hand over her mouth. "Not my real name!" He whispered.

Merry realized her mistake. "Sorry. I forgot."

Kai nodded. "No problem. Also I'd save you anytime."

They both smiled at each other. "Wanna know something funny?" Merry asked.

"Of course." Kai replied.

Merry whispered in his ear. "Sometimes when Chopper gets back to his room he looks in his mirror and asks himself. 'Am I really a dog?'."

"Pfft. Wahaha! I love that dog." Kai said back.

Merry laughed as well. "Hehehehe! He might really start believing he's a dog at some point!"

The duo laughed to each other and everyone else on the boat was confused.

"Was something wrong with the berries we ate last night? I think I'm seeing things." Nami said as she looked at Kai talking to a ghost.

"No, those were fine. I checked." Chopper said.

Usopp almost had his soul leave his body as he whispered. "Ghost!"

Zoro chuckled. "I wonder if I can cut a ghost?"

Kai snapped his head towards Zoro. "I'll snap your swords if you try that, mosshead!"

Everyone was shocked at what Kai just said. He only ever said things like that when one of them was in trouble.

"Hehehehe! It's like I have my own guard dog! Now we have two dogs!" Merry giggled.

Kai laughed. "I'm not a dog! I'm a reindeer!" Kai said to Merry in a high pitched voice, imitating Chopper and causing her to giggle.

Chopper shouted. "I'm not a dog!!!"

Kai and Merry started laughing and Robin joined in. "Nishishishi! You're a funny ghost."

Kai smiled when he looked in Robin's direction and Merry leaned into his ear.

She whispered. "Ahem. 'Maybe she really is perfect for me?' HEHEHEHE!"

Kai felt his veins turn cold. "Don't you dare! I'll kill you!" He yelled as he chased Merry around…the Merry? Woah inception. He chased Merry around herself as she was laughing the whole time.

"You shut your mouth! Or I'll really paint your masts beige!" Kai yelled while chasing after Merry's ghost.

The crew was still stunned before Robin had an idea. She turned to Merry and Kai who had stopped running around.

"Is that who I think it is?" She asked.

Kai nodded with a smile. "Yup. The one and only."

Merry had a devilish grin as she walked up to Robin and whispered something. Robin started to blush before she got mad.

"If you tell anyone, I'll sink you!" Robin yelled out as she sent a side glance at Kai.

"HEHEHEHE! Maybe I really will tell him. Hmmm. So many options! What should I do?" Merry chanted as she skipped around the crew gleefully as she knew everyone secrets.

Kai's ears perked up at this. "Tell who what?"

He was intrigued and Robin glared at Merry as she tried to grow hands at her only for them to pass through.

Kai and Merry laughed. "Wahaha/Hehehehe!"

You couldn't touch Merry at all unless you used haki. This is because haki was a manifestation of your spirit and Merry was a spirit.

Robin clicked her tongue and put her arms down. She walked over to the bucket of beige paint and reached for it with an extra arm.

"No! Wait! I won't say anything! I swear!" Merry called out as she saw Robin's hand over the fresh paint.

Robin tilted her head and gave Merry smile that didn't reach her eyes. "That's what I thought."

Kai and Merry shuddered, for different reasons. Merry was scared of the devilish lady who would paint her masts and Kai was internally struggling with himself because he found that hot. He shook his head and muttered something causing Merry to beam.

Merry whispered. "Oh? So that's your taste?"

Kai froze. He slowly turned around and walked towards Robin and the beige paint. He looked Merry dead in the eyes. "Try me."

Merry laughed. "Hehehehe! Fine, fine! I won't spill all your secrets about each other." She said as she winked at both of them.

Kai and Robin looked at each other before shaking their heads in unison.

Kai whispered. "She was a good ship while she lasted."

Robin added in while wiping a fake tear. "Unfortunately, we need to put her down, she just knows too much."

They both nodded sagely and started preparing to send the Merry off.

"Stop!! I swear I won't say anything! Not about either of you!" Merry called out.

Kai and Robin stopped and looked at each other. They both looked back at Merry and tilted their heads towards each other, smiling with their eyes closed. Painting a truly terrifying image for Merry.

""Good."" They both said. Before they laughed like maniacs to each other. "WAHAHAHA/ NISHISHISHI!"

They walked towards Merry. Once they got close enough Kai whispered so only the three of them could hear. "What does Tangerine think of the love cook?" Robin nodded as she was truly curious as well.

Merry leaned in and whispered. "No spoilers. Hehehehe!"

Kai froze. "Hey that's my thing!"

Merry laughed. "Hehehe! Not anymore!" Robin giggled at the two's interaction.

Finally, the rest of the crew finally asked. ""Who's the ghost?""

Merry started to fake cry. "They don't even know me! I've been with everyone the whole time and no one knows me! You're all assholes! How could you do this to me! I'm one of you!"

Kai and Robin glared at the crew angrily like parents defending their child.

Everyone was stunned and Sanji had his jaw drop. "You couldn't be."

The three smiled at him and nodded because of this Sanji smiled jubilantly.

"Nice to meet you Merry." He said in a genuinely happy voice.

Merry smiled. "Heso Mr. prince!"

Sanji heard this and was torn. On one hand a girl called him a prince, on the other hand that girl was a literal ship, on a third hand that Robin created she called him prince! That means she knows!

Sanji immediately stopped thinking about it as his eyes turned to hearts. "Merry called me a prince!" He said in a happy voice.

The rest of the crew was too shocked to even realize Sanji was simping over a fucking boat.

"M-merry? Is that you?" Usopp asked in a happy voice.

Merry smiled. "Thanks for fixing me up… well more like trying to…"

She whispered the last part and Kai almost let out a laugh. Turns out Usopp wasn't a great shipwright. Usopp started crying 'manly tears' as he tried to hug Merry only to go right through her and face plant on the ground making his nose bend sideways.

The rest of the crew had finally regained composure. ""MERRY!"" They all shouted in a happy voice. As they could finally meet her!

"Shishishi! You're the best ship ever! You can even talk!" Luffy chuckled as he rubbed his nose.

Robin thought for a moment and looked at Kai. She whispered. "Can't a ship's will only manife-"

Kai put up a finger to his own mouth with a sad look in his eye. "Shhh. Let her have her moment. If she wants them to know she can tell them."

It turns out that Usopp's experiment with using seastone to strengthen Merry didn't work. She was still on her last straw after going through the knock up stream.

Zoro looked at Merry with a sad look in his eyes. "So you can't touch anything physical. That means you can't drink. Truly a shame." He nodded sagely and Merry had her eyebrow twitch.

'What is this idiot saying?' She thought. Then she sighed. "Zoro, could you grab me a slab of meat?" Merry asked and Zoro walked away nodding.

He walked towards the back of the boat and into the cabin. He somehow ended up in his own room accidentally and decided to take a quick nap.

Merry laughed. "He got lost while still on me! Then he fell asleep! Hehehehe!"

The crew shook their heads at the directionally challenged idiot. After that the crew kept talking to Merry for a while and having a great time. She fit right in with everyone as she had always been there with them.

I'm not gonna be able to keep up the pace I'm writing at from now on. 1 Chapter a day is just too much for me. So I'll probably start realising a chapter every 2-3 days from now on. Hope you are all enjoying, sorry for the inconvienence.

Smol_frogcreators' thoughts