
Chapter 1

East blue.

On a deserted island by the beach, a young man lies motionless on the ground.

After an unknown time, the young man's eyes slowly began to open to reveal blue eyes like the color of the sea, his hair was black and he had a very handsome face.

The young man slowly got up from the ground and began to look around to see where he was.

Young man: Where the hell am I? Wasn't I sleeping in my room now?

Waking up in this place, the young man began to panic, pinching himself, thinking it was a dream.

Young man: Damn, I feel pain, does this mean that I am not dreaming?

After a few minutes, a mechanical voice started ringing in his head: "The host has been successfully transported to the One Piece World."

Upon hearing these words, the young man's eyes expanded incredibly, because One Piece was his best anime.

Soon his shock turned to great happiness.

He always wanted to take a big adventure like Luffy.

After that the young man asked in his head: Are you a system?

Immediately after that the voice rang again in his head with the simple word: "Yes."

The young man felt overjoyed afterward, as he had a chance to get stronger.

Young man: Is there a starter pack?

System: Yes, does the host want to open it?

Young man: Yes, right away.

Immediately after that, a voice rang in his head:

Thunder fruit has been obtained.

"Kinbunchoku Haki was obtained"

Upon seeing what he got, the boy jumped in excitement.

Thunder fruit is one of the strongest fruits that are said to be "indomitable."

By combining thunder fruit with kinpunchoku, I can cover an entire island and hear all the sounds on it like Enel.

Soon a swirling blue fruit appeared in his hand and he immediately gnawed on it.

He felt the explosive power through his entire body and felt that he could control the thunder freely.

He raised a finger and thunderous thunder began to emanate from it. He directed his finger at a tree and fired thunder at it, which led to the emergence of a crater and many burns on it.

The boy smiled broadly upon seeing his new strength.

Boy: combine Kenbunchoku Haki with me.

System: Yes host.

Then he began to feel a headache in his head to the point that he fell to the ground while holding his head.

After 15 minutes, the pain was finally over and the boy slowly opened his eyes.

He felt everything on the island and heard all the sounds of the living things on it.

Hearing all these sounds makes him feel a headache, so he tried to control his range and after a few tries he succeeded.

Boy: The system, what is my identity in this world?

System: Your name is Monkey de Kirito, you are a cousin of Monkey D. Luffy, your parents died in a pirate attack and for your protection they died.

Kirito: Okay, so when does Luffy start his journey?

System: after 3 years.

Kirito: Good, I'll train like a crazy in these years.